How to Slash the State


EOG Dedicated
How to Slash the State - Reason Magazine

Like sequels to Saw, the government just keeps coming, growing larger, more expensive, and moreappalling each year. In times of economic distress, even at the increasing risk of default, the size, scope, and cost of federal, state, and local governments continue to balloon, swallowing everything in their path. For 10 solid years, and especially since September 2008, spending has boomed, the Federal Register has exploded, and Congress altered American life at an accelerating pace.
Yet loud critics of big government?especially but not only Republican politicians?are often reduced to an awkward stammer when put on the spot by the all-important question, ?So what would you cut?? Well, stammer no more.
Consider the following a Halloween-themed cheat sheet for explaining who, what, where, when, and why whole swaths of government need to be cut or euthanized outright, so that taxpayer money is spent more productively, the remaining government services perform better, and the United States can finally begin its long slow climb toward solvency.
Re: How to Slash the State

It's not that complicated.

Marginalize the children, and then get back to this:

As the newly elected adults attempt to dismantle Big Government Progressivism in whatever meaningful ways they can, they must always try to frame the debate in terms of providing more Freedom and Opportunity for the People.

This should be true whether they are talking about repealing Obamacare, allowing for privatizing of retirement plans, cutting taxes, balancing the budget, stimulating job growth, you name it.

Only then can all these dysfunctional unconstitutional programs be exposed for the Authoritarian Marxist abominations that they are; Social Engineering which, whether well-meaning or not, has served only to create economic dependence, debt, waste, decay, and loss of Liberty, Opportunity and Quality of Life for this generation and beyond.

Seriously, what part of

do these progressive vermin not understand?