Drew Peterson - Look at this bling

Unbelievable - He was in shackles and says, "Look at this bling"

Drew Peterson Laughed on Way to Court for Wife's Murder

Peterson Calls His Shackles 'Bling'

May 8, 2009

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Drew Peterson joked with reporters today as he was being led into court in shackles to face allegations that he drowned his third wife five years ago.
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Peterson, 55, has been charged with first-degree murder in connection with the death of Kathleen Savio, whose body was found in her bathtub in 2004 with a gash in her head.
Asked if he was looking forward to his day in court, Peterson, handcuffed and wearing a red jumpsuit, said, "What about this bling? Look at this bling. Three squares a day in this spiffy outfit. How can you beat that? Look at this bling. My God. "
A judge postponed Peterson's arraignment until May 18 because neither of Peterson's attorneys were in court today, the Associated Press reported. Peterson didn't speak in court except to tell the judge he understood the continuance.
Peterson, an ex-cop, became a target of police scrutiny after the disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson. He was arrested yesterday after a lengthy police investigation. He is being held in the Will County, Ill., jail on $20 million bond.


EOG Master
Re: Drew Peterson - Look at this bling

My wife and I just watched the documentary (not the made for TV movie). Having lived in the Chicago area during the Stacy Peterson disappearance and his murder trial of wife #3, I thought I had heard it all. I wasn't even aware of the hit he put out on the prosecutor who got him locked up, or his confession to the other inmate.