I need a good name to put on our new offshore sports book

The General

Another Day, Another Dollar
Can you give me some ideas? It will take some time and more Details to be released at a later time. What are your thoughts on the suggestion? Would you trust sending your money to me? All feedback welcome.

how about www.avantgardesports.com

Main Entry: avant-garde
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: unconventional
Synonyms: beat, experimental, far out, far-out, head, hep, hip, innovative, lead, leading edge, liberal, new, new waves, pioneering, progressive, radical, state-of-the-art, vanguard, way-out
Antonyms: conservative, conventional, mainstream
Source: Roget's New Millennium? Thesaurus, First Edition
For a change of pace I'd try the straight forward approach, might catch people off guard.


or my longtime fictitious Site.


Sorry General. Sleep deprived. Good night.