Imagine if an African - American Dem ...

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Butchered up the ol English Language like Bush does
everytime he opens his mouth ...

OMG .. all you would hear from Coulter or Hannity is
how "Liberals" are an embarrassement to good Americans
who have dedicated themselves to learning how to
effectively communicate with others


EOG Dedicated

..jesse jackson (aka's fav son) always speaks "the king's english"; and is very ez to understand..!!!

so.... take that..!!!!



Doc Mercer

EOG Master
I dont claim Jackson .... ANYONE can become a Rev and he is no "Man of the Cloth"

"and throw in Limbaugh blubbering away once the drugs kick on when he is live .."

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Dean is 10 times smarter than Bush and Rove never campaigns on
issues .. he spreads lies like he did against Anne Richards in 94
in Texas, John Kerry in 2004, Max Cleland in 2002 and 2000 was
all time heist job that America now dearly pays for

Rove's daddy was partners with a company that produced the
killing machines in German during the concentration camp setups and
how shocking that Rove could pass for who???

Karl Rove

Heinrich Himmler