Ive seen on tv a couple of these trump ass-lickers saying if he did lose he would run again in 2028 LOLOL
He would be 82. As brain dead as he is now - and he is - imagine how much of a vegetable he would be in 4 years?
"Divorce is expensive because it is worth it"
#GOPTraitorsToDemocracy have to "DIVORCE" #TrumpIsProject2025 after this election or just keep losing elections they should be winning
Jabba cost #RepublicansAreTheProblem in 2018, 2020, 2022 and probably 2024. NOTHING lasts forever. Even MILK has an expiration date on it,
The #1 thing #MAGACultMorons need to realize: They cannot win a national election with only their party's votes. They need some Dems/Independent voters to cross over and vote for them. That happened in 2016. It has not happened since
Tuesday's debate did not change the minds of (m)any people solidly in Jabba's corner. IT DID FOR THOSE WHO ARE UNDECIDED!
........and if you think the Kamala/Jabba debate was a blowout - WAIT! Tim Walz will lay down just as big of a beatdown on JD Vance on October 1! GUARANTEED!
If you take aside the party leaders and PRIVATELY ask them their thought on Jabba - I am willing to bet close to 100% DESPISE the guy. But, won't say it publicly for fear of reprisal. See Liz Cheney for that. Voted or Jabba 93% of the time. Spoke out against him. Now............we know.
The definition of insanity is: "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." If Harris wins on Nov 5 - if the GOP thinks letting this mentally unstable, orange skin, psychotic FAILED BUSINESSMAN in 2026 will get them success - when the previous 4 did not - they deserve the asswhupping they will get.
If Kamala wins - she will be sooooooooooooo very beatable in 2028. If the Repubs run someone closer to the middle, than the far right, they will EASILY win. But running someone like Fascist Dictator Ron DeSatan will not do it. As long as Repubs take the stance they do on abortion - it will cost them.
The time has long since come-and-gone to send this mentally unstable "person" to the corner. And if he loses - they won't have to worry about him ever again since he will be convicted of so many felonies he will either spend the rest of his life in prison OR he will just go to Mar-A-LARDO and tell stories of how great he was - even though he wasn't.
Run Jabba in 2028! PUH-LEASE