Calvin Coolidge Economics (prosperity and thrift) vs the Wacky Keynesian Consumption Cult (slow growth, high unemployment, high inflation))

Calvin Coolidge Economics

Since the Income Tax was enacted in 1913, the U.S. has had just one period of true "net" prosperity.
That took place in the 1920's, during the presidency of Calvin Coolidge, building on the plan devised by Treasury Secretary, Andrew Mellon.

What brought about this prosperity far more than anything else? Government spending as a percent of GDP was reduced-significantly.

Were there tax cuts? Yes but. Were there significant tax cuts? Yes but. The but is the most important point.

What Was Even More Important Than Cutting Taxes??

Reducing the cost of government (as a percent (%) of GDP) is what brought the success. The tax cuts were just a subset of--spending a smaller (percentage) of the country's national income-GDP, then called GNP.

Reducing spending as a percent of income, reduces wasted dollars (the cost of bureaucrats, plus bureaucratic inefficiencies, waste, fraud and unnecessary and duplicative programs.)

So in the case of President Coolidge, true prosperity was achieved by cutting taxes and cutting spending. True prosperity could also take place by cutting out all inefficiencies in government, without cutting taxes.

Besides the fact that all positives under Pres. Coolidge were the best ever, almost miraculously, Total Debt was actually reduced by a whopping 25% from $22 billion to $16 Billion. See all data below.

If Government Took Only What It Needed, China Would Still Owe Us

Taxes would never have to be cut, if, to begin with, government took only what it needed to provide essential services under the Constitution. In fact the amount government would actually need, to be in step with Constitutional limitations, would be so much shockingly less than it is today, Americans might be in a state of disbelief upon knowing the true numbers.

Average income per person would be higher in the thousands of dollars, for doing the same thing each worker is now doing.

The federal government is jam packed with waste, fraud and duplication. There is no challenging this point. Our Government Accountability Office (GAO) issues the reports every year-has for decades and the waste has been enormous.

President Obama himself, on July 26, 2010 acknowledged that in just 1 area [of thousands] $110 billion--with a (b), mistakenly went out in checks, to scam artists, among others. The GAO recently upgraded that number to $125.4 billion.

GAO: Fed Govt Fails Yearly Audit, Continues Its 100% Failure History

Unnecessary spending is so enormous, the federal government has failed its required yearly audit, in every one of the last 13 years in which it's been conducted, as required by law since the mid 1990's.

A small portion of the report, says essentially, negatives cannot even be measured; a starting point can't be found to see where the money is going. An excerpt below:

..."The U.S. Government Accountability Office said it could not render an opinion on the 2010 consolidated financial statements of the federal government, because of widespread material internal control weaknesses, significant uncertainties, and other limitations."...

Bill Clinton's Economy Had Much To Brag About, But Did Not Achieve True "Net" Prosperity

During President Bill Clinton's presidency, we had outstanding gains in most segments of the economy, save one.

Unlike President Coolidge's very large decrease in the national debt, under President Clinton, the debt just kept building, just not as much as it had before him.

Under the presidencies of each, the cost of government as a % of GDP was cut. Most of the other positives for taxpayers and the economy were very good for both presidents but they were much better under President Coolidge because the cut in the percentage of government was much greater.

This does not detract from President Clinton's economic gains, it only drives home the point that reduced government spending through the proper allocation of resources, yields increased growth, revenue and jobs in direct proportion to the percentage by which the cost of government is reduced.

President Clinton did very well with debt compared to those before and after him. Similar to President Coolidge, related to the direction of spending, Mr. Clinton reduced the overall cost of government-from 20% to 18 1/2% but did not limit spending to the extent President Coolidge did.

Had the Clinton spending limitations, matched the results of Cal Coolidge, the national debt instead of increasing from $4.5 trillion to 5.9 trillion, would have decreased from $4.5 trillion to $3. 4 trillion.

President Obama Has Virtually Guaranteed Long Term Sluggishness

President Obama has increased federal spending from 20% to a whopping 25%, a highly destructive action. This is what yields the projection by the Federal Reserve, of years of a sluggish economy and high unemployment.

Other Gains of The Coolidge/Mellon Economy

-The Coolidge policies took more than a million people off the income tax rolls

-As a result 98% of Americans paid no income tax at the end of his term

-Real economic growth averaged 7% per year while he was in office--the highest growth on record

-Inflation averaged only 0.4%-lowest increase on record

-Investment, manufacturing output, and disposable income rose dramatically

-Unemployment averaged 3.3%

Why, How, Such Gains Took Place

-By 1920 the top tax rate had reached 75% causing a weak U.S.economy

-1921 the Mellon Tax Cuts Began

-1922 We Spent 12.67% of GDP to Produce Weak Revenues of $73.4 billion

-1923 We reduced spending to 11.27% Of GDP to produce strong revenues of $85.4 billion

-1929 The more we contained spending, the faster the economy grew. Spending still held at 11.27% of GDP through 1929 producing extremely strong revenues of $103.6 billion

It is time to tell your U.S. Senator and U.S. House rep: Make all political decisions a subset of your overall goal of reducing the cost of the federal government from 25% to 18%-NOW.

Wouldn't be a bad idea to tell your local Mayor and Council and your Governor and state legislature to likewise, make appropriate percentage reductions.

:whip: :+waving-5
Re: Calvin Coolidge Economics (prosperity and thrift) vs the Wacky Keynesian Consumption Cult (slow growth, high unemployment, high inflation))

Taxes, Liberty, & Cal – Obama vs. Coolidge

Posted on 02. Dec, 2010 by Brian Reilly in Video

There is one president who spoke out brilliantly against the growth of government and heavy taxation: Calvin Coolidge. If you don’t know much about President Calvin Coolidge, there are several reasons for this. Calvin Coolidge is not celebrated by textbooks. He’s not idolized for starting any giant federal government program. If fact, he thought growing government would be harmful to the liberty of all Americans.

Listen to how President Calvin Coolidge makes the case for economic liberty. This is a speech from 1924 (historically, the first video made of an American president’s speech). Coolidge’s argument is articulate and relevant even today. We’ve dressed up the video a little.

<iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="345" width="560"></iframe>

Should Congress and President Obama renew the Bush tax cuts? In January 2011 all Americans taxes are scheduled to increase significantly.

If every American had to pay less taxes, would that be a good thing? I say, “Yes”. The answer is not complicated. Anyone who answers “No” to that basic question might be exercising class warfare (bend at the knees). Politicians pit economic classes against each other all the time. Class warfare usually results in all economic classes piling on rich people. For some reason rich people are often mistaken for Lord Voldemort.

When the government relies too heavily on wealthier Americans to shoulder the tax burden, that’s a problem. But what about this statistic. In 2009, 47% of Americans didn’t pay ANY federal income taxes (source: AP). That’s HALF of America, paying for ALL of America. I imagine that the remaining 53% of people who actually paid federal income taxes aren’t all considered rich anyway, whatever your definition of rich is. Think of your parents, dentist, doctor, not Bill Gates. But remember, if the Bush tax cuts expire, we all pay.

Well, (some of) we all pay.

President Obama believes that wealthier Americans shouldn’t get a tax cut. He wants to use their money to pay for our deficit.

This argument is based on the premise that wealthier Americans will absorb this financial hit and continue working with the same size smile on their face the day after they write a bigger check to the government. Does that sound like a normal human reaction? Taxes affect everyone.

The majority of Congressional Republicans favor tax cuts for all income levels, including wealthier Americans. Some people think this idea is fiscally irresponsible. Now, I could bore everyone with statistics about what the effects of higher taxes on the rich could mean, but I won’t. That’s a very relevant issue though. Our economy is still fragile. Also, last time I checked, poor people don’t normally sign paychecks. Higher income earners simply won’t hire or expand their business interests because of the heavier tax burdens that fund our bloated government.

Should a person be responsible for paying more based on that person’s ability to provide? There’s a name for this philosophy. It’s called Marxism (From each according to his ability, to each according to his need). This philosophy is counter to what America was founded on because it rejects individual liberty, private property, and ownership.

It’s true our country’s deficit is staggering and entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are nearing bankruptcy.

We simply spend/borrow more money than we collect in taxes. What the BLEEP are we paying for? The financial failure of those huge government programs I listed is evident. Irrefutable. And I didn’t even mention our newest financial boat anchors like health care reform and the economic stimulus plan. Should we just keep paying higher and higher taxes forever or actually attempt to cut/reform/dismantle/end these government programs based on constitutional law?
Re: Calvin Coolidge Economics (prosperity and thrift) vs the Wacky Keynesian Consumption Cult (slow growth, high unemployment, high inflation))

Progressives must have been gasping for air, hiding under beds, and living in closets during the Harding/Coolidge administrations.

America's socialist schools don't teach American history prior to 1965, which is why in 2008 enough people drank the Kool-Aid and elected a Marxist demagogue as president.