New Orleans: Not Quite the Happiest Place On Earth


EOG Master
Not Quite the Happiest Place On Earth

So we don?t have too much of a stake in the New Orleans Mayoral elections and it?s a bit (or a lot) out of our usual purview, but someone sent us this tip that we just can?t pass up. We don?t know much about candidate Kimberly Williamson Butler, but we have been to New Orleans, and, uh, this picture doesn?t quite look right to us:
On the left, the header image of Butler?s campaign website. On the right, a picture of New Orleans Square in Disneyland. And, uh, we?re not sayin?, we?re just sayin?? frankly, we don?t remember what the trash cans looked like in the French Quarter, but the cleanliness of the street and the presence of fannypackin? middle-Americans has us a wee bit suspicious.
And hell, maybe it?s not Disneyland. Maybe it?s Istanbul.