Hezbollah just hit Nazareth

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=940 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD align=left><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Israel steps up raids after Haifa attack</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!--startclickprintexclude--><TABLE height=25 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><!--endclickprintexclude-->Updated 7/16/2006 7:50 PM ET<!--startclickprintexclude--></TD><TD align=right><!-- EdSysObj ID="SSI-B" FRAGMENTID="13417811" rberthol -->E-mail | Save | Print |<SCRIPT type=text/javascript><!--var tempshowReprintSSI = "";if(window.showReprintSSI){tempshowReprintSSI = showReprintSSI;} if ((navigator.os.indexOf("Mac")==1) && (navigator.type==2)) { // macIE if((document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value == "0") || (document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value=="2")) { if(document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value == "2"){ document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value = "0"; } else{ document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value = "1"; } if(tempshowReprintSSI == 'showReprintSSI'){ writeReprintLink(); } writeSubscribeToLink(); } else { document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value = "2"; } } else {// non macIE - write top and bottom if(tempshowReprintSSI == 'showReprintSSI'){ writeReprintLink(); } writeSubscribeToLink(); } function writeReprintLink(){ document.write('Reprints & Permissions | '); } function writeSubscribeToLink(){ var url = document.location.toString(); var urlArray = url.split("/") var nurl = ""; for (i = 3; i < urlArray.length - 1; i++) { if(i<urlArray.length-2){ nurl += urlArray + "|"; } else { nurl += urlArray; } } document.write('Subscribe to stories like this '); }//--> </SCRIPT> Subscribe to stories like this <!-- /EdSysObj --> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left><TABLE style="FLOAT: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=245 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2></TD><TD vAlign=top width=20 rowSpan=3> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=vaLink width=80 height=18> Enlarge</TD><TD class=photoCredit align=right width=165>AFP</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2 height=1> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=photoCredit colSpan=2>An elderly Lebanese man runs for cover in the southern Lebanese suburb of Dahyieh Junubiya, a Hezbollah stronghold, following an Israeli raid upon the militant group's TV station.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<!-- ContentCoreElement ID="11d6fa6c-7f52-4967-8f3e-5efdd15060f6" debrown --><TABLE class=vaOuter cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=245 border=0 xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format"><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2 height=20> </TD></TR><TR><TD width=12> </TD><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2> 8 CANADIANS KILLED IN STRIKES</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=vaText colSpan=2>Eight members of a Canadian family vacationing in Lebanon were killed Sunday in an Israeli air raid that hit a Lebanese town on the Israeli border, officials said.
Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay said six other Canadians were in critical condition.
Lebanese security officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the victims were members of a single family of Lebanese origin and were killed at home in their family's village of Aitaroun.
MacKay said the government is putting commercial ships in place to evacuate its citizens by sea. The victims were not identified.
The killings came on the fifth day of an Israeli barrage of Lebanon that began when the Shiite guerrilla group Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers and killed eight others in a cross-border raid. The fighting has killed at least 148 in Lebanon and 23 in Israel.
The Associated Press
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<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>swapContent('firstHeader','applyHeader');</SCRIPT><!--endclickprintexclude-->BEIRUT (AP) ? Hezbollah and Israel traded rocket and missile barrages without letup for a fifth day Sunday, as the war that has suddenly flared in the Middle East showed no sign of easing. Hezbollah rockets struck deep inside Israel, killing eight people in the northern city of Haifa, and Israel answered with even more lethal blows across Lebanon and into the Bekaa Valley near Syria.
The toll on both sides rose to at least 178, including three Lebanese soldiers and many civilians, as strikes continued into Monday. In addition to the Israeli victims at a rail repair facility in Haifa, eight Canadians vacationing at their family village in Lebanon died in an Israeli raid, and a sea-launched missile killed at least nine people at a civil defense building in the southern Lebanese port of Tyre.
Israel warned of massive retaliation after the Haifa attack, and accused Iran and Syria of providing the weaponry used. Military officials said the missiles were more advanced ? with longer range and heavier warheads ? than the hundreds of rockets the guerrillas had rained on northern Israel earlier.
With the violence rising, foreigners began to flee by the hundreds and several nations drew up plans to get their citizens out. U.S. planners arrived to organize evacuation for any of the 25,000 Americans trying to leave. Italian military flights rushed out some 350 people, mostly Europeans, and two Marine helicopters ferried 21 U.S. citizens, most with medical conditions, to Cyprus.
In the early hours of Monday, witnesses reported that waves of Israeli airstrikes had hit the Lebanese city of Tripoli and Hezbollah strongholds in eastern town of Baalbek. Barrages from gunboats killed four in a village south of Beirut. Three Lebanese army soldiers were killed and seven missing after an Israeli airstrike in the fishing village of Abdeh in northernmost Lebanon.
With violence spiraling, world leaders meeting in St. Petersburg produced for the first time a draft framework to end the crisis and a U.N. envoy landed in Beirut. The Group of Eight most industrialized nations expressed concern over "rising civilian casualties on all sides" and urged both sides to stop their attacks.
"These extremist elements and those that support them cannot be allowed to plunge the Middle East into chaos and provoke a wider conflict," the G8 leaders said in a statement. "The extremists must immediately halt their attacks."
The United Nations, the European Union and Italy also pushed ahead with separate efforts Sunday to try to end the fighting.
But both Israel and Hezbollah signaled that their attacks would only intensify in an already brutal battle that has killed at least 152 in Lebanon and 23 in Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert vowed "far-reaching consequences" for the Haifa attack, Hezbollah's deadliest strike ever on Israel. The morning barrage of 20 rockets came after Israeli warplanes unleashed their heaviest strikes yet on Beirut, flattening apartment buildings and blowing up a power station to cut electricity to swaths of the capital.
The Israeli military warned residents of south Lebanon to flee, promising heavy retaliation after the Haifa assault. "Nothing will deter us," Olmert said.
Along with the Lebanon attacks, Israel attacked along the second front where Israel is fighting, in Gaza. Fighter jets bombed the Palestinian Foreign Ministry in Gaza City, and clouds of smoke rose from the building, which has been hit before.
Hezbollah's leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, said that despite the barrage, the guerrillas were "in their full strength and power" and that their "missile stockpiles are still full."
"When the Zionists behave like there are no rules and no red lines and no limits to the confrontation, it is our right to behave in the same way," a tired-looking but defiant Nasrallah said in a televised address. He said Hezbollah hit Haifa because of Israel's strikes on Lebanese civilians.
Nasrallah tried to rally the Arab world around Hezbollah, saying the battle was an opportunity to deal Israel a "historic defeat." Iran and Syria are prime supporters of Hezbollah and Hamas, raising fears the sides could be drawn into a regional war.
Still, they denied Israel's claim that they had provided advanced missile technology to Hezbollah.
Smoke rose over Haifa and air raid sirens wailed as the dead and wounded were evacuated from a train station warehouse full of workers that took a direct hit in the strike, just one hour into the new work week. Orthodox rescue crews worked their way through the debris gathering pieces of flesh amid pools of blood.
In an initial response soon after, warplanes hit south Beirut around Hezbollah's headquarters, already reduced to rubble. In the southern port of Tyre, an Israeli missile tore of the top of a 12-story building, killing at least nine. Rescue workers pulled bodies from the crushed concrete.
Eight Canadians of Lebanese origin, all members of the same family, were killed by an Israeli strike on their village in the south where they'd come for a summer visit. Canada said it was sending commercial ships to evacuate its citizens.
After nightfall, Israeli missiles destroyed fuel depots at Beirut's airport. Hezbollah retaliated with rockets that exploded in the Israeli town of Afula and Upper Nazareth, showing a longer range than previous barrages. There were no immediate reports of casualties.
Another series of airstrikes followed that, hitting on the Mediterranean coast near Beirut and in the northern port of Tripoli, as well as in the eastern town of Baalbek, police and witnesses said. At least four people were killed.
Western nations clearly expected a drawn-out fight even as diplomatic efforts began in earnest.
In Beirut, Vijay Nambiar, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan's special political adviser, met the Lebanese prime minister. "Enough innocent lives have been lost and property infrastructure has been damaged," Nambiar said.
Syria warned on Sunday that any aggression against it "will be met with a firm and direct response whose timing and methods are unlimited." Hundreds of cars drove through Damascus on Sunday night with drivers and passengers waving Syrian and Hezbollah flags and honking horns.
Iran threatened "unimaginable damage" to Israel if Syria were attacked, and its supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Hezbollah was winning its fight against Israel and would not disarm. Iran's foreign minister headed to Damascus late Sunday for talks.
The damage in southern Beirut ? a teeming Shiite district where Hezbollah's main headquarters are located ? was colossal after Israel unleashed its worst bombardment yet, before the Haifa strike. A series of 18 explosions rocked the city before sunrise.
The Jiyeh power plant, on Beirut's southern outskirts, was in flames after it was hit, cutting electricity to many areas in the capital and south Lebanon. Firefighters pleaded for help from residents after saying they didn't have enough water to put out the blaze.
Large swaths of Beirut were covered with dust, and the city of 1.5 million people was emptying as residents fled to the relative safety of the mountains and the eastern Bekaa Valley.
Some residents of Beirut's southern Shiite neighborhood, Dahiyah, ventured out of shelters to collect belongings from their shattered city blocks, where buildings were collapsed on their sides, missing top floors or reduced to pancaked concrete. Many emerged from their destroyed apartments with bulging shopping bags or suitcases as young Hezbollah gunmen urged them to leave quickly.
"We want to sleep on our own pillows in the shelter," Mariam Shihabiyah, a 39-year-old mother of five said as she emerged from her home with an armful of pillows and clothes. "Can you believe what happened to Dahiyah?"
Furniture pieces, blankets, mattresses, clothes and soft toys were scattered on the streets. A copy of the Quran, Islam's holy book, lay in the street with its dusty pages fluttering until a Hezbollah gunman reverently lifted it and kissed it.
In Israel, Haifa ? a bustling port city of 270,000 people ? was brought to a standstill. The streets were eerily quiet as residents huddled in bomb shelters or stocked up on milk, bread and other staples.
"It's a war, it's an emergency situation and it will get worse," said Sharon Goldstein, a 34-year-old security guard.
Hendawi reported from Beirut and Keath from Damascus, Syria.
Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
<!--startclickprintexclude--><TABLE height=25 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2 height=40>Posted 7/16/2006 8:03 AM ET </TD></TR><TR><TD width="27%" height=30>Updated 7/16/2006 7:50 PM ET</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Doc Mercer

EOG Master

another site said FOX just reported it ... see if I can find a link

This is spiraling out of control

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Sunday, July 16, 2006

JERUSALEM ? Rockets fired from Lebanon late Sunday exploded in the Israeli towns of Upper Nazareth and Afula, the Israeli military said, but no casualties were reported

If they take out the Temple Mount and blame it on Israel the entire Arab world will explode like nothing we've seen in our lifetime

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Tnuc ....

Do you realize Israel in this conflict is not attacking Lebanon directly but taking out Hezbollah and Hamas? Both are puppet terrorist organizations backed by Iran and assisted by Syria

If this country was under the constant missle bombardment and suicide bombing from Mexico Bush would have nuked Mexico City a long time ago


EOG Enthusiast
Bettor days, let's try this on for size peckerhead. What did Bush ever do to that good Doc? Explain that, and I'll be more than happy to answer your querry.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Funny if that is your argument ...

since the Infatada started in Oct of 2000 after Sharon visited the Temple Mount that is all Israel has had to endure .... suicide bombers blowing up bus stops, shopping malls, restaurants, etc

Lebanon is now paying the price for harboring these terrorist bastard killers that target civilians ....

Israel is going after Hezbollah and Hamas ... killing innocent civilians does suck and sorry but this is a war zone and Israel is the size of New Jersey and surrounded by 21 countries with a common goal of destruction of the state of Israel

Palestinians are nothing but displaced Arabs ... There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc.

Israel has learned hard lessons that trading land for peace does not work ...

Again, what is Israel suppose to do????

Bettor days

EOG Dedicated
That has nothing to do with your hoping the jews get their butts kicked. Whats wrong with you? you should go back to writing poetry.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
so Idenity is a big Hezbollah fan .... seems we have a terrorist in our mixture, fella!!

Let me guess ... in real life you have a beard and go by Abdullah???

Bettor days

EOG Dedicated
tnuc!!! i agree sir!!! too bad hezbollah's rockets cant reach the jewish areas in the u.s.!!! the jews deserve everything they are getting!!

And you deserve all the shit talking people do about you.:+thumbs-2 :mutley :+signs1-6
tnuc!!! i agree sir!!! too bad hezbollah's rockets cant reach the jewish areas in the u.s.!!! the jews deserve everything they are getting!!

FUCK YOU you scumbag DIRT WHORE.

I should have expected a post like that from an ignorant piece of shit like you!
oh yes!!! praise allah little fellas!!! tnuc is the smartest poster on this forum!!!! i was not being sarcastic at all you morons!!!


Doc Mercer

EOG Master

So you support terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas?

Which means you also support the actions of Iran and Syria .....

What day this week is your local Islamic Jihad meetings held???


EOG Enthusiast
"tnuc is the smartest poster on this forum"

I would not go that far, but thanks for the comp.
btw, jimmy hoffa - you are really a low class POS. thanks for confirming it little buddy....
I'm not your buddy you fat ass ugly scum sucker.

You ignorant animal. Two of your classics:

"Does Disneyland have rides"?

"What does side mean"?

Now this??????

Nobody here thinks you bring anything to EOG.

LOCK AND LOAD bitch! You're brain dead. When I meet you, you better be wearing cast iron panties because I'm going to bury my foot up your ass!

Stupid anti-semitic MORON!
lol jimmy - youre too uneducated to even have a discussion with. before you make comments, try to borrow a brain from someone, k little buddy?

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
3-1 odds we have a NEW POSTER named ArabicDick that surfaces tomorrow .

B21 got busted last time as LINDA ... and now he is back using the very creative handle of TNUC and his writing "style" is very similar to say the

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Well Syria should be thrilled with the news tonite:

The Pentagon notified Congress of plans to sell Israel jet fuel valued at up to USD 210 million "to keep peace and security in the region".

"The proposed sale of the JP-8 aviation fuel will enable Israel to maintain the operational capability of its aircraft inventory," the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency said in notice required by law.
tnuc - i was being sarcastic, sir. i dont think you are smart. i believe you are ignorant and a bigot. why would you say such a thing so seriously as say they deserve it? why do the jews deserve to be attacked on a daily basis by terrorists?

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Dumbass ...

Go ask that same question to Cheney, Rove, Limbaugh, Hannity, Jeb Bush, Gingrich, Ashcroft, Santorum, DeLay, Coulter, Frist and Bill O"Lielly and get back to me