Attention Hawks:


EOG Dedicated
Re: Attention Hawks:

Actually, LBJ was one of the most liberal presidents ever. But his war policy overshadowed his great feats. LBJ took it on all sides, but LBJ mainly battled himself. One of history's most interesting characters. If it wasn't for the decision in 1964 to send troops to Vietnam, LBJ could have been one of the greatest. If only.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Attention Hawks:

I agree. Wars do bankrupt a country. That's why we need people like WJC and his surplusses.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Attention Hawks:

Being concerned about the four American lives lost in Benghazi is a noble cause. So I'm sure you're even more concerned about the 4,000 American lives lost in the Iraq War.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Attention Hawks:

I'm looking at those old Wally George videos. I thought i saw you in the audience holding up a sign that read, "sick!" That was you, wasn't it?


EOG Addicted
Re: Attention Hawks:

You guys went from celebrating victory to blaming Bush for the defeat. You voted for it,then things got tough and you fought for our defeat, then you celebrated the victory and then abandoned the Iraqis. We had a huge Base to monitor Iran and now the JV Team is driving around in our tanks. WTF !!!!!!


EOG Addicted
Re: Attention Hawks:

Here's the thought for the day. "It's difficult to win an argument with smart person while it's impossible to win an argument with a moron."