What was Stewart thinking?!?

Man, he just lost his chance at winning this race by not giving any ground when he was beaten by Gordon. It was way too early not to give ground!
That pisses me off!!
I had stewart and gordon to win, and gordon over Jr. in a matchup.

Thanks, Tony. When you get home, I'm going over there to kick your short fat ass!!
Gordon is accepting 50% of the blame, according to announcers and Stewart is pissed at Gordon and thinks it's entirely Gordon's fault. IMO Gordon is a little closer to the truth. But Stewart is a man on fire right now. I may have jumped to the conclusion he was out of this race. I think he'll have trouble taking the lead and winning this race, but it appears he still has enough for a strong finish.
yeah, I think he does, but when are they going to tape up that front bumper?
That hole can't be helping his aerodynamics.
He only knocked Gordon out for me.
Otherwise, I've lost Edwards

Now Stewart has to start at the end of the longest line. He deserves it, but I still need him to finish up front.