Miami Marlins Clubhouse Infected...Home opener cancelled

Patrick McIrish

OCCams raZOR
NFL end zones will bear "End Racism" and "It Takes All of Us" messages in home openers.

Yeah I don't know how much more of that crap I can take.....

Every telecast is going to be a full out pursuit of kissing BLM ass I'm turning all that shit off.

Ironically as a young man if I said "All Lives Matter" I was lauded, respected for being ahead of the curve and seeing us all as equals.

Now if I say "All Lives Matter" I'm a racist? Who the fuck am I to suggest a white life is as valuable as a black man's life?

Sorry, hate to be that guy but sports was a way to GET AWAY from all of that stuff.

If I went to a concert and had to sit through this stuff, or a movie to talk about race relations no chance I'd go.....

I won't for sports either.


The opening odds start here
Rule applies to all doubleheader games beginning August 1st. Therefore any ties after 7 innings will result with a runner at second base to begin the top of the 8th.