Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!


EOG Dedicated
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

Pedophiles can be gay or straight. Most are straight. But that's another reason why your party needs to go back to family values and hypocrisy training. I wonder if Rick Santorum will condemn him.

As far as your "NY Post" story, it sounds about as vague as those reports on Limbouguh going to the Dominican Republic. Now i totally expect you to condemn Rush right now!


EOG Dedicated
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

NY Post? What's next? The National Enquirer? The Star? The Globe?


EOG Addicted
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

This is about sex and their personal life. This is not about how they govern. Your side taught me that. You and Ken Starr are obsessed with sex !!!!


EOG Addicted
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

Hel? Who's Brian Ross? I get my news from Brian Williams, George Stephanopolus and Al Sharpton. If you can't trust them who can you trust????


EOG Dedicated
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

So you support the Welfare Queen and her hundred of thousands in subsidies?

You don't have the guts to answer the question.


EOG Addicted
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

The only scandal is how did a high school wrestling coach go to Washington and end up with 3,5 million to give away. He's a rhino creep who pushed LED legislation and then retired and was hired to lobby for them. Screw him!!


EOG Dedicated
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

OK, is there ANY politician out there WHO'S PERFECT--somebody who hasn't compromised ANY principles? Is it possible?


EOG Dedicated
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

Sure, there are lots of gay pedaphiles, but there are more straight ones.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

PS, this is the second time you've tried to make this ridiculous point that keeps backfiring in your face.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

Here's an article, that says it's much more common for the abuser to be heterosexual. But many of these articles have an agenda, so it's hard to find out true facts. But even so, what's your point about Hastert being a gay pedophile?


EOG Dedicated
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

My point is how can you guys be for stopping gay rights, when your leaders are praticing it? Hypocrisy runs amok on your side.


EOG Addicted
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

You have the impression I'm against gay rights. I'm for gay rights and heterosexual rights.


EOG Addicted
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

I believe a business owner should be able to run the business. If you see a nitch open a bakery that fills it. Don't force people to like you. That's equal rights.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

Well then, what if he doesn't like hispanics or blacks? Then we end up back in the 1950s with white drinking fouintains and "others" drinking fountains. We don't want to go back to the past.


EOG Addicted
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

In Jefferson the guy goes out of business because of the market forces. We won't run to the teacher complaining, 'johnny doesn't like me'.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

Our military doesn't do that . . . furthermore, it would set up situations of violence. Bad idea.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

It would embolden hate groups like the KKK and Black Panthers. We don't need any of that.


EOG Addicted
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

You can stay in California. We're going with freedom. How do you feel about "no shirt, no shoes, no service ?"


EOG Addicted
Re: Another Republican Having a Gay Old Time!

What ever happened to "sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me". I've raised two great kids that don't hate much of anything that I'm aware of. I'm alarmed that you think you can raise my kids better than me!!!