'Berserk' house cat bites owner 20 times


EOG Master
Woman Hospitalized From House Cat Attack

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The cat, a black and white domestic male, went on the rampage Wednesday when a neighbor showed up at the door with a different cat, mistakenly thinking it belonged to the woman.
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The woman in her 60s was taken to St. Luke's Wood River Medical Center with what Nevins described as "pretty serious puncture wounds." Neither the hospital nor the fire department would provide any details to The Associated Press on Saturday, or say whether she has been released.
"I think the owner said she was going to take it to the shelter because that's not the first time she's been attacked," Nevins said.
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Re: 'Berserk' house cat bites owner 20 times

I would give that cat to my chinese friend won hung lowe to make his famous almond breaded kitten:houra


EOG Member
Re: 'Berserk' house cat bites owner 20 times

"I think the owner said she was going to take it to the shelter because that's not the first time she's been attacked," Nevins said.

Headline should read "House cat bites beserk owner 20 times"

After the first time it bit me, the cat would have been gumming its food
Re: 'Berserk' house cat bites owner 20 times

agree, that cat would be lucky to just be thrown out the window....


EOG Dedicated
Re: 'Berserk' house cat bites owner 20 times

EOG was happening back in '07

Why aren't we posting more threads about cats these days?
Re: 'Berserk' house cat bites owner 20 times

EOG was happening back in '07

Why aren't we posting more threads about cats these days?

Yes we need more catvideos ! :LMAO

My first wife is like the cat in this video , for wasting water.....
