Islamic Jihadist Causing havoc all over Europe


EOG Master
And these people were against us about Iraq.....Sure helped these Countries didnt it!!!!!

It was the 11th night of rioting and attacks in and around Paris last night. Turn on almost any broadcast or cable newscast and you'll hear all about it. Thousands of busses and cars have been burned. Police are being shot at. Paramedics are being attacked. By who? By "youths." That's pretty much it. All of this trouble is being caused by "youths." Now that we've reached the 11th night of this violence, you will hear the occasional newscaster actually say the "M" word. Every once in a while ... but very sparingly ... someone will breach the walls of political correctness and actually let you know that these "youths" are Muslims. French police have discovered a bomb-making factory in Paris. These rioters are chanting "It's Baghdad here." France, the leader of the Axis of Weasels, is under attack. Paris, home to those who condemned America for removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, is under siege -- by Muslim jihadists -- by the very people France tried so hard to protect and appease.
It's not just France. These wonderful peace-loving Muslims are attacking cruise ships off the African coast. Oh .. you didn't know they were Muslims? What a surprise! We heard all weekend long that "pirates" attacked a cruise ship chock full of Americans off the coast of Somalia last week. Funny how the media didn't identify Somalia as a Muslim stronghold, and report that the so-called pirates were almost certainly Muslims. Then we have the Muslims who cut the heads off three Christian school girls in Indonesia within the last few weeks.
France, in case you didn't know, is home to Europe's largest Muslim community. Sixty million French, and about 10% of them are Muslims. For the past five years these Muslims in France have been confining their attacks to synagogues, Jewish schools and other symbols of Judaism. Officials didn't seem to get all that worked up over the attacks as long as Jews and Jewish institutions were the target. Now the attacks have spread beyond Jewish targets. How many cities are under attack in France now? Sixty?
It's not just France. Mark Steyn writes in the Chicago Sun-Times that in Brussels Belgian police officers are advised not to be seen drinking coffee in public during Ramadan. In some Swedish cities ambulance drivers will not go into Muslim areas without police escorts.
This isn't the first time that France has been under attack by Muslims. It happened before. It happened in 732. The French (amazingly) turned them back. If they hadn't, the entire history of the Western world might be very much different today. If you want the details, Read Steyn's column..
America too. Since September 11th the list of Muslims arrested in America for plotting terrorist activities is much longer than 99% of Americans realize.
Do you see what's happening here? Radical Islamists are emboldened. They're encouraged. They're attacking France right now and Weasel-in-Chief Jacques Chirac is talking about a "spirit of dialogue and respect." Respect? Respect hell! These Islamic radicals are determined to remake Europe to their liking, an Islamic state. They're encouraged. How could they not be? Every time they cut off some more heads from the torsos of Christian school girls, every time they shoot a child in the back, every time they attack a nursery in Paris, or kill a school teacher in Baghdad; every time the step up their violence against the West the leaders of the countries they hate start talking about the spirit of dialogue and respect. In Paris officials are already talking about more money, more jobs, more programs, more handouts to appease the rampaging Muslims.
In America? We can't even manage to get a common sense immigration policy that would severely restrict (if not eliminate) any and all immigration and visitors from Islamic countries. They've openly expressed their hatred of us, and their desire to see as many of us dead as possible ... and we do next-to-nothing to keep them out of our country. Profiling? Good God no! We can't profile. We can't treat anyone of Middle Eastern appearance at an airport security checkpoint any different than we would treat an 89-year-old woman in a wheelchair. Multiculturalism? We have to keep that fraud alive too! We can't even suggest that the Judeo-Christian culture of America is in any way superior to the culture of violence that permeates the Muslim countries of the Middle East and the Pacific Rim.
At some point we're going to realize that we're slap in the middle of World War IV here, the war against the Islamic Jihad. Perhaps we will come to that realization before winning that battle will be too bloody to imagine.