Dear God, they are pitiful -- Get them out of Washington

CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Were we right to go to this war alone [sic], basically without the Europeans behind us [sic]? Was that something we had to do?
SENATOR JOHN EDWARDS (Democrat, North Carolina): I think that we were right to go. I think we were right to go to the United Nations. I think we couldn?t let those who could veto in the Security Council hold us hostage. And I think Saddam Hussein being gone is good. Good for the American people, good for the security of that region of the world, and good for the Iraqi people.
MATTHEWS: If you think the decision, which was made by the president, when basically he saw the French weren?t with us and the Germans and the Russians weren?t with us, was he right to say, ?We?re going anyway??
EDWARDS: I stand behind my support of that, yes.
MATTHEWS: You believe in that?
Senator John Edwards (Democrat, North Carolina)
During an interview on MSNBC?s ?Hardball?
October 13, 2003
okay, there?s much more, bu