The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

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EOG Dedicated
Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

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Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

Soo Brucefan supports Socialism??

Why am I not suprised?


EOG Enthusiast
Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

I guess comments from a dead man is the best the GOP...Gangsters on Parade...can come up with! He makes more sense dead than alive...and MUCH more sense than ANY living Rethug!!! His doubling of the national debt was especially heartwarming!! AH...those "Borrow and Spend" Republicans...gotta just hate their unpatriotic guts!!!


EOG Enthusiast
Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

Reagan: government must stop betraying Americans....then they lie us into Iraq at $10 billion a month!!! FONGU,RONBO!!


EOG Dedicated
Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

Do you people have a clue what this Marxist power hungry bastard is doing to our Country, right now?

The Coming Inflation HURRICANE! (Now in handy Chart Form)

<HR style="COLOR: #a93c3c; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #a93c3c" SIZE=1>

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">That means the federal response to today's modest slide in GDP is 12 times greater than the the response to the far greater downturn during the Great Depression. How's that for putting things in perspective? </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


EOG Dedicated
Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

Do you people have a clue what this Marxist power hungry bastard is doing to our Country, right now?

<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;">
The same thing the Fed has made all it's puppets do .
Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

I guess comments from a dead man is the best the GOP...Gangsters on Parade...can come up with! He makes more sense dead than alive...and MUCH more sense than ANY living Rethug!!! His doubling of the national debt was especially heartwarming!! AH...those "Borrow and Spend" Republicans...gotta just hate their unpatriotic guts!!!


Oh, don't you worry.

C-onservatives are once against poised to hijack the Grand Ol' Party and unleash another Reagan Revolution even more powerful and wide sweeping than the original.

I just got back from the Tea Parties and talked to A LOT of people -- both inside and outside of politics.

The tea parties are only the beginning. Wait until the 4th of July when everyday avg. WORKING Americans will be free to express their disgust and outrage at the current corrupt self-serving political hacks in Washington.

Here are just TWO examples how the election of B. Hussein Obozo is already beginning to show an impact on the next electoral map:

1) Sen. John McVain will be challenged by the founder of the Minute Men Chris Simcox in the upcoming 2010 Republican primary.

2) Sen. Arlen Specter will be facing the former president of Club For Growth Pat Toomey in his own primary.

Two huge out of touch Washington carrer RINOs who are going to find themselves on the fringes and in the political dog fights of their life, courtesy of Mainstream C-conservative Patriotic America.

Those are just two seeds of activist grassroots Conservatism current being sown -- with hundreds more to come.

And I haven't even mentioned the fragility of long time DEMOCRAT criminals like Senators like Chris Dodd and that perverted fa-ggot Barney Frank.

All you pot-smokin' gay-lovin' Saul Alinski sympathizing Marxists enjoy your short ride while it lasts.

By the time we are done, C-onservatives are going to roll back Doc's vile Soros 'progressive' agenda dating back to the New Deal, hence the haste on behalf of the current Marxist in Chief who is trying to cram through every ineffective, inefficient far left program that has been sitting in a filing cabinet collecting dust for decades.

There's more good news:

Republicans are getting ready to use political guerrilla warfare on Capitol Hill -- filibustering, delaying and derailing every far left judge, every far left policy, until the American people vote the remaining steaming pile of shyt out of power.

Thanks to the sacrifice of the Founders, 1st and Second 2nd Amendment freedom lovers don't need to spill blood in the streets to take back our country (although come to think of it that sounds like kinda fun).

There is a process for real change:

And that is for ordinary people -- WE THE PEOPLE -- to become involved in the political process. Everyday, normal individuals to WIN every county, state and federal election across the country.

There is an anger and feeling of disgust brewing the likes of which we have never seen before which will spawn the next generation of Reagan'esque citizen politicians.

You can a taste of it in brucefan's posts, but it's much MUCH bigger than that.

Trust me, the career community agitator and his apologetic Marxist lemmings cannot begin to understand the impact of the freight train barreling towards them.

Take heart my friends -- the spirit of the Founding Fathers and Ronald Reagan is alive and well. :thumbsup

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

<center> Cheney to Treasury: "Deficits don't matter" </center>

Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill was told "deficits don't matter" when he warned of a looming fiscal crisis.

O'Neill, fired in a shakeup of Bush's economic team in December 2002, raised objections to a new round of tax cuts and said the president balked at his more aggressive plan to combat corporate crime after a string of accounting scandals because of opposition from "the corporate crowd," a key constituency.

O'Neill said he tried to warn Vice President Dick Cheney that growing budget deficits-expected to top $500 billion this fiscal year alone-posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. "You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don't matter," he said, according to excerpts. Cheney continued: "We won the midterms (congressional elections). This is our due." A month later, Cheney told the Treasury secretary he was fired.

The vice president's office had no immediate comment, but John Snow, who replaced O'Neill, insisted that deficits "do matter" to the administration.
<center> Source: [X-ref O'Neill] Adam Entous, Reuters, on AOL News Jan 11, 2004 </center>

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

Take heart my friends -- the spirit of the Founding Fathers and Ronald Reagan is alive and well.


June 09, 2004

Remembering the Dead: Reagan Armed Iraq and Iran in 1980s War That Killed Over 1 Million

We look at the policies of the Reagan administration in the Middle East, specifically during the Iran-Iraq war, one of the bloodiest conflicts in modern times in which more than a million people were killed. Chemical weapons were used and two of the most ancient societies on earth were devastated. We speak with Iranian human rights lawyer and 2003 Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi and journalist Alan Friedman about how the Reagan administration armed Iran and normalized relations with Iraq, selling weapons to both sides of the conflict.
Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

Another open secret making it's way through the ranks -- possibly a component of a future GOP platform -- is the idea of a renewed set of legal measures that would challenge the constitutional legitimacy of every federal program, beginning with FDR's New Deal and LBJ's Great Society.

In other words, only the post office and the military would be immune from the hatchet of freedom-loving Americans all across the country.

Actually, we don't have to wait for a particular political party -- organized citizens could initiate these kinds of watershed lawsuits themselves. Why not?

You libs want your Marxist "universal health care"?


Amend the Constitution and do it LEGALLY (2/3rds of the vote in Congress and 3/4ths of the ratifying states). (Good luck with that btw. :thumbsup)

The Framers did make the Constitution amendable -- but only by the authority of a LARGE MAJORITY consensus.

For decades, community agitators masking themselves as 'progressives' have usurped the authority of our founding documents with their unconstitutional Marxist pie-in-sky theories which in practice have virtually BANKRUPTED the treasury, while robbing the piggy banks of future generations who have yet to cast a single ballot.

Sorry libs, that is generational theft and TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.

Most European countries and Canada may be banana republic train wrecks unable to escape the tyranny of the socialist welfare state imposed by their short lived parliamentary majorities.

But here in the United States, we have a process -- a LEGAL process of LEGAL checks and balances which if followed will not lead us astray.

It is time to renew our commitment to our founding principles -- a renewed commitment to a government by the people that adheres to constitutional law -- while REJECTING the foolish ideas of modern ad hoc 'progressivism'.

It is time to expose all these Marxist ideas for the self-serving power-tripping frauds they are.

And if Hussein and his endless collection of unconstitutional 'czars' refuse to fall into line, then yes, secession absolutely should be on the table -- at least until all these surrender monkey commies are kicked out of Washington!

Fuck you, Doc Soros -- you un-American trolling traitor!



Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

Marxist ???

Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

I just got back from the Tea Parties

By the time we are done,

Republicans are getting ready to use political guerrilla warfare

..... to take back our country

*There were "tea parties" in Toronto? Or are you speaking now in your Gameface persona?

*Good to see the copy writer learned how to spell guerrilla

* Our??
Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

Since I did not watch either exciting video clip in Post #1, can I hope that Ronnie included counsel to current President Barack Obama that he should "bend over and let Congress cornhole you steadily for eight years without even an attempt to resist?"

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

Its great having Joey C back posting ...

Don't let the GREAT CANUCK escape as Doc needs someone beside MM
to "educate"


EOG Enthusiast
Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

JOE..get your hand off that 3-inch putz and clean the bongwater! Yer certified nuts! comes Ross Perot and the black 'copters!! Lock and load those guns! Iron those Brown shirts and sheets!! NOW you're ready for action! Now fuck off,loon!

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: The year is 2012 - Ronald Wilson Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with B. Hussein Obozo in the oval office

JOE..get your hand off that 3-inch putz and clean the bongwater! Yer certified nuts! comes Ross Perot and the black 'copters!! Lock and load those guns! Iron those Brown shirts and sheets!! NOW you're ready for action! Now fuck off,loon!
