Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee


EOG Addicted
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

I agree. If someone I knew was gay and getting married I would attend if they wanted me to. If you and Bob get married I'll be there. I can't wait to see the cake made by the Muslim baker and the pizza you serve at the reception catered by extremist Christians.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

I'm surprised by your stance on gambling since this is a gambling website. But now that casinos have pilfered all accross America, it's obvious that they don't do much good to society. In fact those who live in a city or town that has a casino are pretty much wacked out. SC, Bob says you're not invited, however he said he may change his mind depending on the gift you were plannig on bringing.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

As much as you like Rand Paul, HE WILL NOT BE NOMINATED! It's obvious to me that the establishment and the media will see to that. Watch other Republicans began to tear him apart. Remember what they did to his dad.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

I'm surprised by your stance on gambling since this is a gambling website. But now that casinos have pilfered all accross America, it's obvious that they don't do much good to society. In fact those who live in a city or town that has a casino are pretty much wacked out. SC, Bob says you're not invited, however he said he may change his mind depending on the gift you were plannig on bringing.

Im for the expansion of gambling anywhere the market will support it, within local reason ( local zoning laws)
Im for the legalization of online gambling.
Im not sure if you misunderstood

I'm for, more freedom, and more personal responsibility . Im sick of the republicans inconsistent attitude towards limited government and freedom when it comes to social issues like gambling

Marco Rubio' positions are inconsistent


EOG Dedicated
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

As much as you like Rand Paul, HE WILL NOT BE NOMINATED! It's obvious to me that the establishment and the media will see to that. Watch other Republicans began to tear him apart. Remember what they did to his dad.

Sadly, I have to agree , but I can hope


EOG Addicted
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

A less than one term senator will not make it. Scott Walker will be the next President. I see a Walker/Rubio ticket.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

Is Walker electable? The Republican establishment is afraid of another Barry Goldwater drubbing.


EOG Addicted
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

More sound advice. I'll inquire to see if John McCain or Mitt Romney are interested in running. Thanks again. Signed, Reince Priebus


EOG Dedicated
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

Look smarty pants. America has already demonstrated that they will accept a far-left loony. They haven't demonstrated they will accept a far-right one yet.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

I don't even know that much about Scott Walker. Alls I know is if you support him, he must be out there . . .


EOG Addicted
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

Obviously Walker's opinion on evolution is the most important thing to consider. He is obviously against science and probably anti-women. The fact we are over 20 trillion in debt and have Islamists overtaking the world is secondary.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

Dude, Islamists aren't taking over the world. It's tradition for canidates to talk about the debt, then do nothing when they get into office. So don't hold your breath.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

An editorial in the LA Times today pointed out that GOP hopefuls are starting to throw out a lot of red meat to their Republican constituents. Supreme Hawk is Marco Rubio who's mentioned "boots on the ground" in the Middle East. It's becoming clearer that a Republican President will handle foreign policy much different than a Democrat. I believe in negotiation and compromise. But that's why we have elections. Many Americans believe a war will be the solution, I disagree. I don't see positive results from the recent Iraq War. So my backing if Rubio just hit a speed bump. PS Walker came in as Hawk #2. We'll see how the electorate feels.


EOG Addicted
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

Maybe next time we do go to war democrat leaders could support victory? The constant criticism aids the enemy. Treasonous. Then when we were close to victory Obama pulls the troops out and gives the enemy the date it will happen and blames Bush. That's why you don't vote for a community organizer.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

My community organizer took out Osama. Or as Fox News would put it: "Osama took out Osama!"


EOG Dedicated
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

More bad news, I had lunch with my material-girl sister from the OC, who is a lifelong Republican. She says she likes how Obama has handled the economy. Ouch!


EOG Dedicated
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

Of course dear old Jeb told reporters that in hindsight he still would have invaded Iraq even if he knew there were no WMD's. Ouch! Even Rubio said he wouldn't invade knowing that. Is there anybody in the Bush family who doesn't want to invade Iraq?
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What you contemplate you imitate
Re: Marco Rubio Will Be the GOP Nominee

Something cyrillic;but the "blonde's "off the mark......