"Watch me beat the closing line every day and usually by a lot"

Ray Luca

EOG Master
Thought Sherwood had a sharp writeup on Pirates +270 tonight vs Yanks. Game tied but I do try to be fair when I see something....he didn't win yet...but I like what he said and the play...even if he pays


EOG Dedicated
He's whining and bitching as usual. Shit his diaper again this year in baseball. -48 units last year and this tear, now that's consistency.

Always free, no gimmicks or sign ups. $35 Firestick only costs you $110, lol.

Ray Luca

EOG Master
He's whining and bitching as usual. Shit his diaper again this year in baseball. -48 units last year and this tear, now that's consistency.

Always free, no gimmicks or sign ups. $35 Firestick only costs you $110, lol.

Games lost in 9th inning don't count 😀


EOG Dedicated
Sherwood shitting his Diaper:

MLB -62 units and -110 units past 2 years
CFL -16 Units
NCAAF +9 units
NFL +25 Units
NHL and NBA so far: 5-16, -20 units

Where is that EOG poster that bent over for him, is he still around?

Ray Luca

EOG Master
Sherwood shitting his Diaper:

MLB -62 units and -110 units past 2 years
CFL -16 Units
NCAAF +9 units
NFL +25 Units
NHL and NBA so far: 5-16, -20 units

Where is that EOG poster that bent over for him, is he still around?

What about his games lost in 9th inning record? 😂


EOG Member
Not to fear it is all luck and in game variance. His 0-6 miraculously turns into 0-5 the NFL game never happened. Does it all the time but preaches integrity. The books set trap lines especially at -3.5 to sucker people in lol. No mention of it opened at -2.5 but money moves the line. lol. He took Butler at +5.5 on 11/14 the game at one point was Butler +9.0 lol. I guess that was his continued definition of efficient market. Does not bet openers but considers himself an expert who teaches others HOW to bet. He bets $50 parlays and $100 dollar sides. This man is dangerous to ALL who truly want to learn sports betting. COMPLETE FRAUD! Does not even consider a bet tracker like bet stamp so as to not expose himself to what he truly is.


EOG Member
Yup finished strong 1-8. LOL! Picks are all narrative based total LOSER! BUT his picks are FREE! No, they are not follow them and it will cost you big time. What about in game variance, luck small sample sizes this is what comes next. OH but make sure MUST-SEE EVENT to attend his betting seminar this week where he teaches all of us how to profit from sports books inefficiencies. Cannot wait I count the hours. I have nothing personal against this guy but he likes to throw rocks at others when he has no clue he is a whining little bitch and promotes himself as an expert. Scary! I almost forgot he is a contrarian so when he has streaks like this it is the public/squares that profit. This guy still lives in the 80's likes to talk about trap lines.


EOG Member
Not to worry Jammer hockey per Sherwood is ALL luck based. Yet he continues to fire based on that premise. Also do not forget his picks are just suggestions he makes it all back live betting. LOL! How does this guy sleep at night. He truly believes he is helping people. Follow me I will teach you how to bet. Meanwhile does not believe in CLV how this all began bets right at game time constantly and more times than not bets into a bad number. Refuses to be tracked at bet stanp ie. Now we know why.


EOG Dedicated
Nice little Sunday from Sherwood the Skank. 0-7, -15 units. No one gets his ass kicked on a nightly basis like this has been.


EOG Member
He states he is not shy to criticize others lol. Efficient market does not believe in. CLV does not believe in. People actually follow and listen to him. I feel sorry for their own stupidity. This guy is a complete joke and has been for a long long time. However, is also dangerous in poisoning the uninformed we have a responsibility to expose this jerk. Guy is constantly taking bad numbers and bets usually right before game times. He really thinks he is smarter than everyone else. Lives in a fantasy world. Spread the word. He thinks he is cute with his write ups that are mostly all narrative based. When you do read one it makes your eyes bleed, they are so bad from a betting knowledge standpoint unless we were living in the 90's.


EOG Member
This thread all started because genius the man who invented sports betting Sherwood was going to track himself beating the line on betstamp. That experiment lasted less than 1 month. Has not posted his picks there since Sept 19th. Anyone who listens or follows this guy unfortunately deserves to lose their money. I only feel sorry for the newbies. Of course, according to this moron especially when he loses sports betting is for the most part luck based. Yeah sure. He could do better flipping a coin he would at least lose less.

Ray Luca

EOG Master
Half his followers prob his own ghosts....very few interact w him. He's a goofball

This guy replied to Sherwood on Twitter...."Thanks for all the work you put into this for free".

His handle his RebelCapitalist and he has 5 followers ....funny stuff


EOG Member
Only newbies naïve uneducated very very small time bettors would give this guy any respect/acknowledgement. Just the fact they say he is FREE is a dead giveaway. How is it free when he has lost well over 100 units over the last 2 years. Sherwood would rather have some self proclaimed witty write up about CLV trap lines injury chasing etc etc. than win a bet. He would be better off spending more time actually trying to make money than save these fools his write ups spewing crap.