God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

God and Sarah Palin

Stuart Schwartz
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Sarah Palin loves God. God loves Sarah Palin.

[FONT=times new roman,times]And that is why they hate her...and Him.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]And why she -- and He -- will be back.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]That love, an essential part of her everyday life, holds out the hope of a return to the nation envisioned by the unapologetically spiritual generation that birthed the U.S. Like Ronald Reagan, of whom it was said that his [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]relationship[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] with God "had a profound affect on how he lived, on what he did, and on those around him," Sarah Palin's spirituality has affected every part of her life, allowing her to clearly recognize the evil that has leached into our political and media culture.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Sarah Palin is both usual and unusual. She is usual in that she is in the mainstream of those who believe in American exceptionalism, the 71 percent [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]who[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] are "very proud" of being American. At the same time, she is unusual in that she views and conducts herself not as a politician -- which she is -- but a citizen who sees public office as an opportunity to serve. Interwoven in all of this is the confidence that comes from knowing that God loves her, up close and personal, an integral part of her Christian faith and central to Judeo-Christian culture.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Sarah Palin is grounded in the divine, which means, in part, that she believes, as did the framers of our constitution, that [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]individuals[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." God gives us our rights, and not Washington, the United Nations, or The New York Times or NBC. :thumbsup She does not need a poll to determine the morality of a political and media culture in which the pursuit of power and wealth on the part of its participants comes first (any doubt, see the recent attempt by the Washington Post to [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]sell[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] access to its newsroom and the Obama administration), in which a political establishment has replaced the national anthem with the soundtrack from Jaws. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]She is steeped in the religious notion of service as evidenced by loving God and loving others, what one of her pastors [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]praised[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] as "a grounded sense of God." In other words, a certainty that God is alive and well and a part of all that we do in this world. Her vision is shaped by what Gerard Manley Hopkins, priest and celebrated poet, [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]described[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] as a conviction that God "plays in ten thousand places...through the features of men's faces."[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]And when you're shaped by something beyond this world, convinced there is a bit of God in all whom you serve, then morality is part of what you do -- and being called "judgmental" is praise, not criticism. To Sarah Palin, the corruption of both Republicans and Democrats in Alaska, which suffered from an institutionalized class of thieves on the public payroll, was immoral, violating the God-given rights of the citizens of her state...and so she took them on. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]She promises to do the same at the national level. Although leaving public office, she holds out the possibility of taking -- in the [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]words[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] of an American Thinker commentator -- on a "larger fight." Both Mark Levin and Thomas Lifson see [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]evidence[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] that she is simply gathering her strength for the next round. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]She looks at Washington and knows, instinctively and with gut-wrenching clarity, that what is happening is not just wrong...it is immoral. :houra Following her resignation as governor, she told Time magazine -- to the amusement of its editors -- that the growing of government "outrageously" by President Obama is "immoral." She deliberately chose a God word that suggests evil, a word that belongs -- in the [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]words[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] of journalist Christopher Hitchens, the atheist darling of both elite right and left -- to "the superstitious, fearful childhood of the race" because she has a visceral reaction to the mountains of debt being piled on future generations. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Like Hitchens, the Time editors believe the "religious part of our brain is part of the less highly evolved bit" and so she touched off a new round of sneers. Conservative Jonah Goldberg [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]summed[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] up the elite reaction to her continuing to pass judgment on the media and political class: You're "whining," you're "blowing it," just shut up (which is the civilized National Review's equivalent of The New York Times label of "one nutty puppy," which in turn is more civilized than MSNBC terming her a "[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]delusional lunatic[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]," which is heads above the liberal award-winning website Wonkette, which described her as "[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]batshit-insane[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]"). And Peggy Noonan, the former Reagan speechwriter who laments the decline of our social values while sipping half-caf nonfat lattes [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]with[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] quintessential liberal elite journalist Leslie Stahl of CBS and actress Candice Bergen (of Dan Quayle-is-a-Bible-thumping-ignoramus [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]fame[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]), did what Peggy Noonan does: take 1,200 words to again cruelly [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]label[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] Palin an idiot.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]You know nothing, our liberal and conservative elite sneered. After all, you didn't go to an Ivy League university, can't rattle off on demand the names of ten trendy but unassuming restaurants on Manhattan's Upper West Side, and have never waxed poetic about taking an intern to a cozy little watering hole in Georgetown (or anywhere else, for that matter).[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Lost in the derision is this truth: there is a higher standard, and Sarah Palin unashamedly rests in he grip of the one who provides those standards. The unparalleled borrowing to fuel Obama programs and Democratic patronage is not just wrong policy; rather, it is evil because it is accompanied by crushing debt that will, ultimately, devour large chunks of individual income, stimulate runaway regulation that will rob us of freedom, and establish involuntary servitude as measured in hours worked to support government. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]And most of this will fall on future generations; in other words, unborn children. Sarah Palin is concerned about unborn children -- another God thing. Fancy that.

And because, as Thomas Jefferson
[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]noted[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times], "the God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time," she goes to the source for guidance. In other words, she prays -- an act that prompted the digital venture of the Washington Post to label her "[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]A Little Shop of Horrors[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]," Palin, described by Christianity Today magazine as "[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]unabashed about her faith[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]," prayed continuously during the presidential campaign as she has for all of her life. In this she mirrors the sixty percent of the country that [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]prays[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] at least once a day. Her prayer is a heartfelt effort to prepare for trials and challenges, the stuff of life. In doing so, she connects with the source of wisdom, unashamedly asking her Creator for patience, clarity, and the ability to love in and through all circumstances. And with her [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]prayer[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] she, in the words of Christian writer Philip Yancey, "stands at a place where God and human beings meet," a humbling experience that allows her to remain -- through it all -- just plain Sarah.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]And therein rests the problem with our elite: God is an intimate part of her life. He is not a tool to be used at the appropriate time to convince the governed that you, too, [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]can[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] "cling to guns or religion," as Obama described praying America to San Francisco grandees during the campaign. This God stuff sets off our privileged classes, which refuse to acknowledge that anyone -- especially someone who did a [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]road movie[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] with Charlton Heston -- has authority over them. And so they scream. The Washington Post, dismayed by her spirituality, [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]trotted[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] out a minister who said Palin "lacks ministerial preparation and theological education" to speak about God. Neither the minister nor the newspaper editors noticed that few of God's significant others -- from Abraham to Moses to Jesus to Paul -- have Harvard Divinity School degrees.[/FONT] [FONT=times new roman,times]
Meanwhile, Sarah Palin moves inexorably forward, her life a testament to God's
[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]admonition[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]: [/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman,times]Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don't take yourself too seriously-
take God seriously.
[FONT=times new roman,times]God is not done with her. Nor is he done with a nation that has brought freedom and opportunity to hundreds of millions around the world.
[FONT=times new roman,times]I'm not much on prophesying, but I'll take a turn: They'll be back.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Stuart H. Schwartz, Ph.D., is a former newspaper and retail executive. He is on the faculty at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.[/FONT]
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Haha. . .She'll soon be bunking with that Fred dude who was supposed to be President. . .


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<!-- BEGIN: Module - Main Heading --> From The Sunday Times
July 12, 2009
Palin leads the right into a reality TV vortex

The Alaska governor’s resignation shows how shallow Republicans have become

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<!-- Remove following <div> to not show photographer information --> <!-- Remove following <div> to not show image description --> Republican vice presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin, left, her husband Todd and daughters, Piper, center, and Willow, right, pledge allegiance to the flag before a campaign rally at the Beaver Area High School in Beaver, Pa. on Thursday, Oct. 23, 2008.

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<!-- Print Author name associated with the article --> <!-- Print Author name from By Line associated with the article --> Andrew Sullivan

<!-- END: Module - M24 Article Headline with landscape image (d) --> <!-- BEGIN: Module - Main Article --> <!-- Check the Article Type and display accordingly--> <!-- Print Author image associated with the Author--> <!-- Print the body of the article--> <style type="text/css"> div#related-article-links p a, div#related-article-links p a:visited { color:#06c; } </style> <!-- Pagination --> Writing about Sarah Palin always presents a quandary. Does one operate under the usual assumption that this is a rational figure, a serious politician, a rising Republican star . . . or do you acknowledge the copious evidence that she cannot tell the truth, has delusions of grandeur, has no policy record to speak of and quit her job as Alaska governor halfway through her first term because she is, in her own explanation, “not a quitter”? I think that you have to proceed under the assumption that this is a joke of a candidate and a symptom of a political party in the middle of a mental breakdown.
Mind you, I love the idea of Sarah Palin: a brassy, no-nonsense enemy of bloated government and corruption. That was probably John McCain’s rough idea of who she was in the five minutes his staff vetted her, and on the one occasion he’d met her, before offering her a chance to be leader of the free world. The idea of Sarah Palin, though, is sadly not the reality of Sarah Palin.
The reality of Sarah Palin is that politics is a means to her higher goal: celebrity. Every action she takes is designed to make sense . . . if you believe that government is really a version of a reality show. The remote, David Lynch-style location, the family often in trouble with the law, the pregnant teenage daughter and her impossibly handsome redneck boyfriend, the boyfriend’s angry sister, an ornery Alaskan trooper, a few moose and mysterious pregnancies . . . and, well, the mini-series never ends. The best guess I’ve heard of the real reason for her abrupt departure is: “I’m a celebrity . . . get me out of here!”
No one yet understands the real reason for a first-term governor just quitting on Friday, July 3, with no advance notice. If it were planned, why did her husband have to travel 300 miles to be there? Why do it all on a federal holiday before the Fourth of July? As Bubble from Absolutely Fabulous might note: “Who can say?”
A blog reader scanned every single governor of all the states for the past century to find precedents. There are plenty of examples of governors being arrested, being impeached or dying. But only two others in American history have just up and quit: Eliot Spitzer, New York governor, involved in a professional escort service after he had vowed to clean up the state; and Jim McGreevey, whose gay lover blackmailed him. Palin has quit for no apparent reason.
If it were to spend time with her family, it would be understandable, but she insists that’s not the case — and if you’re prepared to run for national office months after giving birth to an infant with Down’s syndrome, it’s a little odd to quit the governorship of a state when you have only a year and a half to go. It doesn’t make sense politically since it implies she could do the same thing at any moment in any future office. Why should anyone vote for someone who could quit for no good reason at any time?
But trying to makes sense of Sarah Palin is a fool’s errand. I spent a lot of time last year trying to figure out how her bizarre pregnancy story could make any sense at all — it doesn’t — and came up with nothing but a suspicion that large parts of it were made up. If you present the facts to Palin spokespeople, they seem offended and regard you as some liberal hater. But the facts reveal she lies all the time about almost everything and so is probably improvising about her reasons for resigning.
I’ve now compiled 32 incontrovertibly untrue statements of fact that she has uttered in the public record and never retracted. They are not the usual political lies — spinning or shading the truth; they are demonstrably, empirically untrue in the public record. Some are trivial: Palin said on television that she asked her daughters to vote on whether she should accept the vice-presidency offer; but that story contradicts details given by Palin herself, who said she accepted the offer on the spot.
Others are more serious: Palin lied when she said the dismissal of Walt Monegan, her public safety commissioner, had nothing to do with his refusal to fire Mike Wooten (her former brother-in-law, who was at war with her family) from his job as a state trooper; in fact, the Branchflower report concluded she repeatedly abused her power when dealing with both men.
Palin lied when she repeatedly claimed to have said, “Thanks, but no thanks,” to the famous “bridge to nowhere”, an expensive, pork-barrel government project; in fact, she openly campaigned for the federal project when running for governor. I could go on. But the truth is, she’s a reality-show star vaulted to national prominence by a Republican party now so devoid of talent and desperate for some kind of support that it gambled on the political equivalent of Susan Boyle. One who couldn’t even sing.
My own bet is that there is another scandal out there that would have forced her resignation if she hadn’t pre-empted it. Yet as plausible is the simple notion uttered by the only person in the melodrama who seems halfway sane: Levi Johnston, the teenage father of Palin’s grandson: “I think the big deal was the book. That was millions of dollars.” With a multi-million-dollar book deal, Palin can now become the darling of the right-wing media in America without the tedious duties of actually, you know, governing something. If the book contains scandals we have not yet learnt about, it could be explosively big in the mainstream; if it’s a hagiography, it could sell well with an adoring religious base.
And this helps explain the broader problem with American conservatism right now. It is less a movement than an industry. From Fox News to talk radio to conservative publishing houses, it has created an alternate and lucrative media reality that is worth a fortune to those able to exploit it. Alas, these alternative media thrive on paranoia, hatred of liberal elites and growing extremist rhetoric made worse by a hermetically sealed echo chamber of true believers. Anyone criticised by the left or even by the establishment right is a martyr in this world. In America, martyrdom sells. And Palin is a product worth lots of money.
She wants some of it; and she has no actual interest in governing America (even though she’d love the title of president). She referred to giving up her “title” as governor, not her “office”. In this, she is the ultimate Republican of this degenerate moment: all culture war, no policy; all identity politics, no engagement with practical answers to difficult public problems; and all hysterical opposition to Barack Obama, no actual alternatives offered.
Since even epic scandals heighten celebrity rather than diminish it, Palin’s future is secure. Her party’s? Getting bleaker by the day.

Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Hopefully, when Sarah had the tard kid in her 40s, she received the message from God loud and clear to shut her fucking legs and not accept any more sperm deposits from the now First Quitter Dude.


EOG Dedicated
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Joe still does not get it.Now he thinks it's about God.


Since announcing her resignation, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been pummeled by critics who have called her incoherent, a quitter, a joke and a "political train wreck."

And those were fellow Republicans talking.

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Palin has been a polarizing figure from the moment she stepped off the tundra into the bright lights last summer as John McCain's surprise vice presidential running mate. Some of that hostility could be expected, given the hyper-partisanship of today's politics.

What is remarkable is the contempt Palin has engendered within her own party and the fact that so many of her GOP detractors are willing, even eager, to express it publicly -- even with Palin an early front-runner for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

Some admit their preference that she stay in Alaska and forget about any national ambitions.

"I am of the strong opinion that, at present day, she is not ready to be the leading voice of the GOP," said Todd Harris, a party strategist who likened Palin to the hopelessly dated "Miami Vice" -- something once cool that people regard years later with puzzlement and laughter. "It's not even that she hasn't paid her dues. I personally don't think she's ready to be commander in chief."

Others suggest a delayed response to last year's shaky campaign performance, now that the race is over and Republicans feel free to speak their minds.

"I can't tell you one thing she brought to the ticket," said Stuart K. Spencer, who has been advising GOP candidates for more than 40 years. "McCain wanted to shock and surprise people, and he did -- in a bad way."

It is more than cruel sport, this picking apart of Alaska's departing chief executive. The sniping reflects a serious split within the Republican Party between its professional ranks and some of its most ardent followers, which threatens not only to undermine Palin's White House ambitions -- if, indeed, she harbors them -- but to complicate the party's search for a way back to power in Washington.

Consider a USA Today/Gallup poll released last week. About 7 in 10 Republicans said they would be likely to vote for Palin if she ran for president. Other surveys place Palin in a statistical dead heat with Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee, the former governors of Massachusetts and Arkansas, respectively, who sought the White House in 2008 and give every indication that they will try again in 2012.

Although any presidential poll taken this far out has to be taken with a sea's worth of salt, that is not the reason so many Republican strategists and party insiders dismiss Palin.

"People at the grass roots see a charismatic personality who is popular with other people at the grass roots. But their horizon only goes so far as people who think like them," said Mike Murphy. The veteran GOP ad man eviscerated Palin -- a "political train wreck," "an awful choice" for vice president, her resignation an "astonishing self-immolation" -- in a column published Thursday in the New York Daily News.

"Professional operatives keep their eye on a broader horizon and understand, without independents and swing voters, she can't win," Murphy said. "She's a stone-cold loser in a general election."

That, of course, is debatable and subject to any number of developments over the next few years. A Palin spokeswoman did not respond to requests for comment.

In an interview Sunday in the Washington Times, Palin said she planned to write a book and campaign for candidates nationwide, regardless of party affiliation, who shared her views on limited government, national defense and energy independence.

But the reaction to her resignation from Republican candidates around the country has been telling. Asked if they planned to invite Palin to visit and campaign on their behalf, several of those facing tough races -- the ones who need to do more than turn out the party faithful or collect their contributions -- were not rushing out the welcome mat.

"I don't generally need people from outside my district to do a fundraiser," Rep. Frank R. Wolf, a Republican from the Democratic-leaning suburbs of northern Virginia, told the Hill newspaper.

"There's others that I would have come in and campaign, and most of them would be my colleagues in the House," Rep. Lee Terry (R-Neb.) said in the same piece.

Whatever one thinks of Palin, there is no question she has been subjected to a level of internal sniping -- friendly fire seems like a misnomer -- that is extraordinary.

The Republican criticism of Palin, 45, began during McCain's presidential run, privately at first, then breaking into the open during the last troubled days of the Arizona senator's campaign. Finger-pointing and back-stabbing are hardly unusual in politics, especially on the losing side. But like so many things Palin-related -- the crowds, the adoration, the antipathy -- the verbal strafing seems of a whole other magnitude. (How many other losing vice presidential candidates would merit a 10,000-word exegesis in Vanity Fair, which depicted Alaska's governor as a narcissistic, one-woman demolition derby?)

Some blame sexism, though again there is sharp disagreement between Palin's supporters and detractors. Some think the former beauty queen has always been hurt by her looks, whereas others think her appearance has helped her considerably. "If Sarah Palin looked like Golda Meir, would we even be talking about her today?" Murphy asked.

Others see a knee-jerk reaction from the political establishment, which will always frown on any populist outsider (think Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan, Howard Dean), much less a governor who quits midterm and shows up on TV in hip waders.

"The fact that she is a woman who's extremely attractive and dynamic and charismatic throws them for a loop," said Bay Buchanan, who strategized for her brother's two insurgent presidential campaigns. "Once they sense the first little sign of weakness, that's when they go in for the kill."

No one knows where the future will take Palin, not even the governor herself. Her reemergence on the national scene and the scathing response from so many of her party peers underscore one thing, however: Republicans may hold dear their memories of the late Ronald Reagan. But his famous 11th commandment -- "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican" -- was laid to rest a long time ago.
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Palin will not be Republican nominee much less President.
Never was going to be after this year.
anyone that thinks she was is just flat out not involved in the Republican party insight.

Doc Mercier

EOG Senior Member
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

KTB once again showing he knows nothing.
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Joe still does not get it.Now he thinks it's about God.


Since announcing her resignation, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been pummeled by critics who have called her incoherent, a quitter, a joke and a "political train wreck."

And those were fellow Republicans talking.

Name them. Actually never mind, they'll ALL RINOs. 2938u4ji23

Put another way: none have sway or influence with the Ronald Reagan base (the most decisive electoral landslide in American history, I may add).

Now pay attention and learn something for once:

FACT: There are twice as many conservatives as there are libs.

FACT: There are more conservatives than Republicans. :blink:

Got that?

Conservatives are the LARGEST voting block in the country.

This suggests a) Republicans (NOT conservatives) have a problem with an eroding brand, and b) the winning formula for electoral landslides means running as far RIGHT as humanly possible. Put another way: the first authentic conservative who can convince every like-minded voter he/she is "one of them" takes the prize. :houra

Interesting to note, Democrats need to employ the OPPOSITE strategy -- appeal to "moderates" and "run to the center"...whatever the hell that means -- because there are more DEMOCRATS than liberals. See how that works? Not so for for Republicans. This is a DOOMED strategy (see Ford, Dole, McVain etc.)

So take your Peggy Noonans and your Colon Bowells, your David Brooks and David Frums...pedophiles like Andrew Sullivan and every know-nothing back bencher in the country...all your faux-conservatives ogling over the biggest statist in American history so eager to lecture Republicans on "how to win"...and shove them up your BIG GOVERNMENT, surrender monkey, sodomite asses.

We don't want you.

We don't need you.

Sarah is our gal.

In the coming weeks, months and years, she will become the most vocal and popular voice against the Marxist buffoon in the White House attracting massive crowds wherever her stilettos carry her.

I know it pains you to hear this, but Sarah Palin is the biggest star in the country right now -- the only individual with the talent to knock Michael Jackson off the radar screen.

The fun starts July 26th -- the day Sarah Palin will be free as the American Eagle...free to speak her mind flying all over country, meeting and greeting everyday folks...sharing with y'all what she REALLY THINKS...

About YOU: the heart and soul of America.

About that Marxist buffoon in the White House and his immoral, destructive policies.

And all her critics and statists who are destroying our beloved country.

Despite all the hype and hopeandchange, it's still Ronald Reagan's America.

And Sarah Palin is Morning in America 2.0. :thumbsup


EOG Dedicated
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

"Conservatives are the LARGEST voting block in the country."

problem 1) they're only about 12%-15% of the voting public.
problem 2) they frighten about 50% of the voting public who'll vote opposite of them.

joe, this country is on a 28-32 year swing to the left, if you really think that sarah palin will win the presidency in 2012, then put your money where your mouth is.
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

"Conservatives are the LARGEST voting block in the country."

problem 1) they're only about 12%-15% of the voting public.

problem 2) they frighten about 50% of the voting public who'll vote opposite of them.

See previous answer.

joe, this country is on a 28-32 year swing to the left

That explains Hussein's plummeting approval ratings (and even more dismal economic output), AND the fact 70% of Americans feel the country is headed in the WRONG direction.

if you really think that sarah palin will win the presidency in 2012, then put your money where your mouth is.

What the hell does that mean?

Every time I issue a challenge (on a level playing field) they turn me down or the room goes silent.

Besides, the only way the loony left knows how to win a debate is to silence their opponents (see my banning "across the street").

Well, guess what?

The Marxists can't silence Sarah!!!



EOG Dedicated
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

"Conservatives are the LARGEST voting block in the country."

problem 1) they're only about 12%-15% of the voting public.
problem 2) they frighten about 50% of the voting public who'll vote opposite of them.

joe, this country is on a 28-32 year swing to the left, if you really think that sarah palin will win the presidency in 2012, then put your money where your mouth is.
SHHHH. He actually believes that but cannot explain why the republicans have been getting destroyed in the elections.Maybe that huge voting block stayed home????


EOG Dedicated
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Yep the numbers have pretty much stayed the same so please explain why they got destroyed the last election ??Are you going to tell us conservatives voted for Obama??:LMAO


EOG Dedicated
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Heres why Sarah will not win

You can't fix stupid

Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

SHHHH. He actually believes that but cannot explain why the republicans have been getting destroyed in the elections.Maybe that huge voting block stayed home????

Yes, they "stayed home" in 1980, 1984, 1988 (voting for Reagan's third term), 1994 (Contract with America), 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004 and....

Republicans lost because the people elected them to drain the swamp in Washington and instead they made partnership with the alligators. (Well...not all, but a lot of them...at least enough to create this perception that Republicans were no better than DemocRATS)

Republicans don't have a values problem, they have a CREDIBILITY problem.

That's it, tank. It's so simple your phantom "niece" can understand. :doh1

And if you think for one minute that "politics as usual" (to borrow a Palinism) retreads and/or "moderates" (Romney, Pawlenty etc.) are the winning ticket, I have some property Tony Rezko wants to sell you.

Jeepers, didn't you armchair pundits learn anything from this past election?

John McCain was every "moderate's" dream -- and LOST!!! :doh1


EOG Dedicated
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Yes, they "stayed home" in 1980, 1984, 1988 (voting for Reagan's third term), 1994 (Contract with America), 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004 and....

Republicans lost because the people elected them to drain the swamp in Washington and instead they made partnership with the alligators. (Well...not all, but a lot of them...at least enough to create this perception that Republicans were no better than DemocRATS)

Republicans don't have a values problem, they have a CREDIBILITY problem.

That's it, tank. It's so simple your phantom "niece" can understand. :doh1

And if you think for one minute that "politics as usual" (to borrow a Palinism) retreads and/or "moderates" (Romney, Pawlenty etc.) are the winning ticket, I have some property Tony Rezko wants to sell you.

Jeepers, didn't you armchair pundits learn anything from this past election?

John McCain was every "moderate's" dream -- and LOST!!! :doh1
Golly Mark this makes so much sense. And the conservatives that are losing mid elections in their own districts can be explained to this too:LMAO
Why did your man Fred Thompson not win the nomination then if what your saying is true , he should have got the nomination very easy.
Just proves a Canadian has no business trying to be an American over the internet:LMAO
P.S It was the moderate democrats that voted for Reagan that got him elected twice and that is were the term ''Reagan Democrats'' comes from.
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Golly Mark this makes so much sense. And the conservatives that are losing mid elections in their own districts can be explained to this too:LMAO

What conservatives?

You mean all those "blue dogs" Rahm Emanuel, aka Al Capone, handpicked in 2006 to defeat all the Republicans who had a credibility problem?

Why did your man Fred Thompson not win the nomination then if what your saying is true , he should have got the nomination very easy.

Boring. No charisma. Too many late swings....yada yada yada....

Just proves a Canadian has no business trying to be an American over the internet:LMAO

I'll let you live in your drug-induced "Manny" fantasyland on that one. :+textinb3

P.S It was the moderate democrats that voted for Reagan that got him elected twice and that is were the term ''Reagan Democrats'' comes from.


Thing is, there's nothin' "moderate" about them. (See previous chart.)

Like I said, there are MORE DEMOCRATS than FAR LEFT LOONS. Not ALL Democrat voters are Michael Moore libs!

ALL OF THEM want limited govt, strong national security and energy independence.

Gee, what a koindidink...that happens to be Sarah Palin's platform! :houra

C'mon tank, are you telling me that these "Reagan Democrats" (or "moderates"...whatever the hell you want to call them) approve of the current insanity?


EOG Dedicated
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

After Jimmy Carter it was easy to get moderates to cross over just like after Bush it was the same way. Conservatives do not decide elections it is the moderate/independent swing voters everytime but when it comes to voting for a stupid person like Sarah she will lose everytime.Ask Dan Quayle how far he got being conservative 2938u4ji23
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

How cavalierly joey dismisses his prophet--that Fred dude that was supposed to be President. Manny--or somebody--has posted some of the more entertaining pronouncements regarding that Fred dude who was supposed to be President that have been made by Joey. What are the odds that Palin gets kicked to the curb by our Tuffy of the Frozen Tundra as soon as she gets annihilated in her first public showing?
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Okay tanky, you're a pretty dense dude, but I'll try anyway...

Go ahead and educate me....what the hell is a "moderate"? The problem with this debate is nobody knows what the hell it means. What's a "moderate"? social con/fiscal lib; fiscal con/social lib; or maybe national security hawk/social lib. :blink:

Seriously....WHAT IS A MODERATE?

There's no such thing.

It's just filler for pundits and pollsters in the "Drive-by media" (back benchers who don't know what the hell they are are talking about).

People don't elect wishy-washy "moderates". In almost every election I can think of, the stronger perceived ideologue won -- left or right.

Ford lost to Carter
Carter lost to Reagan
Mondale lost to Reagan (my first election)
Dukaka lost to Bush
Bush lost to Clinton
Dole lost to Clinton
Gore lost to Bush (we'll call that one a tie)
Kerry lost to Bush
McCain (a "moderate" if there ever was one :doh1) loses to Hussein

We're not going to win by fielding "Democrat lite"...we have to give voters a CONTRAST: THE ANTI-OBAMA.

(Geez, why am I discussing GOP strategy with someone who's never voted Republican in his entire life!) :doh1


EOG Dedicated
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">if you really think that sarah palin will win the presidency in 2012, then put your money where your mouth is. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
"What the hell does that mean?

Every time I issue a challenge (on a level playing field) they turn me down or the room goes silent. "

what it means is we both fund a betjm account. if sarah palin wins the presidency in 2012, the account belongs to you, if she doesn't win, it's mine.


EOG Dedicated
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Okay tanky, you're a pretty dense dude, but I'll try anyway...

Go ahead and educate me....what the hell is a "moderate"? The problem with this debate is nobody knows what the hell it means. What's a "moderate"? social con/fiscal lib; fiscal con/social lib; or maybe national security hawk/social lib. :blink:

Seriously....WHAT IS A MODERATE?

There's no such thing.

It's just filler for pundits and pollsters in the "Drive-by media" (back benchers who don't know what the hell they are are talking about).

People don't elect wishy-washy "moderates". In almost every election I can think of, the stronger perceived ideologue won -- left or right.

Ford lost to Carter
Carter lost to Reagan
Mondale lost to Reagan (my first election)
Dukaka lost to Bush
Bush lost to Clinton
Dole lost to Clinton
Gore lost to Bush (we'll call that one a tie)
Kerry lost to Bush
McCain (a "moderate" if there ever was one :doh1) loses to Hussein

We're not going to win by fielding "Democrat lite"...we have to give voters a CONTRAST: THE ANTI-OBAMA.

(Geez, why am I discussing GOP strategy with someone who's never voted Republican in his entire life!) :doh1
Joe Contrarian <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("postmenu_2464031", true); </script>

Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: UN Headquarters
Posts: 11,535

<!-- icon and title -->
<hr style="color: rgb(253, 222, 130); background-color: rgb(253, 222, 130);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> KtVegas, yes I'm Canadian, but just because I'm Canadian doesn't mean I'm automatically going to carry the socialist party line, while I strategically wrap myself in the maple leaf, bashing our friends south of the border, every chance I get. It's those elected officials, we are working overtime to toss out of power!

Besides, if you want to get technical, David Miller (the mayor who's comments touched off this thread) is actually an American -- if you can believe that!
Gop strategy from Canada:LMAO:LMAO
Moderates do not like the far right or left and will vote for who they think will do a better job.Keep think 40% conservatives will win every election.
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;">if you really think that sarah palin will win the presidency in 2012, then put your money where your mouth is. </td></tr></tbody></table>
"What the hell does that mean?

Every time I issue a challenge (on a level playing field) they turn me down or the room goes silent. "

what it means is we both fund a betjm account. if sarah palin wins the presidency in 2012, the account belongs to you, if she doesn't win, it's mine.

Nice try.

I guess you missed the "level playing field" part...

She could get hit with scandal, illness, or by a bus...and not even run.

Ask me again when Sarah is the Republican nominee. If she makes it that far, she will trounce Hussein. Won't even be close.

People are so fed up and can't believe the garbage coming out of Washington these days. Sarah is the quintessential "outsider"/"anti-politics as usual" politician.

Washington, Lincoln, Reagan and now Palin: "citizen politicians"...reluctant warriors of their time who saved the nation (one way or the other) and weren't enamored with (nor considered part of) the "intelligentsia" and elite "ruling class". :thumbsup
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

I will give her that; she is definitely in the "anti-intelligent" camp. . .
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

I will give her that; she is definitely in the "anti-intelligent" camp. . .

Newsflash: while sometimes useful for their ideas, "intellectuals" don't exactly make great leaders.

(Intellectual defined as one who is more enamored with ideology/ideas than actual PEOPLE.)

JFK, Nixon, Carter, Hussein... miserable failures.

This in contrast to Churchill, FDR, Thatcher, Truman...also not members of the "intelligentsia"...

Need I go on?

Great leaders aren't molded at Harvard and Yale, they are born and raised in the most usual (or ordinary, depending on your perspective) places and rise to the occasion during the most "challenging" times.

R2-D2: Stop reading Andrew "I'm a closet pedophile" Sullivan.

Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Joe Contrarian <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("postmenu_2464031", true); </script>

Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: UN Headquarters
Posts: 11,535

<!-- icon and title -->
<hr style="color: rgb(253, 222, 130); background-color: rgb(253, 222, 130);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> KtVegas, yes I'm Canadian, but just because I'm Canadian doesn't mean I'm automatically going to carry the socialist party line, while I strategically wrap myself in the maple leaf, bashing our friends south of the border, every chance I get. It's those elected officials, we are working overtime to toss out of power!

Besides, if you want to get technical, David Miller (the mayor who's comments touched off this thread) is actually an American -- if you can believe that!
Gop strategy from Canada:LMAO:LMAO
Moderates do not like the far right or left and will vote for who they think will do a better job.Keep think 40% conservatives will win every election.

KTV is an ass -- like Steve Heath. Just giving these poseurs whatever I think they deserve (btw, that goes for anyone who has the temerity to get personal because their sorry asses are being spanked in a debate)

Hey idiot, still waiting for a coherent definition of "moderate".

You don't have one, do you?



EOG Dedicated
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Um it was explained in that last post you quoted.
As soon as you explain how 40% of conservatives can win every election then we can discuss moderate/independent voters and how they decide every election and not the conservatives or liberals.Unless of course you think that liberals or conservatives are swing voters that decide the outcome.
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Though I hesitate to endow any seriousness to your tomfoolery, if you don't think that Churchill was "intelligent" then perhaps that explains your zany antics. . .

In the future, you might want to google up on historical figures before throwing their name out willy-nilly. . .The readership at this forum is probably a little more discerning than that at whatever other forum you screech at. . .
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Um it was explained in that last post you quoted.
As soon as you explain how 40% of conservatives can win every election then we can discuss moderate/independent voters and how they decide every election and not the conservatives or liberals.Unless of course you think that liberals or conservatives are swing voters that decide the outcome.

Tank, there is no such thing as a 'moderate' -- and any politician who builds his campaign around this phantom voting block is a sure loser. I've already listed the roadkill who bought into this meaningless MSM soundbyte -- are you ready to move on?

That said, Independents do exist as far as PARTY affiliation and BRAND identification...

"I'm a lifelong Republican"
"I'm a lifelong Democrat"
"I'm no longer registered under any party"
"I'm registered as a Republican but voted for Obama" :doh1

Moreover, voters DO switch sides, however such voters could hardly be defined as 'moderate' AND in point of fact almost always gravitate toward the candidate who is perceived to have more conviction on the issues. He/she also tends to focus more on the ancillary superficial factors such as "charisma", "likability", "change", right/wrong direction of the country etc.

This is pretty much how we ended up with a Marxist in the White House.
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Okay, now I'm interested when "Marxist" comes through. Get me a "birth certificate" and a "teleprompter" and my pick three will hit again. . .
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Though I hesitate to endow any seriousness to your tomfoolery, if you don't think that Churchill was "intelligent" then perhaps that explains your zany antics. . .

In the future, you might want to google up on historical figures before throwing their name out willy-nilly. . .The readership at this forum is probably a little more discerning than that at whatever other forum you screech at. . .

"Intellectual" is not the same as intelligent. :doh1

Most self-described "intellectuals" are tenured professors or policy wonks who's destructive ideas unfortunately forever remain sheltered from real world people/market forces. Karl Marx is an excellent example. Henry Kissinger and Noam Chomsky, to give another two examples.

Much to YOUR dismay (and all your tofu eatin', latte sippin' pals) Sarah Palin isn't 'stupid'...and common sense rubber-meets-the-road doers and producers (70% of the economy is run by small business) who built this country, happen to find a citizen politician like Sarah extremely appealing -- especially in contrast to the insulated demagogic "tomfoolery" coming out of Washington in the recent years.
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

So socially lib/fiscal con? Strong on national security? Or a mixture of everything?

I'm familiar with the empty label...WHAT'S A MODERATE? :+clueless

And why did McCain lose? Please don't say Sarah Palin and/or Joe Biden. Nobody elects VPs. :doh1

Americans are hungry to feel once again a sense of mission and greatness.

I don 't know about you, but I am impatient with those Republicans who after the last election rushed into print saying, "We must broaden the base of our party" -- when what they meant was to fuzz up and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents.

It was a feeling that there was not a sufficient difference now between the parties that kept a majority of the voters away from the polls. When have we ever advocated a closed-door policy? Who has ever been barred from participating?

Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?

Let us show that we stand for fiscal integrity and sound money and above all for an end to deficit spending, with ultimate retirement of the national debt.

Let us also include a permanent limit on the percentage of the people's earnings government can take without their consent.

Let our banner proclaim a genuine tax reform that will begin by simplifying the income tax so that workers can compute their obligation without having to employ legal help.

And let it provide indexing -- adjusting the brackets to the cost of living -- so that an increase in salary merely to keep pace with inflation does not move the taxpayer into a surtax bracket. Failure to provide this means an increase in government's share and would make the worker worse off than he was before he got the raise.

Let our banner proclaim our belief in a free market as the greatest provider for the people. Let us also call for an end to the nit-picking, the harassment and over-regulation of business and industry which restricts expansion and our ability to compete in world markets.

Let us explore ways to ward off socialism, not by increasing government’s coercive power, but by increasing participation by the people in the ownership of our industrial machine.

Our banner must recognize the responsibility of government to protect the law-abiding, holding those who commit misdeeds personally accountable.

And we must make it plain to international adventurers that our love of peace stops short of "peace at any price."

We will maintain whatever level of strength is necessary to preserve our free way of life.

A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency, or simply to swell its numbers.

I do not believe I have proposed anything that is contrary to what has been considered Republican principle. It is at the same time the very basis of conservatism. It is time to reassert that principle and raise it to full view.

And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way.

-- Ronald Reagan -- March 1, 1975 -- "Let Them Go Their Way"


Sarah's "Time for Choosing" speech upcoming shortly.



EOG Dedicated
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Okay we will try one more time since you cannot grasp it. A moderate is neither liberal or conservative. It is people who do not vote for any one issue and are middle of the road not tied into any one party usually. They are usually the swing voters that are undecided at the end who win or lose elections for you.


EOG Dedicated
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Palin did not help McCain at all.Remember she was the one trying to call herself a maverick too so now if she wants to try and be conservative she will be exposed.Her spreading the wealth with the oil money reeks of socialism to me and being for the bridge to nowhere until it was exposed as waste , and then being against it shows a lack of leadership.She had more lobbyists around the capital then any other governor. Total fraud!!
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Okay we will try one more time since you cannot grasp it. A moderate is neither liberal or conservative. It is people who do not vote for any one issue and are middle of the road not tied into any one party usually. They are usually the swing voters that are undecided at the end who win or lose elections for you.


I kinda mentioned that earlier, but I guess you didn't bother reading my posts.

In a nutshell: a 'moderate' voter is someone who "isn't political" and votes for the guy who has more "charisma"; is more "likable" or "believable"; always follows the political winds....pretty much anything but the issues -- the perfect Frank Luntz drone.

That's how the Marxist got into the White House. People believed his rhetoric and evasive misleading tone ("answering that question with specificity is above my pay grade"; "if you make LESS than $200,000, your taxes won't go up")....

60% of the people who voted for him (the rest of the 40% are the hard core Michael Moore communist ideologues) didn't have a clue what he was planning to do.

Unfortunately, he dominated the airways with non-stop television ads, complete with a live one hour infomercial, because he had a pool of cash the Republican "moderate" couldn't compete with. (And yet he only won 52.something% of the popular vote.)


He ran a brilliant (almost flawless) campaign, I'll give him that.

That won't happen again.

Sarah isn't a go-to-get-along naive sheep fit to be slaughtered.

She's a warrior who doesn't mince words.

She'll counter charisma with CHARISMA ON STEROIDS with a war chest triple in size and win big.

Sounds great to me.




EOG Dedicated
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)


I kinda mentioned that earlier, but I guess you didn't bother reading my posts.

In a nutshell: a 'moderate' voter is someone who "isn't political" and votes for the guy who has more "charisma"; is more "likable" or "believable"; always follows the political winds....pretty much anything but the issues -- the perfect Frank Luntz drone.

That's how the Marxist got into the White House. People believed his rhetoric and evasive misleading tone ("answering that question with specificity is above my pay grade"; "if you make LESS than $200,000, your taxes won't go up")....

60% of the people who voted for him (the rest of the 40% are the hard core Michael Moore communist ideologues) didn't have a clue what he was planning to do.

Unfortunately, he dominated the airways with non-stop television ads, complete with a live one hour infomercial, because he had a pool of cash the Republican "moderate" couldn't compete with. (And yet he only won 52.something% of the popular vote.)


He ran a brilliant (almost flawless) campaign, I'll give him that.

That won't happen again.

Sarah isn't a go-to-get-along naive sheep fit to be slaughtered.

She's a warrior who doesn't mince words.

She'll counter charisma with CHARISMA ON STEROIDS with a war chest triple in size and win big.

Sounds great to me.


I agree with everything you posted except at the bottom about Palin.I just don't think she is electable. I also think the press did not hammer Obama as much as they did everyone else[easy ride] but things better be different the next time around and now he will have to answer for the things he has done.


EOG Dedicated
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Also all Obama had to do was be the anti-Bush which made it easy for him.


EOG Senior Member
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

Also all Obama had to do was be the anti-Bush which made it easy for him.



G0 R0N PAUL 2012
Re: God and Sarah Palin (Sarah loves God and God loves Sarah. That is why they hate her -- and why she will win!)

JoeTheCanadian declares: Now Pay Attention and learn something!!

