shrink or anyone with knowledge of gambling forums

sorry but I am really curious about this one, what do you know about cappersmall, they regularly have over 2,000 people on weekends and what not and it seems they never come up in forum discusions or even being acknowleged in talks, it seems like here is the industry talk and over there is strictly capping with no talk about the industry etc etc ... so??


Re: shrink or anyone with knowledge of gambling forums

they have a good forum. lots of guys from eog post over there.
Re: shrink or anyone with knowledge of gambling forums

Yea I like it a lot too.. but the whole thing seems to shady, for one they completely deny that it's a moneymaker, and the owner Dr.Jack to my knowledge doesnt have any gambling background it's weird as hell everyone over there posts picks and doesnt do any industry talking so i was just wondering what has the 411 on this site I really am curious
Re: shrink or anyone with knowledge of gambling forums

darrell i just visited and there are a bunch of threads about the industry and especially sports books. more than half the second page. plus they have a bunch of sponsors.

i'm probably missing your question.
Re: shrink or anyone with knowledge of gambling forums

Yea I like it a lot too.. but the whole thing seems to shady, for one they completely deny that it's a moneymaker, and the owner Dr.Jack to my knowledge doesnt have any gambling background it's weird as hell everyone over there posts picks and doesnt do any industry talking so i was just wondering what has the 411 on this site I really am curious

It is like a refugee from the old Prodigy and compuserve boards. Some good cappers there.
Re: shrink or anyone with knowledge of gambling forums

Make sure you sign up with a spam e-mail address because you will get the e-mail address you sign up with sold, trust me.