An islamic democracy is not possible


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K-House eNews
For The Week Of April 18, 2006

<HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=1>**TABLE OF CONTENTS** <HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=1>​
This Week's 66/40 Radio Broadcast

Articles and Commentary
  • Hamas Budget Shortfall - (Read)
  • Islam and Democracy - (Read)
  • The Mysteries of Zechariah - (Read)
Important News Headlines
Memory Verse of the Week
<HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=1>**THIS WEEK'S 66/40 RADIO BROADCAST** <HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=1>​
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top> Proverbs 30 - 31
Wisdom Encapsulated

''Chokmah'' is the transliteration of the Hebrew word for ''wisdom.'' This week, Chuck wraps up a study of Proverbs with a few more suprises and a review of ''chokmah.'' The Book of Proverbs could be titled, ''Wise Up'' and Live. Beyond simply obeying laws, this book focuses on leading an aggressively dynamic life, giving examples of proper and improper attitudes, conduct, and characteristics in succinct, penetrating ways.

<HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=1>**SPECIAL OFFER** <HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=1>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>
The Feasts of Israel - MP3 Download by Chuck Missler
  • Do the Feasts of Moses predict the major milestones in God's plan?
  • Are the Feasts prophetic?
  • Has the Feast of Pentecost been completely fulfilled?
  • What are the New Testament implications?
Set by God, these Feasts are not only commemorative in a historical context, but are also prophetic. The Feasts point to the Messiah's First and Second Coming and highlight the Church.
In this briefing, Chuck Missler reveals the rich background of the Feasts with many surprises for the Bible believer, and yet only scratches the surface.

This offer will expire in 7 days.
<HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=1>**ARTICLES AND COMMENTARY** <HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=1>​


In Israel this week the Passover feast was disrupted when a 21-year-old Palestinian homicide bomber detonated a backpack bomb outside a restaurant in downtown Tel Aviv. The bomber killed himself and nine people in the attack and wounded about 80 others, nearly half of whom have been hospitalized. It was the deadliest attack in more than a year.

Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the bombing, however the Hamas-controlled Palestinian government called the tragedy a "justified response" to the Israeli occupation. Hamas has said that it has no intention of prosecuting those responsible for the attack or of attempting to prevent future attacks.

Earlier this year the Palestinians held their long-awaited parliamentary elections, in which the terrorist group Hamas was handed a landslide victory. Hamas won 76 of 132 seats in parliament. Fatah, which was founded by the late Yasser Arafat and has controlled Palestinian politics for the last four decades, won only 43 seats.

Hamas is believed to have killed more than 500 people in more than 350 separate terrorist attacks since 1993. Hamas, which in Arabic means ?zeal?, has also carried out countless mortar and rocket attacks on Israel from within the Palestinian territories. In the past Hamas has rejected all compromise with Israel and has opposed the Palestinian Authority?s participation in the peace process. Its preliminary goal is to carry out an armed struggle to defeat Israel and establish a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, but its ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel.

The Hamas victory has prompted a strong response from the West. Because Hamas has refused to renounce violence, the United States, the European Union, and Canada have all put a halt to the Palestinian Authority's substantial foreign aid. The EU has long been the single biggest contributor to the Palestinian Authority, providing an average of 500 million euros a year. The EU move covers direct aid to the Palestinian government and payment of public employee salaries with EU funds through the World Bank, but not humanitarian aid through international and non-governmental organizations. In the wake of the EU and US decision's to cut aid, Iran and Qatar have each pledged to provide the Palestinian Authority with 50 million dollars. Russia has pledged 10 million.

Hamas is now facing a financial crisis. It cannot afford to pay its 140,000 civil servants and police officers. Yet despite its money troubles, it would not appear that Hamas has plans to abandon its terrorist tactics any time soon. And why should it? Especially since those tactics have paid off so richly in the past. Alan M. Dershowitz, a criminal law professor at Harvard Law School and the author of The Case for Israel, once wrote "The primary cause of terrorism is not occupation, humiliation, or desperation... The primary cause of terrorism is that it works. And it works because the craven international community gives into it and rewards it. It also works because too many Islamic leaders praise it and too few condemn it. Terrorism will continue as long as potential terrorists believe they will benefit from using that tactic."

Related Links:
? Homicide Bomber Kills Nine in Tel Aviv - FOX News
? Iran to Give $50M to Palestinians - FOX News
? Qatar Pledges $50M to Palestinians - FOX News
? Hamas Blasts EU Decision to Cut Aid - Haaretz
? Strategic Trends: The Struggle for Jerusalem - Koinonia House
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"There's no way you can impose western culture and democracy and Judeo-Christian ethics on a Muslim community to start with. The best that you can hope for is that they've got somebody in there that's not a radical nut like the president of Iran, or Saddam Hussein, or something like that." - Bruce Tefft, Former CIA official and Middle East expert

What's going on with the government of Iraq? Will the effort toward democracy work, or is it doomed by the religion of the majority of Iraq's people?

Iraqi parliament members believe it may take another month to form a unity government so that the new and improved government of Iraq can get going. The delay in forming a stable government means a lack of leadership, of popular confidence. It means the insurgency has the psychological advantage of political instablility. In other words, the terrorists can rejoice while the government of Iraq is still uncertain. Parliament members have been discussing and debating since elections in December, and there are still internal disagreements about leadership. Ultimately, the specific form that Islam will take in the government of Iraq is still to be seen.

Parliament member Iyad Jamal Al-Din made clear last week he believes that Iraq should remain a secular democracy. He believes that with much Islam in the mix, democracy just won't work. This has been a great concern to Middle East policy analysts - whether an Islamic nation can also be a truly democratic nation.

The people of Iraq have certainly demonstrated an interest in democracy. They have risked their lives to pile up in lines and vote, to go to the polls and proudly brandish their purple-inked fingers afterwards. They have shown what Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice calls the "desire for the human dignity that comes with liberty, with democracy, with the ability to say what you think and worship as you please and to educate your boys and your girls." Despite - and even because of - years of fear and abuse under Saddam Hussein, the Iraqis retain that basic human love for freedom and the ability to have some control over their government.

Yet, Iraq remains a predominantly Muslim nation. Its people are a Muslim people. Al-Din, who supports the US military presence in Iraq, has problems with the new Iraqi Constitution because it relies on Islamic principles. He believes the only way for Iraq to truly be a free democratic nation is for the government of Iraq to form a secular democracy. Mixing Islam and democracy, he said, "is like mixing Marxists and capitalists."

The reason, he says, is because Islamic sharia law has "nothing to do with democracy or human rights." There is little religious freedom and Muslims are not permitted to change from Islam to another religion. There are strict dictates by which all citizens must abide, and the control is taken from the hands of the people and placed in the arms of the religious leaders. Religious leaders determine how sharia law applies to specific issues, and the people are required to abide by those interpretations or face severe penalties.

An Islamic people may be able to exist in a democracy, as long as the government stays out of religious affairs. There's a problem, though. It's difficult for a secular government to be created in a nation of Islamic people. The government cannot risk being considered godless, nor can it risk being seen as a Western creation - any government seen as being a puppet of the West will face fierce opposition.

What do you think? Can Islam and Democracy co-exist? Sign up for the Berean Online Fellowship and join the debate! Our online discussion boards give you the opportunity to read and post messages on various topics - everything from Bible Study topics and Christian living to current events. See the links below for more information.

Related Links:
? Democracy, Islamic Law Don't Mix, Iraqi Official Says - CNS
? World Factbook - Iraq - CIA
? Democracy in Iraq - National Review
? Berean Online Fellowship - Koinonia House
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Some call the book of Zechariah, "The Apocalypse of the Old Testament." Many feel that Zechariah is the most Messianic book of the Old Testament. Among its many precious passages we find the Messiah presented as the Branch who will remove iniquity; the Shepherd; the Stone; the Coming King; the Triumphal Entry on a donkey; One betrayed for 30 pieces of silver; His Crucifixion, and His Second Coming, "looking upon me whom they pierced."

This most challenging little book is second only to Isaiah in its distinctiveness and importance as a Messianic prophet. Zechariah contains more Messianic prophecies than all of the other "Minor" prophets put together.

The book focuses on the Day of YHWH, the return of Israel in unbelief, their passing through the Great Tribulation, and their deliverance by King Messiah. It also may hold the key to resolving the enigma of "Mystery Babylon" and its relation to literal Babylon in prophecy.

The Prophet Zechariah was a Levite born in a priestly family in Babylon who returned to Jerusalem with almost 50,000 other Jewish exiles. He was probably a relatively young man at the beginning of his prophetic ministry. Zechariah was a contemporary of Haggai the prophet, Zerubbabel the governor, and Joshua the high priest.

Historical Background

The fall of Jerusalem to the armies of Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC marked the finale of the Southern Kingdom of Judah, much as the earlier defeat at the hands of the Assyrians in 722 BC brought to an end the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Most of Jerusalem's inhabitants were deported to Babylon for a period of 70 years, as prophesied by the Prophet Jeremiah.

During this exile, the Prophet Daniel received the revelation that Gentile kingdoms would be dominant over Judah and Israel until God set up His kingdom on the earth under the rule of the Messiah. This period was referred to by Jesus Christ as "the times of the Gentiles."

When the Babylonian Empire fell to the Persian Empire (539 BC), Cyrus the Great decreed that the Jews could return to Jerusalem to rebuild their Temple. However, only a small minority of about 50,000 Jews (including Haggai and Zechariah) returned under the leadership of Zerubbabel the governor and Joshua the high priest.

Levitical sacrifices were soon reinstituted on a rebuilt altar of burnt offering, and in the second year of their return the foundation of the Temple was laid. However, external oppression and internal depression halted the rebuilding of the Temple for about 16 more years of spiritual apathy until the rule of Persian King Darius Hystaspis (522-486 BC).

In the second regnal year of Darius (520 BC), God raised up Haggai the prophet to encourage the Jews in rebuilding. Haggai preached four sermons in four months and then disappeared from the scene. Two months after Haggai delivered his first sermon, Zechariah began his prophetic ministry, encouraging the people to spiritual renewal and motivating them to rebuild the Temple by revealing to them God's plans for Israel's future. With this prophetic encouragement the people completed the Temple reconstruction in 515 BC.

The dated portions of Zechariah's prophecy fall within the period of the rebuilding of the Temple. The undated prophecies of Zechariah 9-14 were probably written much later in his ministry. According to Jewish tradition, Zechariah was a member of the Great Synagogue, a council originated by Nehemiah and composed of 120 members. Ezra is said to have been the president of this council, which was later succeeded by the Sanhedrin.

An Enriching Adventure

Zechariah, in a sense, closes the Old Testament. Luke opens with the account of another priest named Zechariah ("Yahweh Remembers") and his wife Elisabeth ("His Oath"). An angelic visit ends 400 years of silence with the announcement of the forthcoming birth of John the Baptist. This astonishing book is full of surprises - both Messianic and many apparently on our near horizon!

Related Links:
? Zechariah - MP3 Commentary - Koinonia House
? The Minor Prophets - MP3 Commentary - Koinonia House

<HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=1>**IMPORTANT NEWS HEADLINES** <HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=1>
Christian Pilgrims Return to Holy Land in Droves - April 18, 2006
Visitors are returning to the Holy Land in near record numbers this year, despite five years of violence in the region that continues to this day. CNS
Persecution Report Precedes Hu Visit - April 18, 2006
Just days before the summit between President Bush and Chinese President Hu, a report of torture and abuse against Christians in China has been released by human rights groups. The report includes photographic evidence and video interviews of 19 believers from five different provinces and highlights some of the most egregious cases of brutality and state-sponsored torture of evangelical Christians. WorldNetDaily
War Game Will Focus on Iran - April 18, 2006
Amid rising tensions between the United States and Iran over the future of Iran's nuclear program, the Pentagon is planning a war game in July so officials can explore options for a crisis involving Iran. USA Today
Major TV Networks Sue Government for Indecency Crackdown - April 18, 2006
Four major television networks have filed lawsuits against the Federal Communications Commission?s recent rulings on the use of profanity and sexually explicit material during prime time viewing. Fox, CBS, NBC and ABC networks have filed two joint appeals against fines imposed by the FCC on a total of 123 stations for airing, among other concerns, a scene depicting group sex among teenagers. LifeSite
Egypt Church Attacks Spark Anger - April 18, 2006
Egypt's Coptic Christians have protested in the city of Alexandria to demand greater protection following knife attacks at three churches. One person was killed and several others injured in the attacks. BBC

<HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=1>**MEMORY VERSE OF THE WEEK** <HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=1>
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
Ephesians 3:17-19 KJV
