Anyone who votes for public health care has not been in the Federal VA system.

The Seer

EOG Dedicated
I spent most of the day at the Tuskegee VA hospital for a routine check Thursday. I did get a flu shot on the plus side after four hours plus travel time of two hours when you include trying to find a parking space.

I have it on the highest authority that the 12 dental cubicles in the then new VA hospital in Woods, WI in 1969 had 16 dentists with Saturday service. When I was last there in 1998, there were four dentists. The wait of; I really do not know because I was going to be there for only a month or two and I could not ask until after then.

I have been trying to get an appointment for two years with the dermatologist to no avail. No big problem. I just want the skin cancer I had removed in 2002 rechecked. For some reason, it seems inportant to me.


?When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men together in a society, they create for themselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.? ? Fr?d?ric Bastiatédéric_Bastiat
Re: Anyone who votes for public health care has not been in the Federal VA system.

Sounds like a disappointing story.

Reminds me of my wife being told by her diabetes doctor (paid for by private group health care insurance) that she has to wait a couple months just to schedule a routine exam.

There are many other such doctors in our community, but if she uses them, her insurance won't pay.
Re: Anyone who votes for public health care has not been in the Federal VA system.

Meanwhile, a fraternal brother of mine was just released from two weeks of aftercare following his double cardiac bypass surgery administered by the amazing staff at the VA hospital in San Francisco. He's in great shape now and tells me that his experiences with the VA both last month and over the past 37 years have been exemplary

The Seer

EOG Dedicated
Re: Anyone who votes for public health care has not been in the Federal VA system.

Meanwhile, a fraternal brother of mine was just released from two weeks of aftercare following his double cardiac bypass surgery administered by the amazing staff at the VA hospital in San Francisco. He's in great shape now and tells me that his experiences with the VA both last month and over the past 37 years have been exemplary

My point was not that good things never happen. It was that we should not compound this with a "public option".
Re: Anyone who votes for public health care has not been in the Federal VA system.

The latest Pelosi trillion dollar health care boondoggle includes "death panels" (some people owe Sarah a huge apology), abortion-on-demand funded by Uncle Sam, a 6 month waiting list for "high risk" (read: most vulnerable and sick) patients, and health care for illegal aliens.

Government 'compassion' at it's finest hour!

Keep up the great work, you Huffington Compost loons!



EOG Dedicated
Re: Anyone who votes for public health care has not been in the Federal VA system.

The latest Pelosi trillion dollar health care boondoggle includes "death panels" (some people owe Sarah a huge apology), abortion-on-demand funded by Uncle Sam, a 6 month waiting list for "high risk" (read: most vulnerable and sick) patients, and health care for illegal aliens.

Government 'compassion' at it's finest hour!

Keep up the great work, you Huffington Compost loons!

Let's see some proof of that.Show in the bill were it says this.Thanks in advance.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Anyone who votes for public health care has not been in the Federal VA system.

Let's see some proof of that.Show in the bill were it says this.Thanks in advance.
Never mind I seen it in the other thread.
Re: Anyone who votes for public health care has not been in the Federal VA system.

I think we can add "death panels" to the list of tomfoolery which includes "birth certificate," "marxist," and "teleprompter." I foresee more entertainment for the forum with the new addition. . .
Re: Anyone who votes for public health care has not been in the Federal VA system.

See the Patient Advocate at you local VA facility Seer.

The Seer

EOG Dedicated
Re: Anyone who votes for public health care has not been in the Federal VA system.

See the Patient Advocate at you local VA facility Seer.

Thank you Jimmy. Your advice is good to help me. The trouble with it, on a national scale, is while one person can jump ahead, 47 million or (insert number here) that will be added to to the health care system if HR 3962 passes, is that all cannot jump ahead. I saw this around 2003. The veteran system ranks veterans by a scale. It is something like this;

1 were injured in service, in combat and are quite severely disabled.
2 As above but less severe disability rating.
3 As above but a lower rating like 0 to 30%
4 Severe but not service connected. About 50-100% rating
5 not service connected and less severe, some income, OK.
6 not service connected and make money
These are just kind of what I remember. Anyone with more accurate knowledge, please add to this.
7 not sure, but earn money.
8 Was added in ~2003. It included drugs for those with no wounds, no anything, and made over $80,000/yr. Just plain, but doing fine, veterans like the millions who returned after WWII and were expected to return to normal activities, like my father. They were just added into the system. It was a disaster! I think it has been repealed but I am not sure. Class 8 veterans who used may be grandfathered in.

After a four year wait, I got a letter to attend an "enter the Bay Pines VA system". It was at the Sarasota, FL, branch VA office and it was the class 8 veterans except for me and another man. All but myself and the other man wore a suit or at least a nice sport coat and slacks. The one I talked to said, "I served, I never got anything, so why should I not get a little something!" We talked as he did not have a southern accent. Where did I go to school, "U of Wis. I replied". He also attended some school with cheap tuition on the G.I. bill in Michigan, became an engineer and designed something in the auto business. We talked about houses. I said I got a VA loan, and him too.

So it was not exactly true that he never got anything, just not lately. He got an education paid for and a house at 0% down at a time when small town bankers wanted 20-40% down. The VA ran out of money sooner than usual that year. The bill, signed by Bush, had "unexpected costs".

Wow. An Act of congress that cost more than expected. I do not know how many class 8 veterans used the new benefit but it was not in the millions like we face on Saturday's vote.

Back to myself which was not my intention to plead a case, but rather to show what will happen if we pass the new health care bill. I have been cancer free for five years which is the American Cancer Society standard for "I am cured". It is likely seven years if I could get examined to ease my mind. It is not necessary at all if it has not come back........still I wonder.

Epilogue; this seems like a book. I moved to Florida in 1999 and it took four years to get into the local VA hospital to get care for my service-connected wounds. Of course I could return to Wisconsin and get care where I was enrolled, but it should not have taken that long.

This is health care by Queue as in England already!
The end.