journyman facts enjoy the read


EOG Dedicated
Re: journyman facts enjoy the read

Journeyman what were you convicted of stealing?

That's an interesting question - actually stealing, we can't say for sure - placing wagers under an agents account and then not paying the agent when he lost - well, yes, he's been convicted of that


EOG Master
Re: journyman facts enjoy the read


Yeah I am also a rapist , what else did he say I was now an Arab?

Fuck you Russ. Your forum must have really went to shit for you to drum up this shit, I just looked over there for the first time since 2002, there's no activity at all.

I could care less what you say but you are full of shit, I'm now an asian, arab, living in Woodbridge Va and have all these convictions...BULLSHIT!

I see Rick Alec has gotten into the act, okay Rick....time to drop the gloves, I will have more on him later....I don't have time right now.

I'm sure Roy is THRILLED with bringing you and your bogus line service dud this his overpaid for cash poor website....


EOG Dedicated
Re: journyman facts enjoy the read


So what was the conviction for? Or are you saying you didn't get convicted?