No Conscience for Life

Cal Thomas from NY wrote this article and wow it was spot on for liberals and pro choice people...
to summarize.

"for social liberals, what is it about abortion that makes them consider it a sacrificial rite through which only the killing of an unborn child can truly liberate a woman from the clutches of paternalism?"
A rule approved in the last days of Bush administration established broad protections for healthcare professionals if they choose not to perform abortions. Obama is set to rescind this. There will be a 30 day period of public comment...woopee
No politician can be found that favors abortion. To acknowledge more misgivings means you are at least acknowledging the beating heart and brain waves extinguished during an abortion are of greater significance than say the removal of an appendix or a tumor. An infected appendix can rupture and kill you, a tumor can grow, become malignant and cause death. A growing unborn child can be born and contribute tothe betterment of the country, but if you're utilitarian about it, increase the tax base.....Abortion kills a potential tax payer, which ought to override every other consideration for liberal politicians who are constantly looking for new sources of revenue.
Why do social libs say they want to make abortion safe, legal and rare but then spend all their time on the first two and none on the third. It is simple to keep them rare and safe and legal. Show the abortion minded woman the fetus(sonogram) she is about to destroy. 2005 survey by Care net, a network of 1000 anti-abortion pregnancy centers in the u.s. and canada showed 72% of women after seeing the sonogram kept the baby.
That isn't depriving a woman of her choice. It is providing her more info so her choice can be fully informed.
Getting rid of the Conscience rule would allow hospitals to REQUIRE pro life doctors and nurses to participate in abortions...The catholic church says elective abortions is a moral sin so the govt is considering a requirement that would place a catholic in the position of risking excommunication and eternal damnation. Evangelical christians regard abortion as equally offensive. Where is the separation of church and state????

there is more to the article but that is the premise....

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: No Conscience for Life

Reagan supported abortion as Governor

Guilani supports abortion

Bush 43 ran in Texas in the late 70s supporting abortion

Fred Thompson was a long time Abortion Lobbyist

Romney supports abortion

In 1992, when the entire nation expected Roe to be flung on the ash heap of history (by means of Casey versus Planned Parenthood), the Supreme Court shocked the world with a five to four vote upholding Roe.

Three of those five justices were appointed by Presidents Reagan and Bush (the elder)

The majority of the Justices that defended the "constitutional right" of killing the unborn were placed on the Supreme Court by "pro-life" Republican Presidents who said they wanted to overturn Roe. President Reagan appointed Sandra Day O'Connor and Anthony Kennedy; President Bush picked David Souter

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: No Conscience for Life

The "Conservatives" are more into raping innocent children in Iraq in
Bush's torture chambers ...

Thomas has got his shit his act together !!!
Re: No Conscience for Life

what does any of that have to do with the fact that the govt is now going to make people basically have to do abortions....
that is what this is going to do whether you will agree or not.

so even people who believe it is a sin will have to do it to keep their livelyhood...
abortions rights people find this fair but unfair for doctors to not want to do abortions..

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: No Conscience for Life

We have some very challenging issues right now

Abortion is an individual's choice just like smoking cigs or shooting heroin

The USA has destroyed lives in Iraq and elsewhere (Vietnam as a good example) and I am personally tired of hearing the abortion issue be an issue the Dems are blamed for considering the GOP track record on this sensitive issue
Re: No Conscience for Life

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: No Conscience for Life


You remind me so much of Mr Rogers with your "gentle commentaries" that keep this forum civilized
Re: No Conscience for Life

That's cool mostly liberal have abortions anyway so there be less of them to corrupt this planet
Re: No Conscience for Life

no....the problem is no one has a problem with a govenmental law forcing a doctor to do an abortion..
yet everyone has huge problem with govt saying he cant.:hangt
Re: No Conscience for Life

As is usually the case when the wacky fringe thumpers are trying to force their particular brand of religion on everyone else, the scope and particulars of the rule are misstated. . .Funny, when the facts of the issue don't dovetail with the agenda behind the post, there's usually not a link to a reputable news source, either. . .The following column from last September more accurately sets forth the issues involved. Thankfully, the Obama administration recently took the appropriate steps to remove religious mischief from the doctor-patient relationship. . .

Medical Groups Oppose New Abortion Rule

Ostensibly, Rule Would Protect Workers Who Oppose Abortion; Critics Say It Redefines Contraception As Abortion

Comments 12
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2008
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(AP) <!-- sphereit start--> Several medical associations and 13 state attorneys general voiced their opposition Wednesday to a proposed federal rule that they fear would open the door for hospitals and physicians to deny access to contraception.

In late August, the Bush administration proposed stronger job protections for doctors and other health care workers who refuse to participate in abortions because of religious or moral objections. Abortion foes called it a victory, but abortion rights supporters said they feared the rule could stretch the definition of abortion to include birth control.

The public comment period for the proposed rule ends Thursday. As the deadline nears, opponents have orchestrated a highly public call for the administration to rescind the rule. While the regulation states that it would not limit access to health care, groups such as the American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics disagreed.

They said doctors and nurses are already not required to perform abortions or sterilizations. They can refuse to do so. But each health care professional is ethically bound to inform patients about all of their treatment options. If health care professionals cannot or will not provide a certain service, they are ethically obligated to refer patients in a timely manner to someone who can.

"Implementation of this regulation would effectively allow health care providers' personal beliefs to override patients' right to full disclosure of accurate information and available health care resources," the medical associations wrote.

Separately, 13 attorneys general complained the rule was too vague about what health care procedures may be withheld.

"The proposed regulation completely obliterates the rights of patients to legal and medically necessary health care services in favor of a single-minded focus on protecting a health care provider's right to claim a personal moral or religious belief," the attorneys general said in a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services.

HHS spokeswoman Christina Pearson said she would not "speculate" on the department's course of action.

"We have an open comment period, so I'm unable to comment on what will happen beyond here," said Pearson.

Pearson said that Secretary Mike Leavitt has written extensively on his views about the need for the rule in a series of blog posts on the department's Web site. Leavitt has said the rule is directly focused on the protection of practitioner conscience.

The states protesting the rule are Connecticut, Arizona, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah and Vermont. <!-- sphereit end-->

? MMVIII The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: No Conscience for Life

The Right claiming a stance on "morals" of any issue right now is laughable

Human life to them is meaningless .... just rape and torture them if they
don't like the US war machine illegally invading their country

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: No Conscience for Life

Their "concern" for the abortion issue was dead when I saw Pat Robertson crawl into bed with Giulani and the Right fall in love with Abortion Lobbyist Freddie "Hollywood" Thompson

They are down to this single issue as their "claim to fame" and most folks are wising up how FOS the GOP and their base truly are

Love Reagan supporting abortion as California governor ... hmmmm ... now there's an issue the HERDERS don't prefer to yap about do they?
Re: No Conscience for Life

The R's, are of course, attacking this issue completely wrong. Had they approached this issue with Federalism in mind, we wouldn't be this divided over it.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: No Conscience for Life

I get tired of hearing about this issue ....

that is an issue I leave up to the individual to deal with on many levels

I remember Robertson giving his bullshit excuse why he was supporting
Giulani .... "I can sense in his heart ..."


Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: No Conscience for Life

Dont forget Dawg

the same folks on this board and elsewhere shouting how "we are against abortion" would be the 1st cheering if Bush had nuked millions of innocent folks in the Middle East

I have a neighbor who is a fuckin nutjob who thinks going to Church for 30 minutes guarantees St Peter is gonna be waiting to shake his hand

same crap ... "Bush should have turned Iran into a parking lot with a few nukes ..."

Ohhhh ....... ya tell em Jack Van Impe as lets get "the Rapture in full gear baby"