Viejo Dinosaur
EOG Master
Another player gone whose best days are behind him….Bubba Watson makes it official - he's LIV bound, another interesting player gone.
Another player gone whose best days are behind him….Bubba Watson makes it official - he's LIV bound, another interesting player gone.
Supposedly more are going to jump after the fed ex playoffs.LIV has five of the top fifty ranked players in golf…
LIV has five of the top fifty ranked players in golf…
I think matsuyama already made it official. i saw patrick cantalay gave a very squishy response when asked, a weak non denial. He's young and on the rise.Try 10 in Top 50, Jesus you can't even count. And that's not counting Matsuyama or Cam Smith who are rumored to join.
Will try….my counting is like Railbird’s made up linesTry 10 in Top 50, Jesus you can't even count. And that's not counting Matsuyama or Cam Smith who are rumored to join.
Might be the LIV golfers themselves…they are scheduled to play 14 tournaments next year…one less than PGA members must play and with more travel involved…if these whiners would just say they are in it for the cash instead of crying about being away from their families then they might get more respect….everyone with an ounce of intelligence knows it’s about the Benjamins…..Is there a bigger group of whiners in the world than 911 families, they've received millions, it's time for them to shut the fuck up and go away. By the way MBS wasn't even around on 911. He was 16 yrs old, he's only 36 now.
If every LIV player said "yea, I'm doing it for the money" would that make you feel better?Might be the LIV golfers themselves…they are scheduled to play 14 tournaments next year…one less than PGA members must play and with more travel involved…if these whiners would just say they are in it for the cash instead of crying about being away from their families then they might get more respect….everyone with an ounce of intelligence knows it’s about the Benjamins…..
lol, dude quoted CNN, the most laughable network in the world. and on the cover, Bob "Leftie Dumbfuck" Costas. Wonder what their position on this story might be, lol.
Its like quoting a Nazi on Ben Shapiro. Oh wait, CNN has already started down that road.
American Media! The worst fucking people on the planet!
pga is not america, its run by liberal scum. notice all the defections have ties to Trump and all are Trump guys, maybe pga shouldnt have reacted incorrectly after jan 6 2021
How hilarious is it that they bring up Saudi Arabia and 9/11 now but back when it happened nobody even mentioned the Saudi's (even though that's where 90% of the terrorist that day were from) it was all about Iraq and Afghanistan. Fucking war mongers.
I'm rooting on the chinese to do the right thing and take out Nancy!We live in the age of Pretending. Pretend masks work. Pretend vaccines are safe and effective. Pretend covid came from a bat peeing in the Wuhan punch bowl. Pretend the election was free and fair. Pretend Joe Biden isn't the Big Guy. And so two with 9/11, Saudi Arabia and LIV. If they were involved, that means George W Bush committed treason and the media helped him. But instead we get a new script word. Sports wash. Why is Bob Costas still alive, God? Get Sparky in Heaven to take the walk to the mound.