Missing Bookmaker account info from the following EOG members...

I am missing a Bookmaker acct number for the following contestants:


PM me info asap or risk losing out!
Re: Missing Bookmaker account info from the following EOG members... <<Urgent>>

Re: Missing Bookmaker account info from the following EOG members... <<Urgent>>

Newport2 is IN and GOOD to go!
Re: Missing Bookmaker account info from the following EOG members... <<Urgent>>

Re: Missing Bookmaker account info from the following EOG members... <<Urgent>>

ecwg is good to go as well... thank you.
Re: Missing Bookmaker account info from the following EOG members... <<Urgent>>

Re: Missing Bookmaker account info from the following EOG members... <<Urgent>>

I was able to get the info for moneyburning , and rjt21 on my own. Registrant information now submitted to BookMaker. Enjoy the free roll guys, and happy Valentine's day to all!
Re: Missing Bookmaker account info from the following EOG members...

Now needing Bookmaker account numbers for the following posters (for Tuesday, Feb 21 free roll):

Re: Missing Bookmaker account info from the following EOG members...

Mike, if they can't follow simple instructions, just leave them out.

They will either figure it out or miss out.

These people are just some of the freeroll whores that Kinger was speaking about.