Good Luck to Our Friends in Texas


EOG Master
This is going to be nasty...supposed to be a CAT 1 when it gets over north Texas.....if anyone needs a place to stay open invitation at the Dirtman's House.. If there is any danger please get out.....We have already had too many of our Friends lose alot if not everything they had....

As long as you are alive you can Rreaquire everything that was lost...don't take the chance that so many in LA and Miss did..and it cost them thier Life
It has been a long hot summer in most places. The water in Golf of Mexico is 1.5 degrees warmer and that's the reason for so many hurricanes. The warmer the water the strong they get.
The biggest disaster in New Orleans was the flooding. Houston will not get flooded by any means but a city south of Houston has a 12 feet wall which can't be penetrated unless the water surge is that great.