Gingrich wins South Carolina

NBC has announced Gingrich's defeat of Romney in South Carolina.

At this time it is important that opponents of Romney unite behind one candidate, and Gingrich seems to be the most feasible option.

I personally like Gingrich's opposition to many Obama programs like food stamps. It seems to be that he would be a more effective leader than Obama also. The only way I would consider voting for Obama is if Romney gets the nomination.
Re: Gingrich wins South Carolina

It would probably be better for Santorum to drop out. He doesn't have enough name recognition to have a chance, and his presence probably helps Romney. Ron Paul will probably stay in no matter what since he has his own agenda, like a Republican version of Nader.
Re: Gingrich wins South Carolina

Romney was unlikeable from the start and continues to dig himself into deeper holes by the way he presents himself. Since he is so evasive about his taxes, that shows he is probably able (and willing) to steal and manipulate and will not hesitate to do so if he gets elected.
Re: Gingrich wins South Carolina

Mitt Romney may end up being the GOP nominee, but he won't be president...ever.

He is a fatally flawed candidate.