Sarah Palins Daughter...

Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

You can lie by omission...

I believe she tried to hide the fact that her 17 year old daughter was pregant until she was practically forced to tell...

I don't believe she told McCain...

Why kind of WOMAN runs for VP having just given birth to a DOWN'S baby and knowing her 17 year old is pregnant?
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

Next question, How old is the father of the child,If alot older will the govenor of Alaska have the attorney general office look in to pressing charges


EOG Master
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

You can lie by omission...

I believe she tried to hide the fat that her 17 year ol daughter was pregant until she was practically forced to tell...

I don't believe she told McCain...

If she did NOT tell McCain, can you imagine when he found out this little gem?

'a heartbeat away' how ironic this slogan is becoming in this election.:blink:


EOG Senior Member
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

Wow, this is why I don't vote in US elections (dual citizen). Both major parties are a joke. There is no real democracy going on in The States IMO. Just two parties (one more than communist regimes) that are pretty much the same. Two parties terrified of allowing a third party candidate to participate in the debates. Two parties that have all the money and make it difficult for an average citizen to run without having access to that money.
But back on topic here. Picking on a 17 year old? Talk about low... Almost makes me want to vote for McCain out of spite now.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

How's this for irony? It was Fox News that broke this story. And you know how much they hate the Republicans.


EOG Master
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

The Dems didn't want a war either....

The War that Bush wanted has destroyed this country and hasn't really helped IRAQ either.

And where are those weapons?

At least the major oil compnies got their oil back though....nice job George.


EOG Veteran
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

It's not about whether 17 year olds get pregnant and have sex. We all know they do, it happens.

It's about two things, hypocrisy and sex education.

All of these religious retards wave the family values flag and then their teen age daughters have kids out of wedlock.

These same religious retards advocate exclusive abstinence education programs over comprehensive sex education programs that teach about such evil things as birth control.

The abstinence programs have been a disaster as far as teen pregnency goes.

Yet, this is exactly the same type of program wants ALL kids to get, no comprehensive sex ed, just abstinence class.

Worked great for her!

F'ing religious retards.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

Girls start banging at 13 and 14 now days - I would imagine 80% of kids have had sex by age 17 (excluding you J) - not sure this is a factor
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

It's not about whether 17 year olds get pregnant and have sex. We all know they do, it happens.

It's about two things, hypocrisy and sex education.

All of these religious retards wave the family values flag and then their teen age daughters have kids out of wedlock.

These same religious retards advocate exclusive abstinence education programs over comprehensive sex education programs that teach about such evil things as birth control.

The abstinence programs have been a disaster as far as teen pregnency goes.

Yet, this is exactly the same type of program wants ALL kids to get, no comprehensive sex ed, just abstinence class.

Worked great for her!

F'ing religious retards.

That sums it up JC

Good topic in political forum to

Almost Allright

GO Bucks!!!
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

damn JC you just described my whole block, three fourths of my town and half of my state. Out front waving the righteous banner. I enjoy watching this sect or should i say cult, basically shut out of this election.

The Meatman

EOG Dedicated
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

This has got to be a joke...:pop:

Every day we learn something else about this unknown...

I wouldn't be surprised if she is MORE corrupt than Bush...

Do you think it is possible that she is more corrupt then you Shrink?

Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato


EOG Dedicated
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

Forget the 17 year old. Imagine the following scenario:

McCain goes down for the count early in his first term, and Palin takes over. Since she is anti-abortion and does not believe in birth control, she announces at her first presidential press conference that she is pregnant.

If there is ever another 9/11, she could be busy that day giving birth to a baby. (Well at least she won't be reading "My Pet Goat".)

Conservative Christian fundamentalist women are radically opposed to women who work at the expense of their children. What would they say about this?

If the Republicans get elected, I think we are owed a pledge of abstinence by Palin and the potential "first dude".
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

You can lie by omission...

I believe she tried to hide the fact that her 17 year old daughter was pregant until she was practically forced to tell...

I don't believe she told McCain...

Why kind of WOMAN runs for VP having just given birth to a DOWN'S baby and knowing her 17 year old is pregnant?

What kind of married president has affairs as Governor and screws interns?
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

If they were so proud of this moment, then why not announce it during the PEOPLE magazine interview a few days ago?

Why did they wait until the middle of a HURRICANE to share this wonderful moment with us? :pop:

What is Palin's position on contraception?

What is her position on sex education?

Does she believe that sex outside of marriage is immoral?

These questions are not remotely personal, but they're certainly a part of the story, too


EOG Dedicated
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

What kind of married president has affairs as Governor and screws interns?

What kind of presidential candidate has one wife, two kids, and no extra-marital affairs?

Memo to Real Deal: Check out John McCain's record on extra-marital affairs and loyalty to his first wife. This is probably an issue you want to stay away from.


All I do is trytrytry
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

i cant find any good links on the 2nd child angle..can you post something here?
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

daughter on the far right is who got pregnant

By Mark Silva
ST. PAUL - Sen. John McCain knew that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's teenage daughter was pregnant when he picked her for his running mate - he had learned about it in a private conservation with Palin last week, according to McCain's chief campaign strategist.

But campaign chief Steve Schmidt, calling it a "private family matter,'' says the campaign only decided to disclose the pregnancy when "smear'' rumors started surfacing on the Internet. He suggested somewhat ruefully today that once word got out, the media could not be trusted to handle the matter with "decency.''

It should have no bearing either on the race or Palin's ability to serve as vice president, he said.

"Life happens in families,'' Schmidt told reporters crowding around him in the basement of the arena where the Republican National Convention is opening today. "If people try to politicize this, the American people would be appalled by it.''

The campaign was forced to disclose the information, the manager suggested in his talk with reporters here.

"We knew that Gov. Palin's daughter was pregnant,'' Schmidt said, "and there were frankly a lot of disturbing, nasty smears moving around on the Internet.'' So the family decided to issue a statement today.
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

It wasn't me!!!!!

The line is now Obama -2200

RNC and McCain are morons. How do you not get this info before choosing. Unless it was a set-up and now she withdraws for McCains real VP choice. Makes him look good choosing a woman, she leaves after he makes statements supporting her. Looks good to the Dem females. Then chooses someone very conservative. Could they be that smart? Na


EOG Dedicated
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

The National Enquirer no doubt has their own team heading to Alaska.:+textinb3


EOG Dedicated
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

Thanks for the CBS News poll Shrink. Maybe the country is not as stupid as I thought.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

Will Matchbook put up a market on whether or not Palin is replaced as McCain's VP nominee within the next week?
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

Zogby has McCain up by 2 %

Why not share ALL polls today? :+clueless

As for polling released within the past 24 hours, Barack Obama maintains a 6-point lead in the Gallup tracker (although both candidates gained a point against undecided), and a 3-point lead in the Rasmussen tracker. CNN shows it a bit tighter still, with Obama holding a 2-point lead with third party candidates included (this is the version that we use officially) an a 1-point lead without. There is also a CBS News poll showing Obama 8 points ahead, although it came in too late to work its way into our simulation run today.
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

<table style="width: 600px;" class="table-races" id="table-1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="600"><tbody><tr><td colspan="6" style="width: 600px;">Will post EVERY ONE I come across :houra Here's a week's worth 91023i2ndw;l

Tuesday, September 02
</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 160px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Race</td><td style="width: 150px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Poll</td><td style="width: 185px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Results</td><td style="width: 115px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Spread</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">National</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">CBS News</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama 48, McCain 40</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama +8</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6" style="width: 600px;">Monday, September 01</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 160px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Race</td><td style="width: 150px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Poll</td><td style="width: 185px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Results</td><td style="width: 115px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Spread</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">National</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">CNN</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama 49, McCain 48</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama +1</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">National</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Gallup Tracking</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama 49, McCain 43</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama +6</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">National</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Rasmussen Tracking</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama 49, McCain 46</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama +3</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">National</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">CNN</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama 46, McCain 44, Nader 4, Barr 2</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama +2</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6" style="width: 600px;">Thursday, August 28</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 160px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Race</td><td style="width: 150px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Poll</td><td style="width: 185px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Results</td><td style="width: 115px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Spread</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Florida</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Mason-Dixon</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">McCain 44, Obama 45</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama +1</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Pennsylvania</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">CNN/Time</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama 48, McCain 43</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama +5</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Colorado</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">CNN/Time</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama 46, McCain 47</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">McCain +1</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">New Mexico</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">CNN/Time</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama 53, McCain 40</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama +13</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Nevada</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">CNN/Time</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">McCain 44, Obama 49</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama +5</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Idaho</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Greg Smith & Assoc.</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">McCain 52, Obama 29</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">McCain +23</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">California</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">PPIC</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama 48, McCain 39</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama +9</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6" style="width: 600px;">Wednesday, August 27</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 160px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Race</td><td style="width: 150px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Poll</td><td style="width: 185px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Results</td><td style="width: 115px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Spread</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Florida</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Strategic Vision (R)</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">McCain 49, Obama 42</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">McCain +7</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Rhode Island</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Brown University</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama 51, McCain 30</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama +21</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6" style="width: 600px;">Tuesday, August 26</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 160px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Race</td><td style="width: 150px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Poll</td><td style="width: 185px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Results</td><td style="width: 115px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Spread</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">North Carolina</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">PPP (D)</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">McCain 45, Obama 42</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">McCain +3</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">National</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Hotline/FD</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama 44, McCain 40</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama +4</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Florida</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Kitchens Group (D)</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">McCain 42, Obama 39</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">McCain +3</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Pennsylvania</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Quinnipiac</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama 49, McCain 42</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama +7</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Ohio</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Quinnipiac</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">McCain 43, Obama 44</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama +1</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Florida</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Quinnipiac</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">McCain 47, Obama 43</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">McCain +4</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6" style="width: 600px;">Monday, August 25</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 160px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Race</td><td style="width: 150px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Poll</td><td style="width: 185px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Results</td><td style="width: 115px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Spread</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">National</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">CNN</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama 47, McCain 47</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Tie</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">National</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">USA Today/Gallup</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama 48, McCain 45</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama +3</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Colorado</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Suffolk</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama 44, McCain 39</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama +5</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Texas</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Rasmussen</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">McCain 54, Obama 44</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">McCain +10</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Michigan</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Detroit News</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama 43, McCain 41</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama +2</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Ohio</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Columbus Dispatch</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">McCain 42, Obama 41</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">McCain +1</td></tr><tr><td colspan="6" style="width: 600px;">Sunday, August 24</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 160px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Race</td><td style="width: 150px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Poll</td><td style="width: 185px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Results</td><td style="width: 115px;" bgcolor="#cccccc">Spread</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Virginia</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">PPP (D)</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">McCain 45, Obama 47</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama +2</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">National</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">ABC News/Wash Post</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama 49, McCain 45</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama +4</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">National</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">ABC News/Wash Post</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama 48, McCain 42, Nader 3, Barr 3</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama +6</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Colorado</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Quinnipiac</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama 46, McCain 47</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">McCain +1</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Colorado</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Mason-Dixon</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama 46, McCain 43</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Obama +3</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">New Mexico</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Mason-Dixon</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Obama 41, McCain 45</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">McCain +4</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Arizona</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Mason-Dixon</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">McCain 47, Obama 41</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">McCain +6</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Nevada</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">LVRJ/Mason-Dixon</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">McCain 46, Obama 39</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">McCain +7</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Utah</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">Mason-Dixon</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">McCain 62, Obama 23</td><td bgcolor="#e5e5e5">McCain +39</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Wyoming</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">Mason-Dixon</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">McCain 62, Obama 25</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">McCain +37</td></tr></tbody></table>
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

U know what I find amusing?

The manner in which Obama and Biden are handling this circus and allowing the Republicans to bury themselves...12io4j2w90



EOG Dedicated
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

An infant with down syndrome, and a 17 year old daughter giving birth in four is time for Sarah Palin to go home and take care of her family.

At least that is what solid Christian fundamentalist dogma preaches.

Besides, it will save her the embarrassment that is sure to come when she is revealed to be in over her head.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

I am serious about the National Enquirer. They will spread a little green paper in Wasilla and somebody will come clean to bury Palin. Its gonig to be fun. Whats coming out now is that Palin was a member of the Alaskan Indepedent Party while mayor. They have some anti-government views. One is breaking away from the USA so there will be only 49 states. Shes toast.


EOG Master
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

I agree about Biden, although it is difficult to speak with his foot stuck in his mouth. So many sexists on this site, what a shame.
Re: Sarah Palins Daughter...

It was also revealed Monday that an attorney had been hired to represent Palin in a state ethics probe and that her husband, Todd, had been arrested for drunken driving two decades ago. The man who led McCain's vice presidential search team said he thought everything that came up as a possible red flag during the background check had now been made public.

"I think so," Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr. told The Associated Press. "Yes. I think so. Correct." :+textinb3:+textinb3:+textinb3