Global warming effects confusing and complicated


EOG Master
We hear it in the news almost daily. Global warming.
What's causing it? What are the effects? Is it really happening? What can we do about it?
Recently, state climatologist and University of Georgia atmospheric sciences professor David Stooksbury answered some questions on climate change in Georgia.
His answers and comments are featured in today's column and will conclude next week.
Question: How will global warming affect Georgia?
A: We don't know.
The models don't do a good job of predicting climates on the local scale or predicting extreme climate events.
What we do know is that Georgia has cooled down slightly (0.1 degrees) in the past 100 years.
I think this is the result of Georgia's going from primarily row-crop agriculture in 1900 to forest.
Today, 60 percent to 70 percent of Georgia is forested, and we think transpiration of water vapor from the trees has caused a drop in temperature.
Q: Can we link high carbon dioxide levels to Earth's warming?
A: We have the highest carbon dioxide levels in geological history.
Atmospheric scientists have been sending up two weather balloons daily nationwide since 1948, and we see no trends for warming or cooling in the bottom half of the atmosphere.
The measurements showing Earth is warming are taken on the surface. We're just not sure of the feedback loops and what part is human induced.
Q: If sea levels rise globally, will the Georgia coast be flooded?
A: Along the Georgia coast, any change in sea level will have catastrophic impacts because of the shallow nature of our coastal waters.
Around the world, we don't see uniform changes in sea levels.
The local sea level is modulated by local geological processes. Two important such processes are local uplift of the earth's surface and the deposition of soil from the continent.
On the global scale, ice melting in the sea doesn't cause a sea level rise, only ice on land, such as Greenland. We know the North Pole is melting, but the South Pole ice sheet is increasing. These problems are complex.
Source: University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences News Service
For questions or more information, contact the Hall County Cooperative Extension Office, (770) 535-8293.
Originally published Thursday, December 21, 2006


EOG Dedicated
Re: Global warming effects confusing and complicated

"On the global scale, ice melting in the sea doesn't cause a sea level rise, only ice on land, such as Greenland."

i always thought that as the ice melted, it expanded, thereby increasing the volume, which would cause the sea level to rise.


EOG Master
Re: Global warming effects confusing and complicated

when Ice melts in your glass of water or Coke does the drink overflow.....No it does not....the Volume of the ice is replaced by the Volume of the water....Therefore no Change in the level of whatever the ice is in as it is all relative...


EOG Dedicated
Re: Global warming effects confusing and complicated

when Ice melts in your glass of water or Coke does the drink overflow.....No it does not....the Volume of the ice is replaced by the Volume of the water....Therefore no Change in the level of whatever the ice is in as it is all relative...

it doesn't overflow, but the level rises. simple physics: heat expands, cold contracts.


EOG Master
Re: Global warming effects confusing and complicated

it is not simple physics....the water level does not rise...take a glass and put a mark there and go back when the ice melts...the water does not rise....Ice and Water have the same will never make the water level Rise.....Simple Science....we did this test in High School in physical Science....

amazing people arguing that there is global warming but don't understand the concept..... Amazing how the Ice in the southern Hemishpere is growing...probably because it is colder now that the northern Hemisphere is closer to the sun than it has ever been in recorded history and we are being attacked by sun spots and solar radiation that has ordered the astronauts on the space station to cancel all space walks and they are expecting communication problems over the next few weeks..... But no...natural progression and science can't be the has to be Humans...


EOG Master
Re: Global warming effects confusing and complicated

How can polar ice melting increase the world's sea level? When I was in grade 9, I did an experiment with ice cubes and water. I filled a glass to the top with ice cubes. Then I poured water in the glass. I filled it to the rim and let it set for a few hours. Amazingly enough, the water did not spill out of the glass. The water level actually decreased. It stands to reason that this will be the same thing that happens if the polar ice melts.
<table align="right" border="0" width="150"> <tbody><tr> <td valign="top">
Greenland Ice Sheet Melt 1992 to 2002. Click to enlarge.
</td></tr></tbody></table> Polar ice is comprised of two different kinds of ice: 1) sea ice, which is formed from the freezing of sea water and which floats on the surface of the oceans, and 2) land-based ice (glaciers, ice caps and the massive ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica) which is formed from the accumulation and compaction of snow. Since icebergs calve off of ice sheets and glaciers, their origin is also land-based ice.
Sea ice affects sea-level – just as melting ice affects water levels in a glass – but is not a cause of rising sea-levels. It is melting land based ice that is one factor in rising sea-levels.

EnviroZine - Issue 49 - Any Questions?


EOG Master
Re: Global warming effects confusing and complicated

Bottom line is this....Ice that is already in the water will not now or will it every effect sea levels.... Ice that Melts in Mountains and On land that runs into the ocean in our streams, and rivers will effect sea Level....because it is adding More Water (frozen or Liquid) to the equation....


EOG Dedicated
Re: Global warming effects confusing and complicated

When you look at a glacier, all you see is the huge mass that is above the water.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Global warming effects confusing and complicated

it is not simple physics....the water level does not rise...take a glass and put a mark there and go back when the ice melts...the water does not rise....Ice and Water have the same will never make the water level Rise.....Simple Science....we did this test in High School in physical Science....

amazing people arguing that there is global warming but don't understand the concept..... Amazing how the Ice in the southern Hemishpere is growing...probably because it is colder now that the northern Hemisphere is closer to the sun than it has ever been in recorded history and we are being attacked by sun spots and solar radiation that has ordered the astronauts on the space station to cancel all space walks and they are expecting communication problems over the next few weeks..... But no...natural progression and science can't be the has to be Humans...

ACIA projects that at least half of the Arctic's summer sea ice will melt by century's end, and that the Arctic region is likely to warm 7 to 13 degrees Fahrenheit (4 to 7 degrees Celsius) during the same time.
? Over the very long term, Greenland's massive ice sheet holds enough melt water to raise sea level by about 23 feet (about 7 meters). ACIA climate models project significant melting of the sheet throughout the 21st century. <!--- deckend --->


EOG Master
Re: Global warming effects confusing and complicated

ACIA projects that at least half of the Arctic's summer sea ice will melt by century's end, and that the Arctic region is likely to warm 7 to 13 degrees Fahrenheit (4 to 7 degrees Celsius) during the same time.
? Over the very long term, Greenland's massive ice sheet holds enough melt water to raise sea level by about 23 feet (about 7 meters). ACIA climate models project significant melting of the sheet throughout the 21st century. <!--- deckend --->

These are the same idiots that were projecting Global cooling in the 70's....please use a dictionary to find out what the word project means.... it is far from Truth


EOG Master
Re: Global warming effects confusing and complicated

When you look at a glacier, all you see is the huge mass that is above the water.

Glaiciers are on land...therefore if they melt the sea will rise...But very water will displace equally all over the globe....not just in one has risen a whole 4 centimeters in the last century....the world is ending.....Don't let Scientific Fact like we are closer to the sun now than ever before and that the glaciers in the southern Hemisphere are growing at a rate of the ones in the northern ones melting get in the way of a good doom and gloom story


EOG Dedicated
Re: Global warming effects confusing and complicated

These are the same idiots that were projecting Global cooling in the 70's....please use a dictionary to find out what the word project means.... it is far from Truth

It's not neccessary to instruct me on the use of a dictionary.

"There even are places where English
Has completely disappeared,

Why in America
They haven't spoken it for years."

Professor Henry Higgins, actually the most wonderful of actors Rex Harrison, "My Fair Lady."


EOG Dedicated
Re: Global warming effects confusing and complicated

The issue of who's right and who's wrong will be resolved by whether my pick of Troy St. tonight + 4 1/2 points is on the money. Winner take all!