I'm liking what I'm hearing out of the Dems so far...

Bettor days

EOG Dedicated
Democrats to offer permanent tax cut

By Charles Hurt
December 1, 2006

Democrats have long attacked President Bush for the historic tax cuts he ushered through Congress during his first term and have promised to reverse at least some of them.
But among their top priorities when they take over Congress next month is passing a permanent tax cut of their own.
Included in their "Six for '06" platform that they say helped them win majorities in the House and Senate, Democrats promised to: "Make college tuition deductible from taxes, permanently."
Their tax cut promise is neither an election-year gimmick, Democrats say, nor a reversal in their long-standing opposition to Mr. Bush's tax cuts.
"Democrats have made it clear that the middle class will be our priority and making college more affordable is a key concern of working families," said incoming House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer, Maryland Democrat.
They have been less clear, however, about their plans for other tax cuts that expire in 2010 and or how to raise the revenue required to institute the "pay-go" rules they have promised. Those rules prohibit adding any new spending to the budget or cutting taxes unless there is money in the budget.
Though Republicans dramatically sliced taxes without money in the budget, they now can point to historic levels of tax receipts because of the healthy economy that was, they say, spurred by the tax cut.
The only hints from Democrats about their tax plans have come from Rep. Charles B. Rangel, the New York Democrat who will be chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. He has told reporters that tax increases are on the table, but Democratic leaders quickly reined him in and continue to adamantly insist that they have no such plans for the time being.
The tuition tax deduction, along with a handful of other popular tax cuts, have been on the table in Congress ever since they expired at the end of the 2005 tax year. Tax filers next spring will not be able to deduct tuition costs unless something is done retroactively before then.
The tax cut is such a popular one that Republicans have tried for months to pair it with the elimination of the estate tax -- an idea most Democrats in Congress vehemently oppose. Though the elimination of the death tax had majority support in the Senate with Democratic backers, it could not pass the 60-vote threshold that Democrats required. So, Republicans added an increase in the minimum wage to further sweeten the deal.
Democrats still refused. And Republicans refused to strip out the popular tax deductions and pass them on their own.
Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Iowa Republican and outgoing chairman of the Finance Committee, has been critical of both sides for not already approving the tax relief.


Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm liking what I'm hearing out of the Dems so far...

the middle class will be our priority

The Middle Class has been under attack since King George was APPOINTED

Bettor days

EOG Dedicated
Re: I'm liking what I'm hearing out of the Dems so far...

Now if they can pull this off without over-taxing the rich then we will be moving in the right direction.


EOG Master
Re: I'm liking what I'm hearing out of the Dems so far...

bettor sure they will make college tuition a permanent Tax Cut. It puts more of our youth right into the Teeth of their political system and brainwashing campaign on the kids in this country. Most professors are so far left and they should be fired for pushing their Liberal Agendas. Our Kids are being corrupted by our educational system and it is not right. Let them Make their own choices. I don't believe Professors, whether they be from the left or the right, should be forcing their Views and Agendas on their Students. It is borderline Brainwashing and is not healthy for the students or the country. Hell when I was in college I had to take Poli sci 3 times because I could not hide my conservative Views and my professors held it against me. I had to drop it at midterm. That is a shame too cause Poli Sci is alot of opinion on Court cases, laws, etc.. and I would write my opinions and would fail... Thank goodness I finally found a Moderate Professor who I passed with flying colors. Unfortunately you read of Horror stories of conservatives being oppressed on college Campuses every day.
Re: I'm liking what I'm hearing out of the Dems so far...

The death tax! Thats the stupidest thing ever! I guess it really is true, "death and taxes are the only thing certain in life!"


EOG Master
Re: I'm liking what I'm hearing out of the Dems so far...

so is the Inheritance TAx....it is on par with the death tax. Why should you be punished and taxed again for something your Parents/whoever have already paid taxes on. It is not your fault you were left something in the will. The government Punishes you and double and triple taxes it... totally asinine


EOG Dedicated
Re: I'm liking what I'm hearing out of the Dems so far...

so is the Inheritance TAx....it is on par with the death tax. Why should you be punished and taxed again for something your Parents/whoever have already paid taxes on. It is not your fault you were left something in the will. The government Punishes you and double and triple taxes it... totally asinine

otherwise the kennedy, bush, hilton, kids would have to work to pay for their drugs and alcohol. what i find interesting is the people hurt most by the tax (gates, buffet) are for it, saying by not having it, you are making a type of european royalty, with ruling families.


EOG Master
Re: I'm liking what I'm hearing out of the Dems so far...

otherwise the kennedy, bush, hilton, kids would have to work to pay for their drugs and alcohol. what i find interesting is the people hurt most by the tax (gates, buffet) are for it, saying by not having it, you are making a type of european royalty, with ruling families.

Why be jealous or hold hostilities againsty the Rich...Their parents were successful and earned thier money as it was their Right and the Government is not entitled to Any of that money that is inherited. Please show me where Gates, buffet and the others have supported the INheritance tax.... I don't believe you can, as they have to go that extra mile to find ways to keep it from getting taxed to death. That is why the Smith Family had to sell the Falcons and the Irsay Family almost had to sell the Colts. The Feds Imposed a 60% inheritance tax on the Money that had already been taxed...It is highway robbery and being jealous and punishing the "evil" rich is not the way to go about it...Punishing Kids and Or spouses for others Succes is Criminal and they government should be disbanded for having such laws


EOG Dedicated
Re: I'm liking what I'm hearing out of the Dems so far...

Why be jealous or hold hostilities againsty the Rich...Their parents were successful and earned thier money as it was their Right and the Government is not entitled to Any of that money that is inherited. Please show me where Gates, buffet and the others have supported the INheritance tax.... I don't believe you can, as they have to go that extra mile to find ways to keep it from getting taxed to death. That is why the Smith Family had to sell the Falcons and the Irsay Family almost had to sell the Colts. The Feds Imposed a 60% inheritance tax on the Money that had already been taxed...It is highway robbery and being jealous and punishing the "evil" rich is not the way to go about it...Punishing Kids and Or spouses for others Succes is Criminal and they government should be disbanded for having such laws

NOW with Bill Moyers. Transcript. Bill Moyers Interviews Bill Gates, Sr. and Chuck Collins. 1.17.03 | PBS
AlterNet: Case Against Inheritance Tax Is Bogus

i typed in "bill gates on the inheritance tax" in google and got 458,000 hits,
these are 2, one is an interview, the other is an article written by gates.


EOG Dedicated
Re: I'm liking what I'm hearing out of the Dems so far...

Why be jealous or hold hostilities againsty the Rich...Their parents were successful and earned thier money as it was their Right and the Government is not entitled to Any of that money that is inherited. Please show me where Gates, buffet and the others have supported the INheritance tax.... I don't believe you can, as they have to go that extra mile to find ways to keep it from getting taxed to death. That is why the Smith Family had to sell the Falcons and the Irsay Family almost had to sell the Colts. The Feds Imposed a 60% inheritance tax on the Money that had already been taxed...It is highway robbery and being jealous and punishing the "evil" rich is not the way to go about it...Punishing Kids and Or spouses for others Succes is Criminal and they government should be disbanded for having such laws

only got 116,000 hits on "warren buffet on the inheritance tax" at google, here's one.
TIME.com: Warren Buffett -- Apr. 26, 2004 -- Page 1
how unamerican of gates and buffet, thinking they should pay their fair share of taxes to the country that allowed them to prosper.

B 2 1

EOG Veteran
Re: I'm liking what I'm hearing out of the Dems so far...






EOG Dedicated
Re: I'm liking what I'm hearing out of the Dems so far...

Doc what are you going to do for us that have not much class?:houra :houra :houra

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm liking what I'm hearing out of the Dems so far...


only the rich and poor in this country anymore ... Bush has held his private
war against the Middle Class and that is most likely the only war he will
have won unless Cheney gives the orders to attack Mexico