Will there ever be...

Bettor days

EOG Dedicated
Another election where the people that lose simply conced defeat? Or will there be this bitching and griping about stolen election for the rest of my life? It seems that people are out to simply try and prove the Repubs or Dems are cheating. :+clueless

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Will there ever be...

The system is broke ... look at all the problems allready surfacing nationally

Diebolds machines are designed to steal elections and that is as simple as
it gets

Bettor days

EOG Dedicated
Re: Will there ever be...

So what is the solution? Paper ballots? Isn't that what we had in 2000 and people were crying about hanging chads?


EOG Master
Re: Will there ever be...

So what is the solution? Paper ballots? Isn't that what we had in 2000 and people were crying about hanging chads?
Yes and purple thumbs!:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup With international monitors!:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

Bettor days

EOG Dedicated
Re: Will there ever be...

Im cool with that. I don't really see the need for all the computers that can easily be hacked into(by both sides). They're a pain in the ass too.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Will there ever be...

I heard a news bite on radio local radio today.

He didn't have to concede because he never really had a chance but, Mark Greene (R) losing candidate for Governor said:

"I will try to help bring about partisan change"

This is not a direct quote.

Too many beers today.