Prediction About BetonSports' Press Release

It will have something like this in it tomorrow...

That players' funds will be released when the processors and the banks free up the funds. That date, YTBD.

They are simplying complying with the DOJ the best they can, bla bla bla but their hands are tied...

Also, since they can't do busineess, they let almost everyone go for now...



EOG Dedicated
The problem is this:

Most of BOS's funds came from credit cards. BOS's prided itself on credit card transactions going through - they used multiple processors.

Let's say BOS had all the money they needed to cover players funds.

A sportsbook probably takes in and sends out many times more than it holds in funds. I am simply guessing, but I would guess a sportsbook may take in and send out its entire funds every month or maybe every 2 months - someone who has booked bets would know, I have no idea.

In any case, credit card processor agreements allow them to hold transaction or debit the associated bank account for up to 6 months worth of transactions to cover potential chargebacks.

When you start a business, they usually hold 10%. As you build credibility and don't have chargebacks, the percent goes down to 5 or 1 or none.

If you get chargebacks, the amount goes back up. If the processor sees real risk (Like the DOJ indicts your business), the processor can debit your bank account for up to 6 months worth of charges.

Since this happened at 11PM, there is no way BOS could take their money out in the morning as the electronic debits to the processor would go through at 8AM or 9AM or whenever the bank opened long before they could pull out millions in cash.

Even if BOS only rolled over the money in the book every 3 months and only did 50% on credit cards, they would have lost every penny. I suspect the rolled it over more often and did more in credit cards, but whatever. All or a very significant amount of their funds were likely debited by the processing companies.

Now what will the processors do with this money? They will hold it for 180 days to cover possible chargebacks. Then any left will be given back to BOS. (Unless the US government finds out who the processors are and puts a hold on the funds because these processors may or may not be in the US)

Anyways, the problem is this - at this point, anyone who made a credit card charge to BOS in the past 6 months can charge back the charge. Some people obviously won and some people (Prob more) lost. It can be assumed given the current situation a lot of people who lost will do charge backs. Some will be thieves who have lost all, but some will be people who posted up $5000 and now have a $1000 balance at BOS. It would be impossible to explain this to your bank, but charging back the $5000 would go right through and likely be their easiest option.

Because of this when all is said and done, BOS will likely either get no money back from the processors or they will get very little. It is possible the processors might lose as well - this is a risk they take when they do business and charge their 2-3% fees.

As you can see, even if BOS had all post up funds on hand, it is likely that they now have none or very little. I highly doubt their are millions to abscound with.

So if you are in BOS's position with no money and no business, what do you do? You can't repay players as the DOJ states. You also will have a hard time paying lawyers unless you find some that want to make a name for themselves.

A few days ago, they said DC would get $1,000,000 bail, but first they needed to find a place to stay in St Louis - give me a break, Motel 6 is $45 and you get to keep your tight end... What they meant to say is we can't find $1,000,000 to pay the bail.

The whole situation is really screwed up.

In a best case scenario, players might see some funds come back once the 6 months is over if the DOJ does not seize them or put a hold on them. The amount will probbaly be pennies on the dollar based on what I said above.

Another possibility is that BOS really will fight - I say it is unlikely, but it is possible. They had to shut down their websites because they do not have the funds to pay everyone. If they posted that their processors had the money, people would call bullshit (Most people dont know anything about processing cards) This is not bullshit. At this point, BOS can say we shut down the sites as you asked. We did not transfer the sites. We paid back people for a day (They did) until we ran out of cash and all the other money is with the credit card processors on hold. IF (A BIG IF) BOS intends to fight the US government, this is how they would go about it by being able to say they are following the court rules, and IF (Another big if) they win there is a very small chance they could become profitable again and with a very slow payout, players could get paid.

Players who used credit cards in the past 6 months can get their money back (Up to the deposit per Visa/MC terms)

Players who did not use their credit card, I give about 5-10% of seeing any money in this situation in 6 months to 3 years from now.

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EOG Dedicated
First off, very few people use Neteller. Probably 98% of the people here use Neteller, but outside of here, most people who have one book, simply use a credit card.

I used to use credit cards until most books stopped taking them. Then neteller was born. BOS went out of their way to process credit cards - they likely paid processors exhorbinant fees.

With neteller, you have no recourse - Neteller is like a bank wire and they offer you no protection as they should not - they are simply a processor and allow you to send money to anyone you want.

Neteller is like a bank wire. My bank once sent a $2000 wire to the wrong person. (They screwed up the account number). They told me it was my fault. Even though the right account number was on the hand printed form I gave them, they typed it in wrong and I was supposed to notice on their typed form before they sent it. Bank was Citizens and is now on my do not do business with list. In any case, I complaind for about a month and eventually one of their high ups simply said sue us - go ahead spend $50 grand and sue us. Maybe you'll win. So to this day 4 years later, my $2000 is in someone's account in Antigua.

Most likely BOS emptied their Neteller account to pay a few people the first day they went down as they figured out what to do...



EOG Veteran
I know people who got paid from MVP, V-Wager after I told them to pull funds on the 17th. They put in the request on the 18th and were paid on the 19th. That's the last date I know payments went out.


EOG Dedicated
That is likely when their neteller account ran out of money.

And as I mention above, their bank account was likely raided by the processors...
does sean1 have funds there? Other reports a more positive........theonline wire and gambling 911, along with other outlets are putting other stuff out there that is positive....we don't know what it true until it happens...


EOG Dedicated
Why would Netteller open themselves up to become a target of the DOJ. As crappy as it sounds, you need to wait for BOS $, if you get it at all. The question is, do you really want it back? The DOJ will have all your information, name, address, etc. They can make your life miserable.


EOG Dedicated
I had minimal funds at Millenium - about $400 from a free play that were left over there.

I never played at BOS - too many negative stories.

I knew they bought MVP and cashed out of there about a week after they were bought.

I did not know they had bought Millenium/Rock/Infinity. I have no use for these books after basketball as their baseball lines are horrid (And they make me call in my bets so no way am I calling in for bad to average lines). Had the DOJ hit during football season with the free 1/2 point and +100 teasers I would have lost a large chunk of change. I feel as if I am up 20-30 units before the season started. 75% because of diligence and 25% because of timing luck.

Are you fucking crazy? It is not illegal to place a wager. I want my 8K or my 5K deposit back. This is what I do for a living. Who wants to live in fear. Pay your taxes.
The justice department and everyone knows about neteller....they have been in article after article. DOJ have who they want, besides kaplan and put a scare in bettors.
Wait and see. Hopefully good will come from all of this...... and I'm hoping I don't lose everything and have to bust my ass ... getting a bankroll again....
About the only good news if you can call it that is they will probably reaffirm that they will pay all debts owed to gamblers, but it will take some time...

They will also announce that they have shut down their operations in Costa Rica and Antigua and will not be accepting bets from the United States any longer..

IMO, there is no GOOD excuse for them not paying out SOONER, rather than later...
Shrink what is your email address so I can send you the email BoS sent my or email me and I will forward it to you.

No emails on the site zero....

thanks man



EOG Dedicated
Shrink, the only good and I think most likely excuse is that their credit card processors are holding their money for 6 months.



EOG Dedicated
credit cards

credit cards


So, if someone did use a credit card for their BOS account... how does one go about doing chargebacks? never heard of this before....



EOG Dedicated
I am not an attorney and have no idea what can legally be charged back.

As I understand it, if you purchase goods or services on your credit card and do not receive them, you can dispute the charge for up to 6 months. (Some cards and banks will tell you 2 months, but Visa/MC policy which they must follow although they can give you a hard time is 6 months)

There are all sorts of what ifs - if you paid the card in full or covered the charge, you can not dispute it. For instance if you had a $1000 charge that went bad and your cc bill was $2000 and you paid off $1500, you could then only dispute $500...

I have no idea if disputing a gambling charge is legal when you are not paid. I am not an attorney and do not know.In todays gambling legalities, I doubt anyone would know. It would seem that services were not offered, but as I said, I am not an attorney. Disputing accurate charges is fraud. Regardless, I am sure many will dispute their BOS charges.



EOG Member
If I recall corecctly, BOS would only let you charge about $1500 a month. Because BOS is out of the country, many CC companies will only let you charge back 2 months, others like chase might let you go back 6 months. SO while BOS will certainly lose a lot do to chargebacks, I think they should still have enough to pay everyone.

I think the real issue of concern is what will happen on the 14th. I think the real problem is no one wants to do anything that will raise the ire of the DOJ. So if the DOJ were to announce on Monday that they are satisfied with the action BOS has taken, and don't fight to keep the TRO in place, then I think the payment proccessors will start relasing the funds. But even then BOS will likley want to wait unitl they know have much funds they have available to pay with, and then work out a system to start paying people.
What judge in her right mind would lift a restraining order? If a judge imposed a temporary restraining order on you not to go within 100 yards of your enstranged wife, and this was working as she was beat up less often, and harrassed less, wouldn't you think that the judge would make it permanent, and while money is still owed by BOS and that part of the TRO has not been complied with, don't you think that the judge might even take it a step further? In other words, by keeping the TRO in place, or making it a PRO, it actually could hinder the chances of players being paid. Courts and the legal system always hurt the defendants as the old expression goes "only lawyers benefit from litigation"