Roberts Confirmed 78-22


EOG Master
U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 109<SUP>th</SUP> Congress - 1<SUP>st</SUP> Session

as compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate

Vote Summary

<TABLE class=contenttext cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=contenttext colSpan=4>Question: <QUESTION>On the Nomination</QUESTION> (Confirmation John G. Roberts, Jr., of Maryland, to be Chief Justice of the United States ) </TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext vAlign=top>Vote Number: </TD><TD class=contenttext vAlign=top>245</TD><TD class=contenttext vAlign=top>Vote Date: </TD><TD class=contenttext vAlign=top>September 29, 2005, 11:31 AM</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext vAlign=top>Required For Majority: </TD><TD class=contenttext>1/2</TD><TD class=contenttext vAlign=top>Vote Result: </TD><TD class=contenttext vAlign=top>Nomination Confirmed</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext vAlign=top>Nomination Number: </TD><TD class=contenttext vAlign=top colSpan=3>PN801</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext>Nomination Description: </TD><TD class=contenttext colSpan=3>John G. Roberts, Jr., of Maryland, to be Chief Justice of the United States</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=contenttext width="50%" border=0 valign="TOP"><TBODY><TR><TD class=contenttext vAlign=top width="25%">Vote Counts:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="50%">YEAs</TD><TD class=contenttext align=right width="25%">78</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD class=contenttext width="50%">NAYs</TD><TD class=contenttext align=right width="25%">22</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=contenttext width="100%" border=0 valign="TOP"><TBODY><TR><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">Vote Summary</TD><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">By Senator Name</TD><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">By Vote Position</TD><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">By Home State</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Alphabetical by Senator Name <TABLE class=contenttext cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0 valign="TOP"><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Akaka (D-HI), Nay
Alexander (R-TN), Yea
Allard (R-CO), Yea
Allen (R-VA), Yea
Baucus (D-MT), Yea
Bayh (D-IN), Nay
Bennett (R-UT), Yea
Biden (D-DE), Nay
Bingaman (D-NM), Yea
Bond (R-MO), Yea
Boxer (D-CA), Nay
Brownback (R-KS), Yea
Bunning (R-KY), Yea
Burns (R-MT), Yea
Burr (R-NC), Yea
Byrd (D-WV), Yea
Cantwell (D-WA), Nay
Carper (D-DE), Yea
Chafee (R-RI), Yea
Chambliss (R-GA), Yea
Clinton (D-NY), Nay
Coburn (R-OK), Yea
Cochran (R-MS), Yea
Coleman (R-MN), Yea
Collins (R-ME), Yea
Conrad (D-ND), Yea
Cornyn (R-TX), Yea
Corzine (D-NJ), Nay
Craig (R-ID), Yea
Crapo (R-ID), Yea
Dayton (D-MN), Nay
DeMint (R-SC), Yea
DeWine (R-OH), Yea
Dodd (D-CT), Yea
</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Dole (R-NC), Yea
Domenici (R-NM), Yea
Dorgan (D-ND), Yea
Durbin (D-IL), Nay
Ensign (R-NV), Yea
Enzi (R-WY), Yea
Feingold (D-WI), Yea
Feinstein (D-CA), Nay
Frist (R-TN), Yea
Graham (R-SC), Yea
Grassley (R-IA), Yea
Gregg (R-NH), Yea
Hagel (R-NE), Yea
Harkin (D-IA), Nay
Hatch (R-UT), Yea
Hutchison (R-TX), Yea
Inhofe (R-OK), Yea
Inouye (D-HI), Nay
Isakson (R-GA), Yea
Jeffords (I-VT), Yea
Johnson (D-SD), Yea
Kennedy (D-MA), Nay
Kerry (D-MA), Nay
Kohl (D-WI), Yea
Kyl (R-AZ), Yea
Landrieu (D-LA), Yea
Lautenberg (D-NJ), Nay
Leahy (D-VT), Yea
Levin (D-MI), Yea
Lieberman (D-CT), Yea
Lincoln (D-AR), Yea
Lott (R-MS), Yea
Lugar (R-IN), Yea
Martinez (R-FL), Yea
</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">McCain (R-AZ), Yea
McConnell (R-KY), Yea
Mikulski (D-MD), Nay
Murkowski (R-AK), Yea
Murray (D-WA), Yea
Nelson (D-FL), Yea
Nelson (D-NE), Yea
Obama (D-IL), Nay
Pryor (D-AR), Yea
Reed (D-RI), Nay
Reid (D-NV), Nay
Roberts (R-KS), Yea
Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea
Salazar (D-CO), Yea
Santorum (R-PA), Yea
Sarbanes (D-MD), Nay
Schumer (D-NY), Nay
Sessions (R-AL), Yea
Shelby (R-AL), Yea
Smith (R-OR), Yea
Snowe (R-ME), Yea
Specter (R-PA), Yea
Stabenow (D-MI), Nay
Stevens (R-AK), Yea
Sununu (R-NH), Yea
Talent (R-MO), Yea
Thomas (R-WY), Yea
Thune (R-SD), Yea
Vitter (R-LA), Yea
Voinovich (R-OH), Yea
Warner (R-VA), Yea
Wyden (D-OR), Yea
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=contenttext width="100%" border=0 valign="TOP"><TBODY><TR><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">Vote Summary</TD><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">By Senator Name</TD><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">By Vote Position</TD><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">By Home State</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Grouped By Vote Position <TABLE class=contenttext cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0 valign="TOP"><TBODY><TR><TD class=contenttext align=middle colSpan=3>YEAs ---78</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Alexander (R-TN)
Allard (R-CO)
Allen (R-VA)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bennett (R-UT)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Bond (R-MO)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burns (R-MT)
Burr (R-NC)
Byrd (D-WV)
Carper (D-DE)
Chafee (R-RI)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Coleman (R-MN)
Collins (R-ME)
Conrad (D-ND)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Craig (R-ID)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
DeWine (R-OH)
Dodd (D-CT)
</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Dole (R-NC)
Domenici (R-NM)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Feingold (D-WI)
Frist (R-TN)
Graham (R-SC)
Grassley (R-IA)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hagel (R-NE)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Isakson (R-GA)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kohl (D-WI)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Lott (R-MS)
Lugar (R-IN)
</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Martinez (R-FL)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Pryor (D-AR)
Roberts (R-KS)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Salazar (D-CO)
Santorum (R-PA)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Smith (R-OR)
Snowe (R-ME)
Specter (R-PA)
Stevens (R-AK)
Sununu (R-NH)
Talent (R-MO)
Thomas (R-WY)
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)
Voinovich (R-OH)
Warner (R-VA)
Wyden (D-OR)
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=contenttext cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0 valign="TOP"><TBODY><TR><TD class=contenttext align=middle colSpan=3>NAYs ---22</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Akaka (D-HI)
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Boxer (D-CA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Corzine (D-NJ)
Dayton (D-MN)
</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Durbin (D-IL)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Mikulski (D-MD)
</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Obama (D-IL)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Schumer (D-NY)
Stabenow (D-MI)
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=contenttext width="100%" border=0 valign="TOP"><TBODY><TR><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">Vote Summary</TD><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">By Senator Name</TD><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">By Vote Position</TD><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">By Home State</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Grouped by Home State <TABLE class=contenttext cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0 valign="TOP"><TBODY><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Alabama:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Sessions (R-AL), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Shelby (R-AL), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Alaska:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Murkowski (R-AK), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Stevens (R-AK), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Arizona:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Kyl (R-AZ), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">McCain (R-AZ), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Arkansas:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Lincoln (D-AR), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Pryor (D-AR), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">California:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Boxer (D-CA), Nay</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Feinstein (D-CA), Nay</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Colorado:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Allard (R-CO), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Salazar (D-CO), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Connecticut:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Dodd (D-CT), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Lieberman (D-CT), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Delaware:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Biden (D-DE), Nay</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Carper (D-DE), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Florida:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Martinez (R-FL), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Nelson (D-FL), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Georgia:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Chambliss (R-GA), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Isakson (R-GA), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Hawaii:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Akaka (D-HI), Nay</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Inouye (D-HI), Nay</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Idaho:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Craig (R-ID), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Crapo (R-ID), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Illinois:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Durbin (D-IL), Nay</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Obama (D-IL), Nay</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Indiana:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Bayh (D-IN), Nay</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Lugar (R-IN), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Iowa:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Grassley (R-IA), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Harkin (D-IA), Nay</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Kansas:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Brownback (R-KS), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Roberts (R-KS), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Kentucky:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Bunning (R-KY), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">McConnell (R-KY), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Louisiana:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Landrieu (D-LA), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Vitter (R-LA), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Maine:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Collins (R-ME), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Snowe (R-ME), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Maryland:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Mikulski (D-MD), Nay</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Sarbanes (D-MD), Nay</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Massachusetts:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Kennedy (D-MA), Nay</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Kerry (D-MA), Nay</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Michigan:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Levin (D-MI), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Stabenow (D-MI), Nay</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Minnesota:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Coleman (R-MN), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Dayton (D-MN), Nay</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Mississippi:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Cochran (R-MS), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Lott (R-MS), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Missouri:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Bond (R-MO), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Talent (R-MO), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Montana:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Baucus (D-MT), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Burns (R-MT), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Nebraska:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Hagel (R-NE), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Nelson (D-NE), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Nevada:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Ensign (R-NV), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Reid (D-NV), Nay</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">New Hampshire:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Gregg (R-NH), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Sununu (R-NH), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">New Jersey:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Corzine (D-NJ), Nay</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Lautenberg (D-NJ), Nay</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">New Mexico:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Bingaman (D-NM), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Domenici (R-NM), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">New York:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Clinton (D-NY), Nay</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Schumer (D-NY), Nay</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">North Carolina:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Burr (R-NC), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Dole (R-NC), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">North Dakota:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Conrad (D-ND), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Dorgan (D-ND), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Ohio:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">DeWine (R-OH), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Voinovich (R-OH), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Oklahoma:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Coburn (R-OK), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Inhofe (R-OK), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Oregon:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Smith (R-OR), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Wyden (D-OR), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Pennsylvania:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Santorum (R-PA), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Specter (R-PA), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Rhode Island:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Chafee (R-RI), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Reed (D-RI), Nay</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">South Carolina:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">DeMint (R-SC), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Graham (R-SC), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">South Dakota:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Johnson (D-SD), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Thune (R-SD), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Tennessee:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Alexander (R-TN), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Frist (R-TN), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Texas:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Cornyn (R-TX), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Hutchison (R-TX), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Utah:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Bennett (R-UT), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Hatch (R-UT), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Vermont:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Jeffords (I-VT), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Leahy (D-VT), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Virginia:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Allen (R-VA), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Warner (R-VA), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Washington:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Cantwell (D-WA), Nay</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Murray (D-WA), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">West Virginia:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Byrd (D-WV), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Wisconsin:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Feingold (D-WI), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Kohl (D-WI), Yea</TD></TR><TR><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Wyoming:</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Enzi (R-WY), Yea</TD><TD class=contenttext width="33%">Thomas (R-WY), Yea</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=contenttext width="100%" border=0 valign="TOP"><TBODY><TR><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">Vote Summary</TD><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">By Senator Name</TD><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">By Vote Position</TD><TD class=contenttext align=middle width="20%">By Home State</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


EOG Master
At least both of his home state Senators in Maryland voted NO! P.S. Note: All of the Democratic Presidential wannabes also voted NO!


EOG Master
And 95% of them are left wing nuts Like Pelosi, Kennedy, Kerry, Biden, Durbi, Feinstein, Obama and the list goes on and on

A Really who's who of the Socialist Movement in this Country
dirty said:
And 95% of them are left wing nuts Like Pelosi, Kennedy, Kerry, Biden, Durbi, Feinstein, Obama and the list goes on and on

A Really who's who of the Socialist Movement in this Country
Left wing nut and soon to be TARGET: Cantwell (D-WA), Nay


EOG Master
dirty said:
And 95% of them are left wing nuts Like Pelosi, Kennedy, Kerry, Biden, Durbi, Feinstein, Obama and the list goes on and on

A Really who's who of the Socialist Movement in this Country
Unlike the Fascist /Republican party, eh?


EOG Master
ZZ CREAM said:
Unlike the Fascist /Republican party, eh?

Show Proof of the FAscism....and Not some copy and paste you get off or the Democratic Underground


EOG Master
How about how all of you guys march in step with the exact same answers every time Geoge/Karl change their reasons for going to war in iraq? Why does the whole South vote in unison for the same diatribical reasoning of the right? Where is one dissenting vote out there against anything George and Karl and Dick make up as spin of the week club? I mean, that is alright, just admit it and move on with this week's bund meeting! P.S. I can honestly say I have never visited or whatever you quote.


EOG Veteran
Feinstein is a Republican in Democratic clothing. I am kind of surprised to see her voting against. It's only for one reason, Roe vs. Wade. She wants to be on the nays in case he ever does anything.

I am no fan of this administration. However, there is really no legitimate reason not to vote for Roberts other than voting no in the name of no. Like it or not W did a good job threading the needle.

W won the election, whether ot was legit or not he won. He gets to pick and he's going to pick conservatives. What do the democrats expect him to pick? Deal with it. If you have legitimate reasons to vote against him fine, but I doubt they do.

Maybe if W packs the court with right wing nut jobs and people start seeing more of their liberties taken away they will wake up.


EOG Master
JC said:
Feinstein is a Republican in Democratic clothing. I am kind of surprised to see her voting against. It's only for one reason, Roe vs. Wade. She wants to be on the nays in case he ever does anything.

I am no fan of this administration. However, there is really no legitimate reason not to vote for Roberts other than voting no in the name of no. Like it or not W did a good job threading the needle.

W won the election, whether ot was legit or not he won. He gets to pick and he's going to pick conservatives. What do the democrats expect him to pick? Deal with it. If you have legitimate reasons to vote against him fine, but I doubt they do.

Maybe if W packs the court with right wing nut jobs and people start seeing more of their liberties taken away they will wake up.
Dems have learned from trying do the right thing in voting to back George W in vote for war in iraq. Now every time war is brought up the vote is thrown in their face and the conservatives relish in it. BTW, Roberts or any candidate should have to be scrutinized and if they do not have enough basic information on issues available for scrutiny and they do not respond to inquiries they should be rejected. And certainly should not be allowed to be chief justice right out of the gate!


EOG Master
ZZ CREAM said:
Dems have learned from trying do the right thing in voting to back George W in vote for war in iraq. Now every time war is brought up the vote is thrown in their face and the conservatives relish in it. BTW, Roberts or any candidate should have to be scrutinized and if they do not have enough basic information on issues available for scrutiny and they do not respond to inquiries they should be rejected. And certainly should not be allowed to be chief justice right out of the gate!

Looks Like it with only 22 of the Dems voting Against Roberts and those are the ones that make up the Extreme Left faction of The party :+signs9-1