Easter weekend ... good luck interfacing w/the Bushies!

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Got this via email this morning and HOW TRUE .. HOW TRUE:

Easter Sunday ...I was raised Catholic and the Catholic Church is a breeding ground for the Zombies that fall into the trance that makes them imagine that Christ has returned as an ex Coke head and lives @ 1600 PA Avenue

"Interesting" to hear some of the "logic" that will be thrown around this weekend when gathering of families include folks who pray in the House of Lies that is headed up daily by the Revs Hannity and Limbaugh:

"So what if Bush leaked information to the press. So what if he declassified documents. He can do that. He's our President and I think we ought to trust him."

"Those liberals just want to see our soldiers in Iraq killed off so they can claim the war was a failure."

"Bush can wiretap me, I don't care. I ain't got nothin' to hide."

"Them damn illegals, they're ruinin' our country - we should just round 'em up and toss 'em back across the border on their asses."

"Bush is right, we've got to fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here."

"Saddam was a menace, a tryant - we HAD to get rid of him. He gassed his own people, he killed babies, he had WMDs that were shipped to Syria before the war. It's a FACT."

"Bush did all he could to save the people after Katrina. They said nothing about the levees breaching, only topping. It was the fault of the state and local levels. They just weren't prepared."

"We should nuke the hell outta Iran and the entire middle east. Just nuke 'em."

"Remember 9/11. THEY attacked us. THEY started this war. We are fighting terrorists in Iraq. We are fighting for our freedom and bringing democracy to them."

"Bush is only trying to protect us. He isn't a tryant! I don't mind giving up some of my personal liberties for extra security."

"This is a dangerous world. Liberals just can't accept that. They are so namby-pamby. If Kerry were in office our country would self-destruct, and we'd get attacked again big-time."

"There must be another angle to the story about Marey Carey the porn star dining with Bush. The sources you quoted were clearly biased. Maybe Bush wants to witness to the woman."


"Instead of badmouthing Bush, why don't you get down on your knees and pray for the man!"

NOTE: Did they pray for Clinton? Hmmm, seems it was all BADMOUTHING and CLINTON-BASHING...