Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terriorist

From the time of the Achille Lauro when Islamic punks Killed
Leon Klinghoffer( an American in a wheelchair) the USS Cole,
Somalia. the 1st bombing of the world trade center and 911
and the list could on and on from people like Daniel Pearl...
over 4000 innocent Americans have died at the hands of the
Islamic terriorist.
All the leftist Cindy Shehanns can do is cry bitch and moan
about of losing some very brave troops.
Now realist like me, we don't want to lose the life of one single
American, but is we must so as to defend the likes of Doc we will.
We will do so bravely and with conviction.
So Doc keep up your leftist weak kneed crying :+signss13-
and please take your next vacation in the middle east
so you can make love to your muslism commrades.
Me, I prefer to defend the over 4000 innocent Americans
slaughtered by raghead loving terrorists.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

You should be tickled pink then with the 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians
Bush has killed ....


EOG Master
Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terriorist

We would all be better off if we could handle unjustifiable murder of defenseless people like the Amish did after that nutcase whacked their children. Jesus teaches us to turn the other cheek and forgive those that sin against us. I would like to say that I could do this, but I seriously doubt that I could emulate them, but I am trying. God Bless You All and I will pray for you all and hope that you will pray for me, a poor sinner.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris


Indications are that Bush is gonna hit Montreal before January


EOG Master
Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris


Indications are that Bush is gonna hit Montreal before January
I figure he'll be in Paraguay by then, with a little stop in Austin along the way.:dancefool :dancefool :dancefool :dancefool :dancefool :dancefool

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

He needs to ....

I have been treating Jena "like a real woman" and she now looks like Mr Ed when she walks

Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

over 4000 American civilians killed bey ragheaded muslims
and Doc is dancing.
What a surprise.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

100,000 innocent Iraqi children and adults murdered by Bush ... in a country
Bush admitted had no ties to 9-11 .... and Fury is smiling his ass off!

Fury ... if you think 19 Arabs living in caves that could not fly a crop duster could pull what happened on 9-11 without inside help my stock broker has some "hot" tips he will calling ya about
Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

100,000 innocent Iraqi children and adults murdered by Bush ... in a country
Bush admitted had no ties to 9-11 .... and Fury is smiling his ass off!

Fury ... if you think 19 Arabs living in caves that could not fly a crop duster could pull what happened on 9-11 without inside help my stock broker has some "hot" tips he will calling ya about
If the number gets up to 1 million muslims then I will really be smiling.
I gues you think They had help with the first World trade center bombing,
the USS Cole, killing leon Kilghoffer, ....on and on...
these guys are educated unlike you.
Most of them have gone to school and even a larger number of the 9-11
ragheads had attended college. Unlike you, they were educated.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

Right ... unlike you ... I not only graduated from college but can spell college

Fury: have you ever seen the insides of a Library???
Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

Re: Doc could care less that over 4000 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrioris

Right ... unlike you ... I not only graduated from college but can spell college

Fury: have you ever seen the insides of a Library???
What freakin drugs are you on? COLLEGE !!!
but I do type fast and could care less about my spelling to a
government educated(or so he claims but doesn't prove) socialist.