Royal' revenge


Royal has been calling my cell and home for the last week, non stop. I guesss they didnt like my last thread outing them for their current slow pays and stiffing of a big winner. They pretend they dont care about the forums but this is obviously not true. Anyways, I changed both numbers and filed a police report for the second time. I informed in the report of the dispute and that Royal is my only true enemy so if I end up dead or injured ,Royal is the first place to look. I gave all names of Royal staff I know, address, phone numbers, and fax#s. Im not very computer saavy so I cant do this myself, but if you remember Royal started a thread back when the dispute was fresh. In it they agreed to pay me 20 grand not because of the tapes but because they were wrong to lie to me for 2 months and then slow pay me. If someone could bring that post her it may serve to inform the few guys who doubt that Royal initiated this dispute. In no way does it excuse my reaction but it certainly should wake up the few guys who dare to bet there. Who in the world would do business with a place that admits to stiffing a solid customer for the second time in 5 years? If you ever have a problem with them they resort to bombarding your phone with threatning calls. Why send money to a place that has an owner that ran off with the money at other books in the past? Is that not fact? There are so many legit books out there. Dont su[pport a place that admits to lying and cheating a guy then when the player goes on the forums and vents his frustration and contempt for the place that admitted to ripping him off, they threaten him on phone calls. Real legit and professional outfit.


If you dont file a report, then you will be charged for swithing your number. I just want the cops to know who did it if it does happens. Is that ok macho man?


A police report? Did RoyalSports move to California??

Dude, it's called jurisdiction. Look it up.
These threads are getting a bit tiresome. I'm not a fan of Royal or David.

What exactly would you file a police report for?
You did business with them and they called you, that is not a violation of the Do Not Call Act or anything else.
What charges did you specify?
And what did you do when the policeman laughed at you?


Just because I was once a customer of a place that ripped me off does not mean that it is ok for that company to harrass me at my home. Is that so hard to understand? i filed a polce report so if I needed to change my number again I wouldnt be charged. My degree is in C.J. so dont bother making yourselves look like idiots talking about jusisdiction and such. As far as the guy who said he was getting tired of reading these posts. STOP freakin reading them then dummy. You are the one that clicks on the button guy. Pick the ones you want to read and read them. I just signed up here. This was like my third post. And you are already tired of it?
Royalbasher said:
Just because I was once a customer of a place that ripped me off does not mean that it is ok for that company to harrass me at my home. Is that so hard to understand? i filed a polce report so if I needed to change my number again I wouldnt be charged. My degree is in C.J. so dont bother making yourselves look like idiots talking about jusisdiction and such. As far as the guy who said he was getting tired of reading these posts. STOP freakin reading them then dummy. You are the one that clicks on the button guy. Pick the ones you want to read and read them. I just signed up here. This was like my third post. And you are already tired of it?

you have a degree in Criminal justice but you have the sentence structure of a 6th grader?

you do have a lying problem dont you?


Why would you be charged for changing your number? Do you mean charged criminally, or that you would be sent a bill??

The police can't do anything to Royal. They aren't American. Don't need a degree in CJ to know that.


What are you guys talking about? Betting Prophet you said you were done talking to me. Great composure cop hater! they are not American. Are you kidding me? First of all Richard and Kevin are American citizens. The report wasnt to bust anybody but to have record in case Royal does come through on their threats. You guys are mixing up a report and actually filing charges. I told you to leave it alone. I was told by the phone company that if I filed a report(not pressed charges), I wouldnt be financially charged the 50 bucks or whatever to change my number. You are allowed to change your number once a year free. Call your phone company if you dont believe me. I guess I dont blame you guys for not trusting me but we are talking about Royal here. The shrink can call both of my previous numbers and confirm that they were changed if that would help you guys try to figure out if Im lying. Lets stick to the facts. Royal promised to pay me if I won, and instead they lied to me for two months and then told me I would have to wait a year to get paid. Wouldnt you guys be pissed off too? I have phone records if you need proof that Royal made these 500 calls. Royal stiffs people and anyone who supports them by being a customer of theirs is just as stupid as I was. To this day I am told that it is my fault because I signed up with company that was known for screwing people. Dont be a sucker like I was!!!


Okay, so you filed the police report only to avoid paying the 50 bucks if you need to change your number.

Wouldn't have killed you to say that at the outset.

But you DO know that the cops are never ever ever going to give Royal a hard time about telephone solicitation. If they come after a Royal owner when they try to enter the US, it will be for much bigger fish than what you threw in the pan.

you filed report to save 50 BUCKS!!!??? wtf dude Big shooter like yourself wipes his ass with a 50 spot doesnt he? (I use 10's) :smokesmal


Russ from major wager has banners from both royal and betus flying on his site. Real class this guy has. Major wager I have learned and been informed is about as trustworthy as royal and betus. Betting prophet you said you were done here. Got nowhere to go? Why dont you go throw eggs at cop cars tough guy? dont forget your lunch pail!


David, the problem that you have with these forums is that everyone and their mother knows you are a MASSIVE drama queen. Your stories are taller than the CN Tower, you intentionally exaggerate.

Just about every forum poster thinks Royal is a shit book and thinks their history of slow pay is ridiculous. So one would conclude that you might have a friend or two on your side, wouldn't one? But you don't.

Think about that. You are a liar also, have been busted doing so, and your credibility is damn near nil.
Royalbasher said:
Russ from major wager has banners from both royal and betus flying on his site. Real class this guy has. Major wager I have learned and been informed is about as trustworthy as royal and betus. Betting prophet you said you were done here. Got nowhere to go? Why dont you go throw eggs at cop cars tough guy? dont forget your lunch pail!

i never said I was leaving here

you are fuckface


Wow, I thought you guys would have gotten it by now. 1. The first change is free. I didnt have anything to save.2. I filed the report so if it happens again, I wont be charged. I also included in the report the history just in case Royal comes after me the cops will know where to look. And yes, even if they are not Americans, they will be popped for murder or murder for hire.


You know, if I were seriously worried that someone might put out a hit on me, my first step would be to shut my mouth. Just some friendly advice, as you aren't likely doing yourself any favours here. There are plenty of anti-Royal posters in forumland who will keep your crusade alive, believe me.
Royalbasher said:
Wow, I thought you guys would have gotten it by now. 1. The first change is free. I didnt have anything to save.2. I filed the report so if it happens again, I wont be charged. I also included in the report the history just in case Royal comes after me the cops will know where to look. And yes, even if they are not Americans, they will be popped for murder or murder for hire.

you fucking retard

murder for hire??? your degree where did you get it from? a Cracker Jack box? did your schooling and degree not teach you that ONE MUST BE FOUND AND TRIED AND PROVEN GUILTY OF INVOLVEMENT IN ORDER TO GO TO JAIL?

thats like me calling the cops and telling them I think someones after me and keep it on file and I think its David the royalbasher and then I get hit by a car and you get prosecuted for it 3 years later

your incompetance is mind blowing


If people want to hate on me because I used bad judgement after being jerked around for months by Royal, then so be it. I think that people do tend to understand why I did what I did ,but that would be boring to like me wouldnt it? It is much more exciting to call me names. I lied because I was ripped off by Royal. Not everybody knows about Royal otherwise I wouldnt bother. Just imagine how you would feel if a book promised to pay you if you won and then as soon as you win they stiff you. I was not the instigator and that matters to the logical and reasonable ones. I dont care if faceless strangers using fake names like me or not. I have an agenda and Royal and you guys are responding to it, so I guess it is working. I live in secure housing and I dare Royal to come and get me or anyone else. You just better draw real quick. I have apologized to the ones I care about. For the rest of you guys, if you dont like me or dont want to read my threads,because you already know about Royals crooked ways, stay away from them. i wont respond to you if you dont respond to my threads. I am simply informing people who may stumble across my thread in search of a legit book.


The last time I checked, I was not asking anyone to send me your hard earned cash and trust me that if you win I will pay you. This is exactly what Royal is doing. Even after they admitted to lying to me about never sending me my money and then for no reason saying they will slow pay me. I am only here to smear royal. I will not waste my time with your hatred of a sranger anymore. Dont send money to Royal or betus/Omni if you want to get paid. Dont forget that it was at Royal that I nailed the final 4 and Royal told me 20 others out of 2000 also hit it. I wass told by a former employee, and sorry but I wont rat him out, that royal always does this. Dont do business with a place that admits to slow paying. You winners dont deserve it. I love you!!
let get real...

let get real...

Ok, guys i think we have gotten enough bashing to last a month.

Now, to the real stuff. I'm a full time bettor and I have never dealt with Royal at any point. I do know that where you find smoke, there is fire. I don't know anything about this RB guy, nor I know anything about Royal period. I'm a little puzzle about this as I do respect JJ and BP a whole lot and I'm extremely confused about Xpanda's comments.

I was a lurker at the RX for many years and when the Shrink decided to leave I follwed just because I have always respected a man who owned to his mistakes. I think Glaken,General,Xpanda are top of the line people and I also know that JJ and BP know their stuff when it comes to this industry. My question is this? Is Royal a stay away book or are they a good book?

I'm confused as JJ gave them the thumbs up while Xpanda gave them the thumb down..... I just want to know as I currently used 7 different books and I'm trying Carib as my potential 8th as many people here gave them good reviews but I'm always looking to add more solid books to my repertoire, so If royal is a stay away book it would be good to know....anyways, enough rambling............OB


Just ask the shrink. There is a reason that royals banner is not flying here. Neither is betus/omni. Good luck. Tej the owner is a known scammer. I was told anyway. The fact is I lied about royal concocting tapes only after the fact. The fact being royal wouldnt pay me when I requested a payout. Instead they lied to me for two months by saying it was on the way. Then they said they would slow pay me. none of this was ever disputed by royal. It is fact. I was wrong but was not the instigator. Beware!!!!

Sober Leprechaun

EOG Enthusiast
the amazing thing about these posts is you actually have everyone who doesn't trust royal, would never play with them, and knows they are scammers on THEIR side because you come across so badly.

you filed a harrassment report with the police on royal. define and tell us what exactly they did to harass you other than calling you. i'm under the impression they are calling you to get you as a customer. are they threatening you? can you give us any specific claims?

my credit card company calls me up with their stupid ass offers, but i do business with them so they have that right.

please try and clarify your position without attacking everyone on here.


EOG Dedicated
this is real simple:

David1: Liar, and Shady Character

Royal: Stiff/Slow-pay shitty book

Let's please move on already. We all know the story very well. David, you have lost any kind of support for your cause you may have had in this battle, by being such an obsessed person about it. We may have to use thr RX rule of 1 thread per week on this Royal topic for David...
My position on Royal is they have always paid. If anyone ever got stiffed and it was proven there had to be other reasons.


Oceanboy said:
I'm confused as JJ gave them the thumbs up while Xpanda gave them the thumb down

Royal has a tactic of slow paying their customers when they try to withdraw large sums. In a nutshell, their business model is to get you to keep your funds in your account for as long as possible so that you will eventually bet your winnings and lose it. Poor business acumen, imo. I do not, however, know of any instances in which they didn't eventually pay, just that they slow pay routinely.

RB's name is David. He raised a massive dispute over at the Rx in which he said Royal was not paying him his due. Royal defended themselves by saying that David agreed to keep his money in his account and that he ended up betting it down to zero. Much huballoo was made, Royal was asked to send copies of the tapes (which they never did) and David agreed to take a lie detector. He failed.

So, in a nutshell, we have a lying bettor who was sucked in by a scam but lied to those arbitrating on his behalf, and a shit book who deserved much of the negative publicity. IMO, the two were perfect for one another.

David would have had my sympathy had he been honest from the get-go. But he was not.
Lie Detectors, murder for hire, threatening phone calls, police reports...

Damn this is a bad Aaron Spelling production.

A )Police are not going to get involved with phone threats. Especially if initiated in a foriegn country.

B) No one is going to put a hit on anyone (book or player) most people are pussies and talk tough, and when push comes to shove they quit.

C) Royal sucks

D) Who cares


Truthteller said:
Remember none of this would have happened if Royal didn't slow pay this guy in the first place.

As shitty as it was that Royal slow paid, the guy is responsible for his own actions. He didn't need to agree to leave his money with Royal, he didn't need to place those bets. End of story.
xpanda said:
As shitty as it was that Royal slow paid, the guy is responsible for his own actions. He didn't need to agree to leave his money with Royal, he didn't need to place those bets. End of story.

He didn't agree to leave his money with Royal. He wanted his money out. He couldn't get it for over 2 months with them lying about bank wires and cheques been sent.

After 2 months and knowing nothing about these forums he put back the money in play.

I highly doubt he would have put back the money in play if he knew about sites like these.


We are all adults here. He managed to eventually find these forums. Why didn't he try to do so earlier?

I agree with you 100% that Royal is a shit book for these tactics. But I still say David is a big boy who can make his own decisions. And deciding to make new wagers with a book that wasn't paying him in a timely fashion isn't a logical decision. If he truly believed that they would never ever pay him, what did he think was going to happen if he'd won his bets?
Maybe he thought if he gave them more action they would eventually pay him.

When you have so much money owed people will do depserate things to get their money. After 2 months and not receiving a cent I would say those were desperate times.

You were never owed that amount of money by a book and felt helpless when trying to get it.

Everyone reacts in a different way under stress.


EOG Master
I was owed a significant amount. Had same games, even worse run on me. I never got desperate, just increased my perseverence. I refused to bet anything until I was paid. Then, after all the games had been played, I decided I could do better taking my business elsewhere. Good point as each individual reacts differently under stress. But then, I would never lie to people trying to help me, and if I had a problem with someone, the cops would be the last to know. Strange, Royal never called me again.

Best Wishes...OF :+waving-5