Who are the real racists in this nation ???

Actually, The boy is wrong. DEMOCRATS, as in Hill and Bill Clinton were the ones that started bringing up all the racial bull shit. You guys notice a pattern here ? Democrats always seem to accuse Republicans of being racist, but they are always the ones talking about race. They are so transparent is what they do based on their actions. It is the Democrats that are the real Racists !!!!

Obama says Republicans will use race to stoke fear

Fri Jun 20, 2008 7:19pm EDT
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By Caren Bohan
JACKSONVILLE, Florida (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama said on Friday he expects Republicans to highlight the fact that he is black as part of an effort to make voters afraid of him.
"It is going to be very difficult for Republicans to run on their stewardship of the economy or their outstanding foreign policy," Obama told a fundraiser in Jacksonville, Florida. "We know what kind of campaign they're going to run. They're going to try to make you afraid.
"They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"
He said he was also set for Republicans to say "he's got a feisty wife," in trying to attack his wife Michelle.
"We know the strategy because they've already shown their cards. Ultimately I think the American people recognize that old stuff hasn't moved us forward. That old stuff just divides us," he said.
Obama, born to a white mother from Kansas and a black father from Kenya, has cast himself as a candidate who can bridge divides within the country, including those involving race.
It has been rare for him to bring up the topic during his presidential bid. In March he gave a widely praised speech on the subject after receiving criticism over racially charged comments by his longtime pastor.
Obama, who faces Republican John McCain in the November election, would be the first black U.S. president.
(Editing by Xavier Briand)

? Thomson Reuters 2008 All rights reserved


Re: Who are the real racists in this nation ???

yeah i guess that the south isnt republican and they treat minorities much better than the north as a general statement :)


EOG Enthusiast
Re: Who are the real racists in this nation ???

Pardon me, I don't have my glasses on is that OJ (the football Player) OR OJ (The Murderer) oh shit nevermind they are one in the same.

I read he would NOT rest until he found real Killer, SO, I guess he thinks his fking "Caddy" Did IT



EOG Veteran
Re: Who are the real racists in this nation ???

You,Tar-turd,and Munchy are....verified by your rancid statements here !!!
Re: Who are the real racists in this nation ???

the democrats are the real racists in this country...they only try to cover that up by accusing everybody else of being racist

this boy is indeed the only one mentioning race while the republicans haven't even talked about hussein obama and his permanent tan once


EOG Dedicated
Re: Who are the real racists in this nation ???

the clintons don't represent the democratic party, they're just bush's in sheep's clothing.


EOG Veteran
Re: Who are the real racists in this nation ???

Tar-turd-"Obama's permanent tan"?? "Hussein Obama"??? Nah the Rethugs aren't racist-or bigots???? Just the people who vote for them are!! Not Jesse Helms, Trent Lott or Strom Thurmond??? Not all the Southern Dems who became Repukes when the Voting Rights Act was signed??? Not all the Dixicrats-former southern Rethugs who came back to their hateful roots-like you???LMAO-at your stupidity!!!---as always,tar-turd!!!

mr merlin

EOG Master
Re: Who are the real racists in this nation ???

Tar-turd-"Obama's permanent tan"?? "Hussein Obama"??? Nah the Rethugs aren't racist-or bigots???? Just the people who vote for them are!! Not Jesse Helms, Trent Lott or Strom Thurmond??? Not all the Southern Dems who became Repukes when the Voting Rights Act was signed??? Not all the Dixicrats-former southern Rethugs who came back to their hateful roots-like you???LMAO-at your stupidity!!!---as always,tar-turd!!!
Call people stupid if you want. The above post shows that you have great difficulty even writing a sentence.
Re: Who are the real racists in this nation ???

Nic wait a second

Are you generalizing here and calling a WHOLE group of people racists without doing due diligence on every single one of them to see if it is accurate what you are saying ?
Re: Who are the real racists in this nation ???

Nic wait a second

Are you generalizing here and calling a WHOLE group of people racists without doing due diligence on every single one of them to see if it is accurate what you are saying ?

well thats what the liberals do


EOG Addicted
Re: Who are the real racists in this nation ???

Racist application of the death penalty

Thomas Miller-El is due to be executed in Texas on 21 February 2002. He was convicted in 1986 of the murder of a white man, Douglas Walker, during a robbery.

Thomas Miller-El, an African American, was one of 15 men sentenced to death in Dallas County between 1980 and 1986. Of the 180 jurors at their trials, only 5 were African American. Using peremptory challenges - the right to reject prospective jurors during jury selection without giving a reason - prosecutors dismissed 56 of the 57 other blacks qualified to serve.

Of the 15 cases, 5 involved African American defendants. All except Miller-El were tried by all white juries. His jury consisted of 11 whites and 1 black, after the prosecution used 10 peremptory challenges against African Americans.

The only black accepted on to the jury was a man who said of execution: "It's too quick. They don't feel the pain... Pour some honey on them and stake them out over an ant bed... That's what I call punishment".

A training manual for prosecutors still used in the 1980s in Dallas County contained the following advice on jury selection: "You are looking for a strong, stable individual who believes that defendants are different from them in kind". It warned against selecting jurors from minority races, people with "physical afflictions" and Jews, on the grounds that they "usually empathize with the accused".

More than 700 people have been executed in the USA since 1977. In 80% of these cases the crime involved a white victim, even though blacks and whites are the victim of murder in almost equal numbers.
In August, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination noted the "disturbing correlation" between race, of both victim and defendant, in capital sentencing in the USA. It urged the USA to ensure that "no death penalty is imposed as a result of racial bias".
Re: Who are the real racists in this nation ???

Funny how the two people accusing other people of being racists are referring to the black candidate as "boy".


EOG Veteran
Re: Who are the real racists in this nation ???

Nick and tar-turd get off being called racists-it's the nicest thing I could think to call them!!!