Face facts: Bush DOES NOT want to bring the troops home

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
That is obvious as hell ....

Bush will use their blood to keep alive the bullshit "war on terror" message

This POS is gonna book town in 09 and leave this clustefuck that he
created into the lap of the new President

Good luck Hilliary, Fred Thompson, Obama, etc ..... you are going to inherit
this nitemare while Bush sits in Paraguay or Crawford and is Praised by
Hannity as a "man of great vision"


EOG Enthusiast
Re: Face facts: Bush DOES NOT want to bring the troops home

Bringing the troops home would be admitting defeat. Blaming that the defeat on the Democrat Pres. in 2009, will be his out. This will also be totally in line with the standard GOP modus operandi of blaming their fuckups on the Dems. after the fact.

Silver spoons don't admit they were wrong, thats generally a trait of people that have been humbled at some point in their life. Dubya is many things....humble he is not. He can't even show fake humbleness like the typical politician.


EOG Master
Re: Face facts: Bush DOES NOT want to bring the troops home

Doc when did he ever say he wanted the troops home... another post with absolutely zero Credence