Anyone in a bowling league?

Re: Anyone in a bowling league?

Well, it's video bowl, but still...........and yes, there are leagues for this.....I must break down tee time is 7pm

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Anyone in a bowling league?

Big bet .... did ya ever see this one?

Del Ballard vs. Pete Weber - a shocking ending

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" style="" id="movie_player" name="movie_player" bgcolor="#000000" quality="high" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="q=del%20ballard&fexp=900017&vq=null&sourceid=ys&video_id=1Vyxr-i1JyA&l=133&sk=W7HZeruihJtdmFiedGhACDxUHv6SCt-CU&fmt_map=&usef=0&t=OEgsToPDskJ1NNZtPD29hhRWvu5LnH-F&hl=en&plid=AARicCOz7fMzrKNNAAAAoAAQAAA&cr=US&playnext=0&enablejsapi=1" width="480" height="385">


EOG Dedicated
Re: Anyone in a bowling league?

Big bet .... did ya ever see this one?

Del Ballard vs. Pete Weber - a shocking ending

<EMBED id=movie_player name=movie_player src= width=480 height=385 type=application/x-shockwave-flash flashvars="q=del%20ballard&fexp=900017&vq=null&sourceid=ys&video_id=1Vyxr-i1JyA&l=133&sk=W7HZeruihJtdmFiedGhACDxUHv6SCt-CU&fmt_map=&usef=0&t=OEgsToPDskJ1NNZtPD29hhRWvu5LnH-F&hl=en&plid=AARicCOz7fMzrKNNAAAAoAAQAAA&cr=US&playnext=0&enablejsapi=1" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000">
This must be when he throws a gutter ball in the last frame to lose the match.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Anyone in a bowling league?

Yep ....

The "Ballard Gutter-Ball" Incident

In 1991, Del was on the receiving end of one of the most bizarre and infamous incidents in PBA history. At the Fair Lanes Open championship match, Ballard was facing Pete Weber for the title. Weber finished with three strikes in the 10th frame to force Ballard to strike twice and get seven pins for the win. Ballard struck twice, then on his final shot he proceeded to throw the ball into the right gutter, thus handing Pete Weber the title. A few weeks later, Ballard would rebound by winning the Long Island Open, defeating Jim Johnson Jr. But despite all his accomplishments, Ballard will always be remembered for the gutter ball incident.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: Anyone in a bowling league?

Wow ... bunch of nice guys on the Tour

In 1989, Del admitted to an alcohol addiction that made him unable to perform to his potential in the early stages of his career. This was received poorly by many of his colleagues on the tour. He was criticized for his admission by many. Several bowlers, however, did support him and his decision to come forward with the admission.


Re: Anyone in a bowling league?

softball leagues are where its at. need to get in one this summer