Body proves Bigfoot no myth, hunters say - CNN

(CNN) -- A policeman and a former corrections officer say that on Friday they will unveil evidence of what they claim is their biggest find ever: the body of Bigfoot.
<!--startclickprintexclude--> The thawed body of a creature reputed to be Bigfoot reportedly weighs more than 500 pounds.

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<script type="text/javascript"> var CNN_ArticleChanger = new CNN_imageChanger('cnnImgChngr','/2008/US/08/14/bigfoot.body/imgChng/p1-0.init.exclude.html',1,1); //CNN.imageChanger.load('cnnImgChngr','imgChng/p1-0.exclude.html'); </script> <!--endclickprintexclude--> Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, a pair of Bigfoot-hunting hobbyists from north Georgia, say they found the creature's body in a wooded area and spotted several similar creatures that were still alive.
The carcass of the furry half-man, half-ape is 7 feet, 7 inches tall and weighs more than 500 pounds, they say. However, the two are not disclosing the exact location of their discovery to protect the remaining creatures.
Tom Nelson, chairman of the biology department at North Georgia College and State University in Dahlonega, said he's "pretty skeptical" the world will feast its eyes on a new species Friday.
"That would certainly rock mammalogy," joked Nelson, who specializes in the study of mammals. "I see a research grant in my future."
Whitton and Dyer plan to unveil what they say is DNA and photo evidence of the discovery in Palo Alto, California, in conjunction with a group called Searching for Bigfoot Inc.
A photograph on that group's Web site shows what appears to be the body of a large, hairy creature with an ape-like face, stuffed into a large freezer.
According to a written release, the two announced the discovery on an Internet radio show, "Squatch Detective," several weeks ago. Do you believe in Bigfoot?
"The only person we would allow to come down and verify the body was 'the Real Bigfoot Hunter,' Tom Biscardi," Dyer said, referring to Searching for Bigfoot's CEO, who has been looking for the elusive, legendary creature in the United States and Canada since 1971.
Whitton is a Georgia police officer who is on administrative leave after being shot in the wrist during a pursuit. Dyer is a former prison guard.
DNA tests on the body have begun, said the statement, and "extensive scientific studies" will be done on the body by scientists, including a molecular biologist, an anthropologist and a paleontologist.
Nelson, the university professor, acknowledged that new species of animals have been discovered in recent decades and that, in science, "we always acknowledge the possibility of something new."
But he said that even in north Georgia, home to the Blue Ridge Mountains and the foot of the Appalachian Trail, it stretches the imagination to think a family of 7-foot-tall creatures could have eluded hunters, hikers and creeping development until now.
"To the average person, these places just seem like extreme wilderness where you'll find lions and tigers and bears," he said. "The reality is that you're never more than a mile from a road."
The group says the animal is male, has reddish hair and "blackish-gray" eyes and human-like feet, hands and teeth.
Re: Body proves Bigfoot no myth, hunters say - CNN

What happens if the DNA testing turns up these hunter's semen inside of this carcass?


EOG Master
Re: Body proves Bigfoot no myth, hunters say - CNN

Scientist Says 'Bigfoot' Fails DNA Test

posted: 8 HOURS 57 MINUTES AGO
comments: 11
filed under: Science News, Weird News

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<!-- Enhancement List size = 2 --><!-- adding key 3.1 --><!-- adding key 11.2 -->PALO ALTO, California (Aug. 15) - Bigfoot remains as elusive as ever.
Results from tests on genetic material from alleged remains of one of the mythical half-ape and half-human creatures, made public at a news conference on Friday held after the claimed discovery swept the Internet, failed to prove its existence.
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<CITE>Kimberly White, Reuters</CITE>

Tom Biscardi, head of a group called Searching for Bigfoot, backs the claims of two men who say they discovered remains from Bigfoot. At a press conference in Palo Alto, Calif., Friday he holds a photo that he says shows the mouth of Bigfoot.
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Its spread was fueled by a photograph of a hairy heap, bearing a close resemblance to a shaggy full-body gorilla costume, stuffed into a container resembling a refrigerator.
One of the two samples of DNA said to prove the existence of the Bigfoot came from a human and the other was 96 percent from an opossum, according to Curt Nelson, a scientist at the University of Minnesota who performed the DNA analysis.
Bigfoot creatures are said to live in the forests of the U.S. Pacific Northwest. An opossum is a marsupial about the size of a house cat.
Results of the DNA tests were revealed in an e-mail from Nelson and distributed at the Palo Alto, California, news conference held by Tom Biscardi, host of a weekly online radio show about the Bigfoot.
Also present were Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, the two who say they discovered the Bigfoot corpse while hiking in the woods of northern Georgia. They also are co-owners of a company that offers Bigfoot merchandise.
Despite the dubious photo and the commercial interests of the alleged discoverers, the Bigfoot claim drew interest from Australia to Europe and even The New York Times.
Biscardi said the DNA samples may not have been taken correctly and may have been contaminated, and that he would proceed with an autopsy of the alleged Bigfoot remains, currently in a freezer at an undisclosed location.
Reporting by Clare Baldwin in Palo Alto; writing by Jim Christie; editing by Mary Milliken and Peter Henderson
Re: Body proves Bigfoot no myth, hunters say - CNN

A 500 lb opossum would have big feet. I doubt the opossum would merchandise as well.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Body proves Bigfoot no myth, hunters say - CNN

Do you not wonder how all the photos of anything strange are out of focus? Lockness, aliens, spaceships, and now bigfoot.

People will do anything to make a buck.
Re: Body proves Bigfoot no myth, hunters say - CNN

Bigfoot's teeth look too white, compare them to the guy holding the photo.
Re: Body proves Bigfoot no myth, hunters say - CNN

I think Bigfoot just sees a better dentist ?

Maybe he whitens his too human looking teeth ?
Re: Body proves Bigfoot no myth, hunters say - CNN

Bigfoot is BS, and I believe in aliens !

A hunter would have shot one long ago, if they existed, or a real body/remains would have been found.