Is this porn? Serious replies only please.

David Matthews

EOG Enthusiast

Someone posted this on my forums, and I can't decide if it's porn or not. I lean towards the no, but it sure is close.
  • Main Entry: por?nog?ra?phy
  • Pronunciation: -fe</I>
  • Function: noun</I>
  • Etymology: Greek </I>pornographos, adjective, writing about prostitutes, from </I>porne prostitute + </I>graphein to write; akin to Greek </I>pernanai to sell, </I>poros journey</I> -- more at FARE, CARVE </I>
  • 1 : the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement</I> </I>
    2 : material (as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement</I> </I>
    3 : the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction <the pornography of violence</I>></I>
    - por?no?graph?ic /"po r-n&-'gra-fik/ adjective
    - por?no?graph?i?cal?ly /-fi-k(&-)le/ adverb<SCRIPT> lookupchange('pornography','lookUpDic'); </SCRIPT>
  • Pronunication Key
well if it turns u own its porn. So anything can be porn.


EOG Enthusiast
If her legs are closed no...but since there open..yes it is!

Not there's anything wrong with it....:+waving-5
I vote "no" -- and not just because I'm a perv and it doesn't do anything for me:

I'm not a lawyer, but I think the law would be on my side:

A skimpy bikini top as long as nipples are covered would not be considered porn even though some prudes would say it's in bad taste, so even this -- as much as it pushes the, er, envelope -- isn't porn.

Further anectdotal evidence would be that I would bet if you took a jpeg of that photo to a photo lab, they would print it for you without question. In fact, one time when I picked up some "action" photos, the guy told me he shouldn't have printed them but since I was a regular customer he did it anyway. But he told me "Nudes are OK, even T&A and bush, as long as they're not closeups and absolutely no penetration anywhere." So I've always gone by that rule of, er, thumb. :+thumbs-2


TYVM Morgan William!!!
is it porn?

MOST rational people would say NO - but you can bet your life some will say "Yes" - but for the bible belt jesus freaks (mostly down south) kissing in public is porn

now having said that - if she wants to come over to my place "wearing" this - YES! she MUST be completely shaven down there to wear this - one more reason i heartily endorse this suit and you know a bottom like this goes with a top that is probably "covers" just as much as the bottoms do!