What happens when there is no teleprompter

Obama trips up over Russian leadership tandem

Mon Jul 6, 2009 3:07pm EDT

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MOSCOW (Reuters) - In a slip of the tongue, U.S. President Barack Obama described Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Monday as president, echoing the widely held view that he remains Russia's most powerful man.
Putin surrendered the presidency to protege Dmitry Medvedev last May to take the lesser post of prime minister, but most political analysts say Putin remains Russia's ultimate decision maker.
The dual leadership has left foreign leaders to walk a difficult diplomatic tightrope. In line with protocol Obama met Medvedev ahead of talks with the lower ranking Putin.
At a news conference Obama gave a carefully worded reply about the effectiveness of the leadership tandem when a U.S. journalist bluntly asked "who is really in charge here in Russia?"
But minutes later, speaking about Medvedev's objections to a controversial missile defense system planned for central Europe, Obama slipped:
"I suspect when I speak to President..eh.. Prime Minister Putin tomorrow, he will say the same thing." (Writing by Conor Humphries; Editing by Richard Williams;)


EOG Dedicated
Re: What happens when there is no teleprompter

Oh god i hope they don't think we are weak now. What will we do over this???Should we all go out and stock up on duct tape ??
Re: What happens when there is no teleprompter

Oh god i hope they don't think we are weak now. What will we do over this???Should we all go out and stock up on duct tape ??
buy plenty of water and canned goods.. with this we will surely be attacked :LMAO:LMAO:LMAO:LMAO
Re: What happens when there is no teleprompter

That's a Freudian slip that proves he's a Marxist, and reveals why he won't show me his birth certificate as well. . .


EOG Dedicated
Re: What happens when there is no teleprompter

Stuttering and disjointed thoughts. He really is a piece of shit.
Re: What happens when there is no teleprompter

Wow...and even with that horrid slipup, which likely was a byproduct of his RH spending so much time near the more fair-skinned ladies I might add, the Russkies agreed to a mutual reduction in nuclear arms over the next 12 months.

I think on his next trip, President Obama should refer to Mr and Mrs Putin as "Boris & Natasha" and I bet he could get at least a TWO year diplomatic deal done.
Re: What happens when there is no teleprompter

but again had Bush done this it was because he was moron.
double standard
Re: What happens when there is no teleprompter

Show me where the buffoon was editor of Harvard Law Review and I'll begin to imagine that he could understand even one-third of what His Royal Highness Comrade Crown Prince Hussein (a black man very near the white women, I might add) says in normal conversation. . .


EOG Master
Re: What happens when there is no teleprompter

but again had Bush done this it was because he was moron.
double standard
Yes, but Bush actually is a moron who very rarely could get through a speech without many, many fuck-ups, correct? How about the time he was getting questions in China (I think) and didn't want to answer the reporter's question but he couldn't get out the door. Even you have to admit that was funny KTB.
Re: What happens when there is no teleprompter

There are many threads here chock-full of examples of the buffoon's butchery of the English language. . .


EOG Master
Re: What happens when there is no teleprompter

I used to love it when you (or Doc?)put the chimps up with the same expressions as President Bush. Priceless.:cheers


EOG Dedicated
Re: What happens when there is no teleprompter

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EOG Dedicated
Re: What happens when there is no teleprompter

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This is sick in some circles but probably acceptable in yours bct??
Joe does this count as a pedophile and is BCT strongly on the radar as one??I would have my eye on him.