you know whats really too fun to do in this capping world of ours


playing Kc first 5 and the other team for the game.
i see KC get out to leads and blow them all the time.

so if kc gets blown out all game, you lose one and win one. if kc starts out hot as they have the last couple nights and then loses, you go 2-0. if kcs pen can somehow hold on, you go 1-1. if kc makes a crazy wild late innning comeback, its no good, 0-2

it can be an enjoyable time in certain spots.
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Can probably be used with a few teams with crappy pens. Bravos have a HORRENDOUS pen. So Braves first 5, and their opponent for the game.


HI McDonough said:
Can probably be used with a few teams with crappy pens. Bravos have a HORRENDOUS pen. So Braves first 5, and their opponent for the game.

very true, they have blown at least 5 leads for smoltz alone


so if they play a team with a great pen, they arent likely to come back if they are down anyway....and if they are up for the first 5 we have a chance at hitting 2

i like....
maybe we can select a few games today and see if they fit this.