Ohio wants special car plates for sex offenders


EOG Master
CINCINNATI (Reuters) - Lawmakers in Ohio said on Wednesday they want to force convicted sex offenders to use a fluorescent-green license plate on their cars so they can be easily identified.
A Republican and a Democrat in the state legislature have joined forces to propose the law, which echoes measures in several U.S. states that require convicted drunken drivers to use a yellow, pink or red plate on their cars.
"The fluorescent-green license plate will make the most egregious sex offenders easily identifiable," state Democratic Rep. Michael DeBose said in a statement.
Police said the green plates would allow them to track sex offenders, who are already required to register with the local sheriff's office and are prohibited from living within 1,000 feet of a school.

"It will give Ohio families a great peace of mind knowing that their children will be able to recognize where this danger exists," Summit County Sheriff Drew Alexander said.
Opponents of the proposed law argue the use of a special plate would stigmatize everyone who shared the offender's car -- including their spouse or children.
The proposed law will be debated in committee before a decision is made whether to put the proposal to a vote.
? Reuters 2007. All Rights Reserved.
Re: Ohio wants special car plates for sex offenders

I think we are to take any repeat offender and brand a damn
666 on his forehead!
Re: Ohio wants special car plates for sex offenders

<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">holy chit a post about actual news.:cheers
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Re: Ohio wants special car plates for sex offenders

Being from Ohio, I would welcome this legislation. I have a young daughter, so I am very careful, in these times, about where she goes and w/ whom.

Hell, we already make people convicted of DUI have yellow license plates in Ohio. Not that I think DUI is a good thing, but sex offenders are much worse!


EOG Veteran
Re: Ohio wants special car plates for sex offenders

Hell, we already make people convicted of DUI have yellow license plates in Ohio.

Interesting, I was unaware of this.

Regarding convicted sex offenders I suppose it would include those convicted of having consensual sex with both partners under the age of 16?

What next, have male homosexuals wear pink armbands and the Jews a yellow star of David over their heart?
Re: Ohio wants special car plates for sex offenders

<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">typical left bullshit answer ...

What next, have male homosexuals wear pink armbands and the Jews a yellow star of David over their heart?

have to be friend of docs.

unfking real
</TD></TR><TR hb_tag="1" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">


EOG Veteran
Re: Ohio wants special car plates for sex offenders

Hell, we already make people convicted of DUI have yellow license plates in Ohio.

The Florida initiative for DUI plates (not passed into law) would also allow police to pull over the DUI plated vehicle without probable cause. Is that also the case in Ohio?


EOG Veteran
Re: Ohio wants special car plates for sex offenders

<table id="HB_Mail_Container" unselectable="on" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="100%" width="100%"><tbody><tr width="100%" unselectable="on" height="100%"><td id="HB_Focus_Element" unselectable="off" background="" height="250" valign="top" width="100%">typical left bullshit answer ...

What next, have male homosexuals wear pink armbands and the Jews a yellow star of David over their heart?

have to be friend of docs.

unfking real
</td></tr><tr hb_tag="1" unselectable="on"><td style="font-size: 1pt;" unselectable="on" height="1">

My reference obviously had the intended effect. The loss of freedom by any group represents a loss of freedom for society as a whole.

I guess you approve of the government's action regarding the UIGEA? Or does it make some difference regarding whose freedom is being restricted?

Does it even occur to you that a special car license plate for sex offenders in a society that has the right to bear arms makes them a sitting duck for assassination? I suppose you approve of citizens taking such action against these "perverts" anyway? What percentage of sex offenders receive that designation from consensual sex where one party is of an age that constitutes statutory rape? And should such individuals face a lifetime risk of assassination by a vigilante citizen?

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Ohio wants special car plates for sex offenders

KTB ... do you live in Ohio?

hate to see ya dealing with legal problems....
Re: Ohio wants special car plates for sex offenders

The Florida initiative for DUI plates (not passed into law) would also allow police to pull over the DUI plated vehicle without probable cause. Is that also the case in Ohio?

Not sure how the law is worded, and hope to never find out. Seems to me that you would be more of a target w/ one of those tags regardless of what the law states.

Let's face it, in Ohio, if they want to pull you over, they will! (and will come up w/ a reason why, and leave it to you to fight it in court)


EOG Dedicated
Re: Ohio wants special car plates for sex offenders

Talking to my Representative today about sponsering a bill to have people who voted for W..........wear a red dunce cap. There has been about 70% support for the measure on early polling.