Forum orphan looking for a home??


Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

eog pretty much lets you say whatever you want. ive called the mods here out on things and been a dick to ken and he owns the place. it was allowed. thats not allowed, at all, there. its a different place, dude. you can say what you want. if you dont like therx, you can say it. ive had issues with pete, hache, dirty, ken, sos, and andrew and they All work here. ive been honest with them when i was not happy and its all been here for people to read. i ripped ken up one day for accusing me of something and it all stayed. he ownes the place and my comments ripping him stayed. eog is different than therx. get the fuck over it.


EOG Veteran
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

Desethi,not bashing,but if a thread is started everyday by a disgruntled RX poster,I would have to ask myself the question....why is there so many disgruntled posters?Is the poster the problem,or is it it the higher authorities running them away?:+clueless


EOG Master
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

Thank you for someone else pointing out the obvious and not a mod...


Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

im on pr right now at therx and i dont even post there. i was not on pr until everything with jman happened here, then i went and posted there, without talking about anything offensive in the least, and im on preventive pr. i said nothing there, i dont go there much at all, but im on pr. its fine, thats their site, but they simply do things differently. they're weird and they dont care about what the members think or have to say. they, 100%, do not care about the posters there. thats simple truth. they allow you to say what they want to read and thats it. its fine for them.

simple difference:
here, the ownership and mods make it clear that they are lucky to have their members.
there, they make it clear they you are lucky to be allowed to post there. you are lucky they allow your presence on their little site.

difference being, one is a members first site and the other is a mods first site. two ways to do things i suppose.

for god sake, ken will actually talk to a mod if there is a complaint, even if its ridiculous. he will be sure that he has a talk with whomever the complaint is about. there, if you complained about a mod, its a sure fire ban or a sure fire shut the fuck up.


EOG Master
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

eog pretty much lets you say whatever you want. ive called the mods here out on things and been a dick to ken and he owns the place. it was allowed. thats not allowed, at all, there. its a different place, dude. you can say what you want. if you dont like therx, you can say it. ive had issues with pete, hache, dirty, ken, sos, and andrew and they All work here. ive been honest with them when i was not happy and its all been here for people to read. i ripped ken up one day for accusing me of something and it all stayed. he ownes the place and my comments ripping him stayed. eog is different than therx. get the fuck over it.

Point well taken


EOG Dedicated
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

dsethi, you and your brother were a lot of fun to hang out with in vegas......hope you and big bro are doing well. I dont post over at the therx for one reason....WIL. I still like and am personal friends with several of the posters over there, but talk to them through different means of communication. dsethi its not JUST the rx that gets ripped over here man. Just about anything and everything is fair game.....ask JC. Hell he has a laundry list of things that he hits on.(which i appreciate, as I value his opinion about the offshore world) Would you get flamed for trashing EOG on EOG?....sure you would, but hey atleast the battle royal wouldnt be ......ok off to teach some math.....dsethi have a good day man and tell the big guy I said hi.:cheers


EOG Dedicated
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

The fact that Shrink & crew allow the posters to "police" their advertisers is a revolutionary concept. I applaud them. Also, this place is just plain humorous at times. Posters can crack on each other one day and be pals the next. Pretty cool.


EOG Veteran
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

The fact that Shrink & crew allow the posters to "police" their advertisers is a revolutionary concept. I applaud them. Also, this place is just plain humorous at times. Posters can crack on each other one day and be pals the next. Pretty cool.
:cheers Precisely
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

your attitude will end up fucking you in life bud.... It has nothing to do with ego's.... it has everything to do with REAL life....

you simply don't have a fcuking clue do you? unless and untill you meet this young man i'd reserve judging him about his attitude or his success in real life. having done both i think he's well on his way to being not only an excellent handicapper but a successful person in "real" life as well. now get back under your rock where you belong.

The General

Another Day, Another Dollar
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

Let's try and get back to civil. I'll try. Life is so short and their are so many more worries and there is so much for all of us out there in this world. I spent a lot of my night at Riley's Children Hospital in Indianapolis last night with a sick child. I had no concerns about this situation then and just catching up now it looks like it is no good for anyone really. The last thing I have and it goes to the ad sense thread, When you have people intentionally harming your income which in turn harms your family then some personal feelings are going to spill over.

Peace and have a good day.
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

Let's try and get back to civil. I'll try. Life is so short and their are so many more worries and there is so much for all of us out there in this world. I spent a lot of my night at Riley's Children Hospital in Indianapolis last night with a sick child. I had no concerns about this situation then and just catching up now it looks like it is no good for anyone really. The last thing I have and it goes to the ad sense thread, When you have people intentionally harming your income which in turn harms your family then some personal feelings are going to spill over.

Peace and have a good day.
I understand, I have 2 small kids and detest the times when they are sick. I hope everything goes well for you with it.

As far as i'm concerned it is a dead issue and it will now be handled privately to recoup the rest of the funds owed by justbet. I have no further want or need to mention anything having to do with the rx. They can pull any b.s they wan't over there on the uninformed without me.

I am not sure about what you mean about "Ad sense thread" though?
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

have to believe there's a very, very small % of posters that actually become so disgruntled w/the RX that they leave.
There are at least 3 in this thread alone.

Fwiw, I was not banned, Just had enough of Wil's b.s. Why be loyal to a place that uses the tactics they do to be loyal only to their own pockets while hiding under the banner of "watchdog"?

Who needs it....
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

<!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->Neverbeanother7<!-- google_ad_section_end --><SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_880022", true); </SCRIPT> ,

Both you and Mr. NBA deserved better, period...

Sorry I just now read this thread or I'd have replied sooner...

There is no reason for a moderator to be disrespectful and rude...

Thanks Good doctor! You think he was rude over there you should see the emails he sent..Big talker little Willy is:+excited- .

Anyways, what done is done and i should have moved over here long ago. Glad to be here....:cheers
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

Actively post at both places and read the #7 posts.
EOG should welcome a poster like #7 who posts up at it's forum books through them and joins their contests as well. WHEN YOU GET YOUR CHECK POST UP AT ONE!!!!! It sucks that the posters that get bashed on are the ones WHO USE THE BOOKS and are basically giving feedback (which is what the web-site is all about).

Negative threads pertaining to EOG advertisers remain untouched from what I have seen and people can decide for themselves what to think (Betroyal, betus, betonusa, betonsports etc.) at EOG. A link to an RX or any other forum thread will stay here as well.

I would think the benefits of prompt payouts would FAR FAR FAR FAR exceed holding onto some money for a few extra weeks. So hopefully they will find better ways for the books benefit. To his credit there are many threads of late were WIL has helped player resolve isssues quickly. Don't take everything said personally many GOOD posters (including me) have gotten criticized for questioning a book there. Hopefully it's all constructive, everyone learns and the book gets even better.
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

Welcome NEVER and AUTHER!!

Desethi people who come over from the Rx, come on vent and then they usually move on. It's just human nature to come on and blow off a little steam. Good luck on the rest of the MLB season! MAY'N!

PLUS!! The reason the Rx deletes/moves all posts refering to EOG is obvious to me! EOG is on the rise and they have no interest in helping that along! Rx is a big site and I just find it boring. I rarely posted there when THE SHRINK owned the place.
EOG is much more laid back and you don't have to worry about posting something that may offend 1 of 20 mods like the rx! Most folks here are easy going and like to have fun! JMO!

As for teazeman! He's here lurking and will soon realize this place is more FRIENDLY!! We're glad to have you too!! MAY'N!!!:cheers
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

Actively post at both places and read the #7 posts.
EOG should welcome a poster like #7 who posts up at it's forum books through them and joins their contests as well. WHEN YOU GET YOUR CHECK POST UP AT ONE!!!!! It sucks that the posters that get bashed on are the ones WHO USE THE BOOKS and are basically giving feedback (which is what the web-site is all about).

Thanks 5team, You are one of the good guys (as is most POSTERS over there although i have no issue with Jman or Ttinco) over there and i enjoyed reading your posts.

Even though Hitler over there tried to paint me as a constant complainer truth is that we had accounts at 5 books listed at his site and NEVER complained once about any other book. Only posts involving those others were praise when posters asked for feedback about them. He even privately in a email yesterday inferred that i got what i deserved because i am a "bonus whore" which is utter nonsense as the only bonus from any book i received in the last 1 year+ other then Justbet was a reload bonus from Betjm. Also fully shooting down his stupid bonus whore accusation is the fact that there is a 90 day hold at the book so our deposit and bonus is still in the account(He Obviously used his selective memory to forget that part,lol).If anyone is a "whore" it is him with his constant rantings on his board begging people :blah: to only signup for books using his links and to always include him and therx when signing up.:doh1

I intend to open up a account with 2 books here in the coming days and i'm sure will have no issues as they are a totally different class of places ala justbet and the brand new Lazerwager (Or is it Sexywagers,lol:+clueless ) that are pimped over there not because they are safe but only because their advertising check cleared.
Last edited:
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

As for teazeman! He's here lurking and will soon realize this place is more FRIENDLY!! We're glad to have you too!! MAY'N!!!:cheers

Yeah, But if he leaves rx who will braid Wil's and Sporty's ball hair?:escape :LMAO

Thanks for the welcome Tony.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

Actively post at both places and read the #7 posts.
EOG should welcome a poster like #7 who posts up at it's forum books through them and joins their contests as well. WHEN YOU GET YOUR CHECK POST UP AT ONE!!!!! It sucks that the posters that get bashed on are the ones WHO USE THE BOOKS and are basically giving feedback (which is what the web-site is all about).

Negative threads pertaining to EOG advertisers remain untouched from what I have seen and people can decide for themselves what to think (Betroyal, betus, betonusa, betonsports etc.) at EOG. A link to an RX or any other forum thread will stay here as well.

I would think the benefits of prompt payouts would FAR FAR FAR FAR exceed holding onto some money for a few extra weeks. So hopefully they will find better ways for the books benefit. To his credit there are many threads of late were WIL has helped player resolve isssues quickly. Don't take everything said personally many GOOD posters (including me) have gotten criticized for questioning a book there. Hopefully it's all constructive, everyone learns and the book gets even better.

Well said.......and to tell you the truth i am a big kid and can handle criticism, but when it turns personal and down right nasty, thats where I drew the line and yes I no longer post there and i really enjoyed that place along with MANY other forums, not just gambling forums either. personal favorite of mine.:houra

The straw that broke my back is when wil posted for my friend to grow some balls and post on therx and flat called me liar......nope dont need that....especially for posting the FACTS about how he was treated at thegreek.


EOG Dedicated


Got to gamble quite a bit with him 2 summers ago and ill tell ya it was a blast a minute.......I hope in the future teazeman we can do it again sometime....just wish ya posted over here more often.:cheers


EOG Master
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

Wow I missed this thread.

I can say this clearly. I aint banned over there no more and aint going fucking back. I see alot of my fellas in this thread (Teaze,D,etc).

It aint the RX...its fucking Wil. Guy is a liar and treated me like shit and I wont sponsor another fucking book that site offers 100% because of him. I withdrew all the money I had in RX books and will use sites from here and ones I previously used just to make sure they dont get another penny from me.

He fucked with me and than comes back and lies about what happened to not make himself have to actually fucking apologize for fucking up.

Thats how they want to do buisness fine but than they are going to get ex posters who rip them.
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??


It's your choice where to post, but I am glad you are here for now...

And for the record, I have nothing but the fondest of memories for TheRx and I wish them the best...

Without having been a part of the team, I wouldn't have learned as much as I have...

I strive to always do better and listen to what you people are trying to tell me....

I may not always get it right but I do value criticism and suggestions...



Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

you simply don't have a fcuking clue do you? unless and untill you meet this young man i'd reserve judging him about his attitude or his success in real life. having done both i think he's well on his way to being not only an excellent handicapper but a successful person in "real" life as well. now get back under your rock where you belong.

teaze, you are a two-faced, know-nothing, faaggot. shut the fuck up. thats good enough for you.



Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

C.mon bro Mo

be kewl, fool.

haha, im in a wonderful mood. the weekend looks great, won 100 bucks from the pig, im doing well in the eog best damn contest, the weekend is nearing, and the plays tonight are looking good. that being said, i have to always be honest and true to my beliefs. teaze runs his fucking yap too much. i can not stand the dude and hope to see what hes like in person one day. im certain he would be a pusssy, but thats on him.

honesty is important, Pete. bullshitting is a waste of time.

The General

Another Day, Another Dollar
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

Overlooking the rest, I am in the DAMN contest and you better get a rear view mirror and buckle up, Sir.

The General

Another Day, Another Dollar
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

Ty amigo. maybe a couple more weeks like that. i have faith.


Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

Ty amigo. maybe a couple more weeks like that. i have faith.

17 week season leaves 14 weeks left and 70 picks. no one will win it this week, next week, or in any of the next 10...just keep on keepin on.

Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

teaze, you are a two-faced, know-nothing, faaggot. shut the fuck up. thats good enough for you.


Who the fuck are you ?

Speak when spoken to, you prick.

This place is fine to check in and post some picks now and then but they need to put a leash on useless, clueless assclowns like yourself.
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

haha, im in a wonderful mood. the weekend looks great, won 100 bucks from the pig, im doing well in the eog best damn contest, teaze runs his fucking yap too much. i can not stand the dude and hope to see what hes like in person one day. im certain he would be a pusssy, but thats on him.

Mo Mo Mo, now get along and make another 20.00 play in your pig contest. Truth of the matter is i am a @@@@@ and boys like you really scare me, now take your bigoted ass on to the next contest your'e fortunate enough to borrow a hundy from someone to enter and remember your role here and in life. Guys like you Mo are a dime a dozen and remember we need your losing ass to help the winners buy nice things for our families. If in the unlikely event you ever have enough cash to actually make some real plays let some of us know and we'll take all the action you got.


Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

Who the fuck are you ?

Speak when spoken to, you prick.

This place is fine to check in and post some picks now and then but they need to put a leash on useless, clueless assclowns like yourself.

go fuck yourself. im someone who says what the fuck he thinks when he thinks it. i would tell you to go fuck yourself, to your face, while you cried and begged for me to stop fucking your wife. you dont know why i said what i did to that faaggot, so mind your business.

got it, chump? you dont know me, son, dont pretent you do.



Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

Mo Mo Mo, now get along and make another 20.00 play in your pig contest. Truth of the matter is i am a @@@@@ and boys like you really scare me, now take your bigoted ass on to the next contest your'e fortunate enough to borrow a hundy from someone to enter and remember your role here and in life. Guys like you Mo are a dime a dozen and remember we need your losing ass to help the winners buy nice things for our families. If in the unlikely event you ever have enough cash to actually make some real plays let some of us know and we'll take all the action you got.

uh teaze, you've never done anything but talk behind my back in the past. you would sweat me in my threads and then bash me when i wasnt around. you're a pusssy. you are a complete two-faced pusssy. borrowed money? bigot? you see, the thing about people like you is you have to make up things to make your joke. i just talk about fucking reality. im 13-2 in an nfl contest, you? fade me, lose, i dont mind. you're no one. i would love to tell you that in person. you are the weakest member of any forum. kiss my ass when im around and then talk shit when im not there. you're a fucking clown.

Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

lot's of people are positive units when they don't bet real money mo, your'e not in that club by yourself. as i said learn your role and you'll be much better in life and certainly will look less foolish to those around here. and if the event occurs that we have the pleasure to meet you'll have the opportunity to back up the shit you talk.


Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

lot's of people are positive units when they don't bet real money mo, your'e not in that club by yourself. as i said learn your role and you'll be much better in life and certainly will look less foolish to those around here. and if the event occurs that we have the pleasure to meet you'll have the opportunity to back up the shit you talk.

bet real money? i bet real money, win, and transfer that money and get in Paid contests. where are you, kid? there is 5K on the line and im in first. what? facts bother you. you're a fucking chump. i wish you would come to the eog bash so i could tell you in person. you would offer a drink, i would drink it, and piss it out on your face. thats true. come. just come.


again, everything ive said is based on fact. everything you've said it based on nothing. think about it.


EOG Master
Re: Forum orphan looking for a home??

Yo teaze. Not sure about this dispute but Mo is the only thing ive seen that makes this site blow.