It is very strange that George hasn't signed this thing yet. One more call.


EOG Dedicated
Why is the bill only 85-90 on tradesports?

It should be 99-100, shouldn't it?

I am telling you something is very odd.

The republicans passed their port security bill and they had a great victory in passing anti gaming regulation that they have been trying to pass for 10 years. Yet in 3 days since the Republicans put every effort in the world to get this bill through, the Republican president has not signed it. Wouldn't one think he would sign it at first opportunity so the Republican religious wing could claim a great victory and start campaigning.

Maybe this means nothing, but to me, it is bizarre. Even if he plans to sign it at the very least, he and his party is waiting and observing public opinion.

Every major news source has done stories on this and every poll has shown 80-90% of people think this law is bullshit.

You can be reasonably sure the WTO, Europe, and countries like Antigua have contacted the white house.

And there is always the slim chance that with thehow long is your dick man running the front page news, the Republicans don't want to piss anyone else off.

Remember Frist is a dick. Frist is crazy. Frist thought everyone in the world hates gambling and would vote for him if this got through.

There are some very bright Republicans. They are not all morons. They know both the senate and house are going to be tightly contested and the presidency will be as well in 2 years. Trust me some of these advisors read these boards. They know right now, every ounce of the media is laughing at them. They NOW know that millions upon millions of Americans believe gambling should not be outlawed. Many who don't care about gambling still don't like the idea that banks will be monitoring their transactions. And finally, the whole world is now aware of how ass backwards Frist acted.

I don't think President Bush will send the bill back to congress, but I think there is a chance he is does so or waits till after elections to sign it. If he sent it back and demanded this personal rights issue is removed, he would gain a lot after all the liberties he and his party have eliminated. I can't believe Bush (Who gambles on oil all the time) gives a shit about gambling. Don't be stunned if he doesn't sign.

If you have the energy - one more call. Let's get this guy all day long tomorrow.

GOP Chairman Ken Mehlman

<TABLE class=tborder id=post3259174 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_3259174>If you call him, point out that Millions of gamblers will be voting democrat if Bush signs this.

If he does not believe you, point him to therx, eog, mw, twoplustwo, etc.

It can never hurt.

Republican National Committee | 310 First Street, SE | Washington, D.C. 20003
p: 202.863.8500 | f: 202.863.8820 | e:
<!-- / message --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2> </TD><TD class=alt1 align=right><!-- controls --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

A little about this guy:

Ken Mehlman has served as Chairman of the Republican National Committee since January 2005. When elected, he presented four goals for his term as Chairman: Enact and articulate our reform agenda; Deepen and broaden the GOP so we?re growing our party; Work to elect the best candidates in 2005, 2006 and 2008; and, Institutionalize the grassroots focus.
Before his election as Chairman, Mehlman served as campaign manager for Bush-Cheney ?04, where Michael Barone called him ?the structural engineer who turned the plans into reality.? Mehlman served from 2001 to 2003 as White House Political Director. Charlie Cook said that under Mehlman?s watch, ?the White House political office has reached the greatest prominence in this administration that it's ever had.?
Mehlman was National Field Director for Bush-Cheney 2000, where he worked with the campaign leadership in all fifty states and the Republican National Committee to execute winning political plans and mobilize strong grassroots.
Before joining President Bush, Mehlman was Congresswoman Kay Granger?s (TX-12) Chief of Staff and Congressman Lamar Smith?s (TX-21) Legislative Director. He practiced environmental law in Washington and assisted campaigns in Massachusetts, Ohio, Virginia, Texas, and Georgia, as well as the 1992 and 1996 Presidential campaigns.
Mehlman is a graduate of Harvard Law School and received his undergraduate degree from Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He is a native of Baltimore, Maryland.


EOG Dedicated
Re: It is very strange that George hasn't signed this thing yet. One more call.

Line item veto? Could he sign the Safe Port bill while vetoing the anti-internet gambling provisions?

The General

Another Day, Another Dollar
Re: It is very strange that George hasn't signed this thing yet. One more call.

Bush will have no hesitation in signing the bill as is if it gets on his desk as is.


EOG Dedicated
Re: It is very strange that George hasn't signed this thing yet. One more call.

There is NO LINE ITEM VETO. That is the major problem withthe federal Government today. Many state governments have passed it, but not the federal government, and is why you see out of contol spending, and "pet" bills passed into law.

This bill WILL be signed. To date, Bush has not veto'd ONE SINGLE BILL sent to him!

This bill is sign, sealed, and delivered.

TAKE IT LIKE A MAN peons of the US. Your United States Government WORKING FOR YOU!!!:rolleyes:


EOG Dedicated
Re: It is very strange that George hasn't signed this thing yet. One more call.

Congress passed a line item veto a while ago.

In 97 in the add pork here ruling, the Supreme court struck it down.



EOG Dedicated
Re: It is very strange that George hasn't signed this thing yet. One more call.

I doubt he won't sign it because of the gambling, but it is an election year.

The Repubs wanted all port workers to be screened for felonies. The dems got this taken out. Bush could send it back, saying the democrats did not do anything for port security and are weak on security. It is a stretch, but anything is possible with elections coming up.


EOG Dedicated
Re: It is very strange that George hasn't signed this thing yet. One more call.

Congress passed a line item veto a while ago.

In 97 in the add pork here ruling, the Supreme court struck it down.


I knew I had heard about "line item veto" somewhere...this would seem like a perfect case for its use

The General

Another Day, Another Dollar
Re: It is very strange that George hasn't signed this thing yet. One more call.

Bush did veto a bill recently on Stem Cell issues.


EOG Dedicated
Re: It is very strange that George hasn't signed this thing yet. One more call.

From elsewhere:

This has only 1 shot and it's not on American soil.

The political impact this bill will have with England since the news caught English investors by surprise.

Here is the favorite to replace Tony Blair:

Brown is The Chancellor of the Exchequer. It is the title held by the British cabinet minister responsible for all economic and financial matters.

I wonder how feels about the impact the bill had to his country's financial markets and economy.

I don't think its too swell.


EOG Enthusiast
Re: It is very strange that George hasn't signed this thing yet. One more call.

With Foley in the news every day....shit Bush could send it back. Republicans are on thin ice right now....wouldnt suprise me either if Bush sent it back.
Re: It is very strange that George hasn't signed this thing yet. One more call.

With Foley in the news every day....shit Bush could send it back. Republicans are on thin ice right now....wouldnt suprise me either if Bush sent it back.

me either

I am Canadian but from what I saw on CSPAN that broad from NV rocked the rebublicans on the security issue taking a backseat to "online poker players"

could be George is waiting for the shit to blow over before signing it


EOG Enthusiast
Re: It is very strange that George hasn't signed this thing yet. One more call. check this out....he waits for the shit to blow over....then sends the bill back.....hey I saved the day vote for meeeeeeee

Got to put on the big lens for this shit....bear with me mwhahahaha