I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Just saw the oil projections for the summer!!
Someone PLEASE explain to me the reasons that we are in the shape we're in!! How much does the war have to with it? I feel like somebody's ASS oughtta be in JAIL over this shit!! We're gonna get starved out!
I mean, I seriously don't know what the fuck is gonna happen over this shit with the God Damn gasoline!!
I consider myself a fairly intelligent person, but somebody needs to explain the situation to me in a nonpartisan manner!!


Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Part of the gameplan partner:

" + title + "

Palast: A lot of intelligent folk believe Bush had a secret plan to grab the oil fields of Iraq before the tanks rolled. That's wrong. He had TWO plans. In Armed Madhouse, I show you both -- the result of two years undercover for BBC. The plans conflict. There's the neo-con plan: Privatize -- that is, sell off -- everything, "especially the oil" industry. That's a quote from the 101-page document which I learned was written by the neo-cons. That didn't happen -- because a Jim Baker team -- he's the lawyer for both Exxon and Saudi Arabia -- secretly wrote a 323-page plan that called for CONTROLLING the oil flow, not owning it. The purpose was to LIMIT the supply of oil from Iraq and keep prices high. This would, "enhance [Iraq's] relationship with OPEC" -- the oil cartel. That's a quote from the document you're not supposed to see.


EOG Dedicated
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Just saw the oil projections for the summer!!
Someone PLEASE explain to me the reasons that we are in the shape we're in!! How much does the war have to with it? I feel like somebody's ASS oughtta be in JAIL over this shit!! We're gonna get starved out!
I mean, I seriously don't know what the fuck is gonna happen over this shit with the God Damn gasoline!!
I consider myself a fairly intelligent person, but somebody needs to explain the situation to me in a nonpartisan manner!!


the people that will have to pay the hardest price are our senior citizens and others that are on a fixed income.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Oil hit $135 per today ....

and Fuckface Michael Reagan defending this shit by the Bush oil buddies ...

Line that asshole up and shoot him ASAP!!!

This country is FUCKED ..... Bush has sold this country out on all fronts as our
trucking Industry is gone via the 57 PG CFR docs he signed in Waco in 2005

Our dollar is gone ... welcome the AMERODOLLAR ..... Iraq is costing this
country 4 billion per week and my tolearance level for listening to dumbasses
backing this country is very short
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

If I don't hurry the FUCK up and get out of law school, I won't make it!
I can't find a job NOW! I mean, I'm scared to get on the cannabis today, b/c I'm afraid I'll have a NERVOUS breakdown!!! (That's Irony, for those of you who wish to crucify me for being a pothead who can't find a job!)
I got 2 years of Law School left, and my school is 1 hour from where I live. I have made plans to miss the allowed # of absences in order to save as much gas $$ as possible!! And I'm SERIOUS about that!! That's ridiculous!!

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!


reality is hitting home everywhere ....

I really dont know what folks that have to commute 100 miles round
trip every day are going to do

The trucking Industry is in complete meltdown .... the housing industry
is like Ice on a Lake in Minnesota in late April

Our dollar is worthless ... but hey ... the fuckin CEO of Exxon (???) made
12 million dollars last year !!!

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Bush says: ?Iraq Had ?Nothing? To Do With 9/11″
By: John Amato on Monday, August 21st, 2006 at 12:30 PM - PDT <script type="text/javascript"> digg_url = 'http://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/08/21/bush-says-iraq-had-%e2%80%98nothing%e2%80%99-to-do-with-911/'; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> digg_title = 'Bush says: “Iraq Had ?Nothing? To Do With 9/11″'; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> digg_skin = "compact"; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> ( function() { var ds=typeof digg_skin=='string'?digg_skin:''; var h=80; var w=52; if(ds=='compact') { h=18; w=120; } var u=typeof digg_url=='string'?digg_url:(typeof DIGG_URL=='string'?DIGG_URL:window.location.href); document.write("<iframe src="http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.php?u="+escape(u)+(typeof digg_title=="string'?('&t='+escape(digg_title)):'')+(typeof digg_bodytext=='string'?('&b='+escape(digg_bodytext)):'')+(typeof digg_topic=='string'?('&c='+escape(digg_topic)):'')+(typeof digg_bgcolor=='string'?('&k='+escape(digg_bgcolor)):'')+(ds?('&s='+ds):'')+"' height='"+h+"' width='"+w+"' frameborder='0' scrolling='no'></iframe>"); } )() </script><iframe src="http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.php?u=http%3A//www.crooksandliars.com/2006/08/21/bush-says-iraq-had-%25e2%2580%2598nothing%25e2%2580%2599-to-do-with-911/&t=Bush%20says%3A%20%26%238220%3BIraq%20Had%20%u2018Nothing%u2019%20To%20Do%20With%209/11%26%238243%3B&s=compact" frameborder="0" height="18" scrolling="no" width="120"></iframe>
Karl Rove and Dick Cheney are not happy campers today that?s for sure. He admits he was wrong about WMD?s in Iraq and now this.
Video-WMP Video-QT
QUESTION: A lot of the consequences you mentioned for pulling out seem like maybe they never would have been there if we hadn?t gone in. How do you square all of that?
BUSH: I square it because imagine a world in which you had Saddam Hussein, who had the capacity to make a weapon of mass destruction, who was paying suiciders to kill innocent life, who had relations with Zarqawi.
You know, I?ve heard this theory about, you know, everything was just fine until we arrived [in Iraq] and ? you know, the stir-up-the-hornet?s- nest theory. It just doesn?t hold water, as far as I?m concerned.
The terrorists attacked us and killed 3,000 of our citizens before we started the freedom agenda in the Middle East. They were ?
QUESTION: What did Iraqi have to do with that?
BUSH: What did Iraq have to do with what?
QUESTION: The attacks upon the World Trade Center.
BUSH: Nothing. . . . .Except for it?s part of ? and nobody?s ever suggested in this administration that Saddam Hussein ordered the attack. Iraq was a ? Iraq ? the lesson of September the 11th is: Take threats before they fully materialize,
I seem to remember Dick Cheny, Condi and Bush trying link Iraq to 9/11 way back when:
Russert: Do you still believe there is no evidence that Iraq was involved in September 11?
CHENEY: Well, what we now have that?s developed since you and I last talked, Tim, of course, was that report that?s been pretty well confirmed, that he did go to Prague and he did meet with a senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service in Czechoslovakia last April, several months before the attack
Martini Republic: So, to sum up, we had to invade Iraq because Saddam didn?t have any WMDs and didn?t have any connection to 9/11. And his handlers reportedly cannot understand why his approval ratings remain in the toilet.


EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

sad to say this but my buddy just got back from Barbados and they didn't want to accept American dollars until they were converted...that is the first I have ever heard that. not a good sign.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!


why do ya think Cheney has 25 mill in the Euro Bond market?
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Best explanation I could find yet!

Experts fear global oil slump

By Nick Gardner
May 22, 2008 12:00am

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<!-- END Story Toolbar --> <!-- Article body --> THE world is on the verge of an oil-driven economic crisis to rival those of the 1970s and 1880s, experts say.
Rapidly rising unemployment, mass bankruptcies, business collapses, out of control inflation and sky-high interest rates are just some of the consequences for Australia - and the rest of the world - if oil hits $US200 a barrel.

And that's where many experts think the price of oil is heading, possibly as soon as next year.
Yesterday the price of oil rose above $US129 and above $US134 overnight and analysts at Goldman Sachs think it could hit $US200 in as little as six months.

Reasons for rally

There are several reasons behind oil's recent meteoric rise.

First, non-Opec producing countries, which account for about 60 per cent of world production, have flatlined for the past three years and appear unable to produce any more oil to satisfy the extra demand.

These producers include the US, Norway, Mexico and Russia, which is now the largest oil producer apart from Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile, Opec, which accounts for the other 40 per cent of production, says it is unwilling or unable to increase production - nobody knows if it is just trying to cash in on the high price orwhether its reserves are running out.

In addition, Saul Eslake, chief economist at ANZ, says another, underestimated factor is that subsidised fuel in many developing economies is keeping the price artificially high.

"In many developing economies, consumers are not feeling the effects of the higher prices because of government subsidies and that is keeping demand and therefore prices higher than they should be.

"The way the market is supposed to work is that high prices dampen demand, but that isn't happening to the same degree as it should.

Oil crisis at hand

Add to that worries about war and political instability in many oil-producing countries and the weak US dollar, and you have the ingredients for an oil price "super-spike'' that could herald the next "oil crisis''.

The weak US dollar is contributing in a major way because oil is priced in US dollars. So, as the dollar weakens, oil producers increase the price to make up for the fall in the currency.

Chief economist at AMP Capital Shane Oliver said families in Australia were suffering and it could get worse.

'The pace of the price increase is accelerating and the worst-case scenario is, we hit $US200 in six months' time,'' he said.

"That would be a crushing blow for many Australian families who are already struggling with high mortgage rates and rising fuel costs.

"I think we are getting to a critical point now. The world is spending about 7 per cent of GDP on oil - the same amount as in 1980 before the global slump.

"Crucially, if high fuel prices start imparting inflation throughout the economy - through higher transport costs leading to higher prices in the shops, for instance - in addition to families clamping down on their spending because of high fuel bills and mortgage payments, then we could be on the verge of an historic slump, which we will look back on in a similar way to the global slowdowns of the 1970s and early 1980s.''

As Mr Eslake said: "There is a point at which the oil price will be the straw that breaks the camel's back, in economic terms. And the fallout could be disastrous. But nobody knows where that point is.''

Experts fear global oil slump | NEWS.com.au Business

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Mike Whitney: Is Cheney Betting on Economic Collapse?

[SIZE=-1]Cheney has dumped another (estimated) $10 to $25 million in a European bond fund which tells us that he is counting on a steadily weakening dollar.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1] So, while working class Americans are loosing ground to inflation and rising energy costs, Darth Cheney will be enhancing his wealth in "Old Europe". As Blackburn sagely notes, "Not all bad news' is bad for everybody."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]This should put to rest once and for all the foolish notion that the "Bush Economic Plan" is anything more than a scam aimed at looting the public till. The whole deal is intended to shift the nation's wealth from one class to another. It's also clear that Bush-Cheney couldn't have carried this off without the tacit approval of the thieves at the Federal Reserve who engineered the low-interest rate boondoggle to put the American people to sleep while they picked their pockets.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Reasonable people can dispute that Bush is "intentionally" skewering the dollar with his lavish tax cuts, but how does that explain Cheney's portfolio?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]It doesn't. And, one thing we can say with metaphysical certainty is that the miserly Cheney would never plunk his money into an investment that wasn't a sure thing. If Cheney is counting on the dollar tanking and interest rates going up, then, by Gawd, that's what'll happen[/SIZE]

The Devil

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

guess no one else has noticed that almost everything else has at least doubled in price and many have done triple or better..........

grains??? milk???? Probably both rising faster than oil.........

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Devil ... Thanks for the updates !!

<hr width="100%">


EOG Dedicated
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

guess no one else has noticed that almost everything else has at least doubled in price and many have done triple or better..........

grains??? milk???? Probably both rising faster than oil.........

i think the cost of everything is rising because oil is rising.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

28 countries world wide have had riots because of food shortages
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Wouldn't it be ironic if the assholes who are praying for the "end of times" or "armageddon" or some other such Left Behind bullshit actually get their wish because they voted for the fucking buffoon, who could fuck up a jackoff if you spotted him the vaseline and magazine. . . .
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

guess no one else has noticed that almost everything else has at least doubled in price and many have done triple or better..........

grains??? milk???? Probably both rising faster than oil.........

Dude, I know we haven't gotten along in the past, but are you SERIOUSLY trying to tell me that the Milk Crisis should command as much of my attention as the gas crisis?? Are you SERIOUSLY trying to tell me that the oil crisis is just "natural inflation" and is just part of the market climate??
I was not an Econ major in college, but I'm fairly certain that my guy Bobby below has your answer to those ridiculous notions:

i think the cost of everything is rising because oil is rising.

And another thing, these IDIOTS, like that Kevin James, are STILL too stupid to realize that, even if you DON'T think the Iraq War is causing the oil crisis, the general unrest and instability in that country, and whole region for that matter, is a HUGE factor (If not the SOLE factor!) that is causing the OPEC Nations to feel like they need to "stick it to" the infidels!!

Hey, retards, newsflash:


Wouldn't it be ironic if the assholes who are praying for the "end of times" or "armageddon" or some other such Left Behind bullshit actually get their wish because they voted for the fucking buffoon, who could fuck up a jackoff if you spotted him the vaseline and magazine. . . .

Of which jackoff do you speak?
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Looks like the predictions are up to $200/barrel by Christmas maybe!!!
But WHAT am I gonna eat my cereal with?!?!?!?!?


Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!


drop by Rapture Ready - your prophecy resource for the end times if you want to see the wack jobs in
full bloom action

Remember the 34 dau shootout in 06 (??/) between Israel and Hezbollah ...
that site was like a Travel Agency as they were all "packing their
bags" anticipating the "Rapture" was underway

The only thing I know is with my luck I will stuck right behind Bush
and Cheney on Judgement Day
Last edited:

Munchkin Man

EOG Dedicated
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

If I don't hurry the FUCK up and get out of law school, I won't make it! I can't find a job NOW! I mean, I'm scared to get on the cannabis today, b/c I'm afraid I'll have a NERVOUS breakdown!!! (That's Irony, for those of you who wish to crucify me for being a pothead who can't find a job!) I got 2 years of Law School left, and my school is 1 hour from where I live. I have made plans to miss the allowed # of absences in order to save as much gas $$ as possible!! And I'm SERIOUS about that!! That's ridiculous!!

Greetings YUNGBUCK:

The Munchkin Man would like to congratulate you for your aspirations to finish Law School.

That is very admirable of you.

However, the Munchkin Man is a little worried about your professed devotion to cannabis. This is unhealthy for you on a number of levels, including physically, politically, and spiritually.

It's already causing you to think like a left winger, which is equivalent to not thinking at all. This is what it does to the mind.

The Munchkin Man hopes you will stop using the cannabis and consider joining the following two organizations.

Campus Crusade for Christ International

Young Republicans .com

With Blessings,

Munchkin Man

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!


Greetings YUNGBUCK:

The Munchkin Man would like to congratulate you for your aspirations to finish Law School.

That is very admirable of you.

However, the Munchkin Man is a little worried about your professed devotion to cannabis


Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Yungbuck .... throw down a few cold ones in honor of Georgey :



EOG Dedicated
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Looks like the predictions are up to $200/barrel by Christmas maybe!!!
But WHAT am I gonna eat my cereal with?!?!?!?!?


are you off for the summer ?
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Greetings YUNGBUCK:
However, the Munchkin Man is a little worried about your professed devotion to cannabis. This is unhealthy for you on a number of levels, including physically, politically, and spiritually.

It's already causing you to think like a left winger, which is equivalent to not thinking at all. This is what it does to the mind.

The Munchkin Man hopes you will stop using the cannabis and consider joining the following two organizations.

Campus Crusade for Christ International

Young Republicans .com

With Blessings,

Munchkin Man

That is friggin hilarious!! :LMAO

While I sincerely appreciate your encouragement about school, I hope you don't REALLY think I'm a professional pot-grower!! :LMAO

I DO puff the chiba, and probably more than I should, but I don't do it every day............and i certainly don't GROW it.........for sport.........and i've been to rehab and kicked pills already........:LMAO...........but seriously.......................you gonna save me??? :LMAO

This is tooooooooo much!!! :LMAO


SAVED by a degenerate gambling

right-wing born-again Christian!!!!!


are you off for the summer ?

Naw buddy, my school runs from Feb through Nov, so my "summer" break is over the holidays from mid-November until Mid-February!!


Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

do you believe in ghosts?

i mean you believe in GOD but you cant see
that the neocons murdered 3k on 9/11?

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Dime: LOL !!!

BatemanPatrick is a cute little shit .... I am assuming he is one on the
Right in the blue, correct?

Munchkin Man

EOG Dedicated
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

I DO puff the chiba, and probably more than I should, but I don't do it every day............and i certainly don't GROW it.........for sport.........and i've been to rehab and kicked pills already........:LMAO...........but seriously.......................you gonna save me??? :LMAO

Guess what?

You and the Munchkin Man have something in common.

The Munchkin Man has been to rehab too.

The Munchkin Man once had a severe addiction to Xanax and had to be hospitalized to be systematically tapered and weaned from them.

The Munchkin Man succeeded.

That fact that you once had an addiction to pills is all the more reason for you to kick the pot as well.

Pot is a gateway to other and more harder drugs.

Smoking pot makes you increasingly susceptible to a relapse into whatever type of pill addiction that once afflicted you.

You don't get any points from the Munchkin Man just because you don't grow it.

You need to stop smoking it.


It turns normally clear headed people with properly conservative world views into fuzzy headed liberals.

The Munchkin Man has seen it happen time and time again.

It's not a pretty sight to see a good mind go to pot.

Here's another point.

The Munchkin Man cannot "save" you.

The Munchkin Man can only help you.

Your salvation is a gift from the grace of God.

God would like nothing more than to see you accept his gift of salvation and repent from your Bush bashing pot smoking ways.

The Munchkin Man will be praying for you.

In The Name Of The Father........

And Of The Son.....

And Of The Holy Ghost........

And President George W. Bush.........


Munchkin Man

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!


Bush is nothing but a "wolfe in Sheep's clothing"

Funny how Hitler also claimed to be "reborn" like King Dipshit?

Interesting how Hitler followed the same Satantic Teachings with the
THULE SOCIETY that Bush follows with Skull & Bones?

Bush has never read a Bible .... Bush uses Religion to con Dumbasses
to vote for a Man who has the Evangelical airheads convinced he
actually walked on water

Michael J Fox has Parkinsons Disease while Bush has good health ...
Goes to prove that God rewards evil bastards as Cheney himself is
still alive
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Oil before supply and demand forces took over due to huge expanding economies in China, Europe, South America and North America.

$24 a barrel.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!


remember Palast's email instead of listening to the CLUELESS NICOLAS who
would let Bush fuck his Sister if Bush told him it would help kill Muslims
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Just saw the oil projections for the summer!!
Someone PLEASE explain to me the reasons that we are in the shape we're in!! How much does the war have to with it? I feel like somebody's ASS oughtta be in JAIL over this shit!! We're gonna get starved out!
I mean, I seriously don't know what the fuck is gonna happen over this shit with the God Damn gasoline!!
I consider myself a fairly intelligent person, but somebody needs to explain the situation to me in a nonpartisan manner!!


Looks like a bicycle purchase is in your future.
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Looks like a bicycle purchase is in your future.

Look here, you FUCKIN Stain, I asked, in the message you quoted, for BIPARTISAN answers to the oil crisis, and now you're following me around talking shit in every thread!! You have NOTHING to say but smartass comments! I don't care if you slam the democrats, but at least say something clever!! You're just like a dog-dick gnat!!!
Go Fuck Yourself ................:cheers
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Look here, you FUCKIN Stain, I asked, in the message you quoted, for BIPARTISAN answers to the oil crisis, and now you're following me around talking shit in every thread!! You have NOTHING to say but smartass comments! I don't care if you slam the democrats, but at least say something clever!! You're just like a dog-dick gnat!!!
Go Fuck Yourself ................:cheers

I thought your response was pretty clever also. Carry on soldier.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!


Nicolas reminds me of that Pair of Hillbillies on Deliverance .... remember the
toothless one that said "Purty Mouth"??? .... that could be Nicolas for all we know in real life
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Well, I haven't been back long, and I already have the toolbags sorted out from the pile!!! :thumbsup


Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I'm SINCERELY Scared, Nervous, Outraged, and PISSED!!!

Between Nicolas and George Bush the # of Libraries they have
actually seen the insides of:

Give ya a hint ..... it matches Nicolas batting avg with Women