"Ding Dong the Witch is Dead ... Ding Dong the Alaskan witch is Dead .." ITS OVER !!!

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Palin Celebrityhood? Montel, Springer, Tyra Don?t Help Ambitions

<dir>The Sarah Palin hopes for national office officially ended yesterday not when Levi Johnston went on the Tyra Banks Show and displayed his ?Bristol? tattoo and talked about condoms. No, the Sarah Palin response, which reads as if someone is spitting it out before closing the screen door of the double wide, sinks Sarah Palin?s ambitions.
</dir> Commentary By: Steven Reynolds

I remember this Ad from the McCain campaign last Fall, wherte the implication is that Barack Obama?s celebrity was waning and Sarah Palin was going to take over. (McCain hasn?t gained any more sense lately, calling hispanics ?you people? and frothing at the mouth in a recent meeting.) Well, since then she?s not exactly become an ?A? list celebrity, but more appropriately a candidate for the Montel Williams Show, or Cops. OK, so she can?t control her sister-in-law breaking into a neighbor?s house to steal some cash. That?s not on Palin, is it?

The fun part is that the Palin family is being revealed for the trailer trash sensibilities that are its foundation. Sure, Palin can?t control Levi Johnston going on the Tyra Banks Show, showing off his ?Bristol? tattoo, and admitting to wardrobe malfunctions, er, ah, sometimes forgetting to use a condom when <del datetime="2009-04-04T12:02:17+00:00">screwing</del> making love with Bristol. Heck, she can?t control the video of that appearance, due out Monday but with a sneak peek here. But Sarah Palin can control the reactions of her staff.

Sarah Palin, if she had class at all, would react to this little episode with resounding silence. But, no. Class doesn?t enter into it. Here?s the scoop on the Sarah Palin reaction from that celebrity gossip magazine People:
?Bristol did not even know Levi was going on the show. We?re disappointed that Levi and his family, in a quest for fame, attention, and fortune, are engaging in flat-out lies, gross exaggeration, and even distortion of their relationship,? says the statement from the Palin family rep.

?Bristol?s focus will remain on raising Tripp, completing her education, and advocating abstinence,? the statement continues. ?It is unfortunate that Levi finds it more appealing to exploit his previous relationship with Bristol than to contribute to the well being of the child.?

The statement ends, saying, ?Bristol realizes now that she made a mistake in her relationship and is the one taking responsibility for their actions.?
When I read Palin lashing out like this I think of one thing. I think of someone playing the Church Lady in an opposition political commercial and using Sarah Palin?s exact words over and over and over again. Maybe splice in some scenes of a hair-pulling, chair-throwing fight just to spice up the ad. The celebrity Sarah Palin sought is now at the level of Montel and Springer and Tyra Banks. That?s called finding its true place. Meanwhile, Barack Obama is being feted in Strasbourg.
