WINNER BetJamaica $25 FREE PLAY Friday 03-31-06 Congrats to BreakTheBank !!!!


EOG Master
Congratulations to EOG poster BreakTheBank for winning the Bet Jamaica $25 FREE PLAY for Friday, March 31, 2006.

There were 3 posters out of 36 that correctly picked a three (3) team parlay. The winner had the parlay with a payout factor of 8.61.


ThumperDragon -- 5.84
Aristotle -- 5.48

If you have any questions please email
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Thank you Thank you Thank you, you far too kind.:cheers

Let me accept this award by saying, first off I would like to thank all the mods here at EOG……….Dirty, The General, Glaken, and of course the man behind the curtain Shrinky Shrink Ken. (I’m seriously gonna flip the day I see royal banner on top of this website)

I had a speech written some where:D damn can’t find it.

OK, still searching,:eek:

What ever,


I would like to thank great cappers and good posters here at EOG

MadCapper, Sabian, Dmmd, Raiders, Devil, kelp, Coco (you haven’t been around much lately), Big D, Tony, Uwin, Lawrence, Shawn, Panther (hope all is well with you buddy), Hache, trytrytry, Wrigley, BP Jimmy, playersonly, shortbus, ego(welcome to the site), tow. Sorry for the once I missed, as for the rest………………..“beep” “peep” “petep” “detep” “peep” “beep” you for ignoring my posts when I’m asking you for your opinions on the games, and eat my shit. <--Ha ha wouldn’t sensor this one:+wink-2+